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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FMAB Episode 27 and here we go!!!! FATHER!!




Have you watched Princess Mononoke or the original 1995 Ghost in the Shell animated movie? I highly recommend those movies.

Miklar Sihn

Yeah, everything retold from the perspective of Ed and Al's dad, while he was drunk off scotch and dreaming. We got to see the old lady while she was pretty and then we got to see their mom as a child, a teenager and the age she was when she was their mom. It also seems that he knew that his sons would be bringing back their mom... maybe. Generally i just love the framing of this episode, it shows you what their father thinks is important, what he is afraid of and where he bases his belief in humanity. It also tells you a lot about how he sees himself. As a sidenote, if you think any of this is spoilery, then read it again without thinking like someone who has seen the show.


I’ve never commented before but I just want to say that this is one of my favourite episodes of fma:b but it most certainly is an episode that is appreciated in hindsight. I’d recommend watching it again after you finish. You’ve basically just had a fever dream!!!


What Hoenheim was dreaming wasn't necessarily events of the past nor was it a flashback. Pinaco was depicted as being younger but was referring to events that occurred when she was an older grandma, such as Ed and Al attempting human transmutation. It also just seems like you are burring your head in the sand and ignoring all other plot points about Scar other than that he's killed Winrey's parents, still calling him a "douche". The man is a survivor from a civil war conflict where the other side killed all of his friends and family in front of him in the form of genocide of his people, using alchemy which is considered an immoral practice in his religion. You telling me you'd be able to easily forgive those people and not go on a murderous revenge rampage.


I know you’ve been confused, but don’t lose heart. You may not have all the pieces yet to put together this puzzle. But rest easy in this, by the end all of the questions/relations/plots/motives will be answered


Don't blame yourself for all the confusion of that episode. As the end shows it's all happening in Hoenheim's head in the current point in time of the series. He's seeing visions throughout time and not chronologically so you can't really put a pin in things and say when they are taking place. Also he's seeing people as he remembers them in the past. The young woman he spends most the time conversing with is Winrey's grandmother who currently looks like a tiny old woman, but he remembers her as his old drinking buddy from when she was much younger. I think it's a really cool touch seeing him remembering the Elric brother's mom throughout different points in her life. She's the little girl asking him to dance, then the teen reprimanding him towards the end. I assume he met her at those points in her life as well. It may play the role of a recap episode, but if you're going to have one of those, this is a cool way to do it in my opinion. It gives a lot of insight to Hoenheim's psyche and nearly brings a tear to my eyes at the end when it reveals that's the boy's mom.


Welcome to the best Recap episode in anime!


I normally don't like recap episodes but this one is pretty nice :) I love how it's his inner conflict and it ends beautifully and full of hope, plus that song lmao. And him waking up shortly after that song ends just reminds me of how I'd be half awake and asleep and I'd just hear a random song in my head that I can't really control since it's like a dream thing ig idk, then I wake up or snap back to reality and it's just dead silent. The way he wakes up just reminds me of when that happens to me lmao

Hououin Kyouma

I don't understand why Envy can be likable despite committing mass murder, shooting a small innocent child, and Hughes in cold blood but Scar doesn't get the same treatment for his mistake of killing Winry's parents while in a psychotic state. Scar is not a douche. He was one of the true "GOOD" characters who fell into a bad situation and did a terrible thing by killing two innocent people but then he continued killing state alchemists and some other people who got in his way eventually becoming a bad person. If you continue watching him you will realize everything balances out at the end. He is a morally gray character and I like him. Envy on the other hand is a scumbag and massively evil, King Bradley is less evil than Envy. I like them both as characters because they are needed for the story. I got the feeling that you might just plainly hate Scar for one single event that stayed in your mind. I understand what you are trying to say about these characters being bad and you still liking it. However, you are absolutely wrong about Scar. I can write an essay referencing ethical philosophy theories about why Scar is not a douche. Btw you probably didn't realize who is the woman Hohenheim talking with. Pinako Rockbell is the granny.


Episode: Shows a bottle of alcohol. Luke: Is that supposed to be a one piece reference or something? -_- I am trying my best to get used to this level of ignorance but it is hard to do.