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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FMAB Episode 25!!!



Antoine Jones

Envy is evil? I mean was there ANYTHING that ever would make anyone suggest otherwise from the start? Lol

Antoine Jones

Also if you like the Homumculi they're MUCH better written and fleshed out in the original instead of being one dimensional monsters. Also Envy's true form.is better or at least is a much more shocking plot twist than just being a huge ugly monster thing


Wait a second. Isn't this the actual original? You know, because it goes according to the manga? And the other series, despite being older, is essentially a fanfic, isn't it?

die kokosnuss

Day 3 of asking for the rest of the Bakemonogatari Openings on Patreon

Anna Stachia

I think its fine not to like Scar for what he did. Especially with Winry as one of your favorite characters. But I don't think its fair to take away the nuance behind it. I notice you say "so and so is evil" or "so and so is good" a lot, and I think one of the great things about this show, and honestly one of its themes is that not everything is just good and evil. There is so much nuance, so much shades of grey to every character. Envy, you could almost claim as unequivocally evil. He revels in the terrible things he does. He loves to see humans destroy one another, and to be a catalyst behind that happening. But we also see a lot of personality to Envy. Without getting into spoilers, there's a lot more to Envy then just "I love killing' Mustang you've thrown on the "good" side, and I would argue that Mustang is a good person. But he's done bad things. Almost every "good" person in the military has. They committed genocide. Genocide of Scars people. And Scar woke up after that and he killed innocent people. Scar decided to put being a good person behind him in the name of vengeance. But you can still see inklings of it there. Hesitation, helping May. (May and Ling is another very interesting comparison in the morality issue as they are after the same thing for the same reasons and approach it very differently) All that being said, there are clear *bad guys* in this anime. Antagonists. And Scar is definitely presented as one early on. He's done some awful things, and you don't have to like him or forgive him. I don't think Winry should either, those were her parents. And Scar shouldn't forgive Amestris. Those were his people, his parents, his brother. ANYWAY THIS IS A GOOD SHOW WITH A LOT OF NUANCE. I hope you continue to enjoy it. For what its worth, Envy is probably in my top favorite characters in this show (Hawkeye's at the top, along with another I don't want to say for Spoils) for what an interesting character he is. (There aren't really a whole lot of characters I dislike.)

Angel Martinez Barrera

You have to react to the warning, it is a Mexican rock band that is made up of 3 sisters. They have 3 albums and they are under 23 years old. I recommend you listen to their cover of enter sandman de metalica, from when they had Daniela - Guitar - 14 yrs old. Paulina - Drums - 12 yrs old. Alejandra - Bass Guitar - 9 yrs old. The metal drummer said that the drummer was a beast when he heard the cover. https://youtu.be/1boUYB9LFJY You should also listen to their songs in their live performances disciple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo0odllVq8g&t=196s&pp=ygUUZGlzY2lwbGUgdGhlIHdhcm5pbmc%3D dust to dust https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeIbG8nkOiU&pp=ygUYZHVzdCB0byBkdXN0IHRoZSB3YXJuaW5n evolve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxy5WOQ4qfg&pp=ygUSZXZvbHZlIHRoZSB3YXJuaW5n Thanks.

Connor Grynol

Envy: kills Hughes disguised as his wife, starts a holy war by disguising as a cult leader, starts a civil war by disguising as a humanitarian and killing a child, brags about all of it. Scar: killed the Rockbelles in a moment of pure confusion, doesn't brag and declares Winry has every right to shoot him and it would be justice if she did. Luke: I don't like Scar, what he did was unforgivable. Also, I like Envy, he's funny. As a sidenote: Mustang, Hawkeye, and Hughes all killed a lot of people in Ishval. And I don't think being burned alive is a good way to go.


The main difference is that scar is human, envy is literally a monster XD


Okay, seeing some comments about Luke saying he doesn't like Scar but likes Envy. I am 100% assuming this; I believe the full context was Luke saying he like Envy and the Homunculi as a whole (I interpret this in an entertainment value way, they are cool antagonist) minus Bradley, cuz fuck that guy. That sentence was also said before the full reveal of Envy being the sole cause of the Ishvalan war. He also gives his full reasoning for disliking Scar, he has given no complaints about Scars writing he just doesn't like him. That is a compliment, you are meant to feel conflicted about Scar.

Somedude Watchintv

Near insanity is not something you can just brush off and that was the state Scar was in when he woke up. He wasn't just angry.

Shane Bishop

Envy is a poor example to use as a contradiction against Luke's distaste towards Scar. We're supposed to love Envy's character as a villain when they fulfill their role so tastefully. Meanwhile, Scar is a complex and tragic character, as well as potentially an anti-hero. Being that Luke sympathizes with Winry, his argument is that he doesn't have to forgive Scar. The weight of a life is too valuable to be excused so effortlessly when taken away during the circumstances we've seen in Scar's backstory. Personally, my opinion of Scar can't be stated without giving spoilers. Luke, though, has my support on how he's come to terms with Scar's actions.


Scar had his people genocided in cold blood, his family murdered right in front of his eyes, and he would have also been murdered in cold blood if his brother had not saved him by keeping him from bleeding out. But because Scar had PTSD and reacted in a fit of rage, he is...a douche? But you like the homunculi who have done endless murders and triggered mass genocidal events because...they are "cool?" And Lust especially because, boobies? 🤨 Hmm, k.


I think it’s an entirely fair contradiction to point out. I get they are different situations and I have the context of having already watched the whole show. But it is quite odd to completely shit on Scar for having his country invaded, almost dying, waking up and killing people he presumed to be, in a state of confusion and anger, a threat to him and have absolutely no understanding for his situation but then turn around and say you like Envy because he’s kinda chill. I like Envy too but Envy is objectively far more evil then Scar. Just off the top, working to cause multiple genocides, killing a man and leaving his wife and child to grieve, and Envy and the other homunculi’s entire goal from what we currently understand in the story at this point is to use the whole nation as a sacrifice to create a philosophers stone. I think it’s odd to shit on Scar so much. Like Envy is the character that fits into the roll of you hate to love him and love to hate him but it’s odd to me to have such positive feelings about Envy and such negative feelings about Scar. It’s like so it’s ok to be a complete piece of shit as long as your kinda likable and you play the villain but the morally gray character gets no leeway?


Does anyone else question how ling is starving to death after like 5 hours of running around? I get the whole gag of he eats alot, but it's usually played off as a gag and never really addressed as a character feature.

Hououin Kyouma

Anyone who was put in the same condition has a high chance of doing the same thing as Scar. You are just thinking from Winry's perspective. Obviously what Scar did is bad but he did not kill Winry's parents in cold blood as Kimberly killed Scar's entire family. Definitely, Scar's actions are not justifiable but you are putting him in the same league as Bradley and other "bad guys." He is a more morally gray character who made some mistakes in the past but as the story progresses you will see his good side. The reason I am saying all this is because you are not even giving Scar a chance compared to other actual bad guys. As you ask us to imagine we were Winry, I am asking you to imagine you were Scar's shoes. Oh and wow you like Envy over Scar. Envy is one of the biggest douche among the bad guys. Envy is worse than King Bradley. Among the sins you haven't met the worst one yet but Envy comes in second in the scale of being douche. He is a complete scumbag and like his name suggests he is envious of everything and he is the definition of a douche. Oh and maybe you forgot about Hughes' killer already. It was Greed who killed Hughes. How is it you don't like Scar because he killed Winry's parents while in a poor state of mind but you think Envy is cool despite killing Hughes in cold blood? Anyway, except for Greed, all the sins are a billion times more atrocious than Scar. Btw I think all the military commanding officers sitting around the table are far worse than King Bradley. And Bradley is worse than Scar. Almost all the "bad guys" are far worse than Scar.