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The journey to the centre continues with MADE IN ABYSS SEASON 2 EPISODE 1!! BUCKLE UP!!!




I don't think I'm ready to watch this again...

Beta Knight

It’s about to get “crazy”. I don’t know how I should describe this season. It’s amazing but…


You though season 1 was a ride, prepare yourself. “Old Stories” OST always gets me.


Can we take a moment to talk about the beauty of this episode's soundtrack!? (and throughout Season 2 by extension). The first seconds of Old Stories made me shiver


I think she called the little girl supple (if that is the correct translation) because of the sexual abuse she faced and thinks that may be a positive trait in her own twisted logic. I don't know if I explained it properly.

Idris Naama

So the new group of people you saw in the beginning of the episode are actually people from the past (this isn't spoilers btw). They are basically the first people to ever discover the Abyss and go down it with NO KNOWLEDGE of how dangerous it is. You may not remember, but it was mentioned back in Season 1 that the Abyss was discovered around 1900-2000 years ago so yeah they're that old. All I'm gonna say is that back in S1 Ouzen mentioned that time slows down so much with each layer you go down by and so far the 6th layer slows it down the most.

tyler Pantaleo

In her mind that was something she thought was of value to the men, since she had nothing else to draw from.

tyler Pantaleo

Riko taking a dump is weird, on the surface, but i will say in a situation where you are traveling and surviving, this is often a topic very few shows bring up. Besides being an indicator of your health, you have to worry about attracting predators. Id rather do it in the sub than in the sixth layer where i dont know what lurks there. At least they tried to make it a comedic moment. But skipping it would probably have been better lol.


Technically speaking the seventh layer would slow down time the most since it's the bottom of the abyss but the sixth layer does slow time down the most compared to the previous layers, i believe Ozen said the fifth layer slowed time by a few months but in the sixth layer years pass in a matter of seconds


Is it confirmed that 7th layer even is the bottom? Pretty sure it hasn't. Everything is a mystery (this shouldn't be a spoiler)

Daniel Griffiths

'what is this abyss?' fuck knows bro.... its a big hole and any holes a goal so lets dive XD


Ending song is by Myth & Roid, you should listen to it at the end of the second chapter, they also did the ending song for the movie and it is fantastic.


Also, just as first season the last episode of second season is double length

Zagrom Field

In this show, anytime you think "this is sus" or "was that necessary to show" the real take away is that the show is acknowledging human nature and life itself. If its ANYTHING that's in human nature or to deal with life or facts of nature itself; this show might address it. Even if they are gross or unpleasant. The only reason its cringe or weird or uncomfortable sometimes is cause we are used to turning a blind eye or expect shows not to point it out because it makes people uncomfortable. Honestly, in some ways its what makes this show refreshing and compelling I think. These kinds of scenes aren't the focuses of the show; If they were the focus it'd be more of a deal breaker for me. But because its addressed as just common place, part of life, it makes it more 'real' in my eyes. And for that I appreciate it. And often these scenes serve some story or world purposes that parallel with other parts of the story or something.

Eggicus Roundplumpius

I totally forgot about the poop scene, and I am ashamed that I laughed like a 6 year old. I am 21 years old.

Deshawn Smith

Very true. This is one of the many reasons why i love made in abyss. I wish people wouldn't just dismiss it

Zagrom Field

It would also be fair to recognize that Japan has a more open view on 'toilet humor' anyway; as well as nudity. So while it might seem 'sus' or 'shock value' for US, UK and some other European audiences (not as sure other places on the globe) those topics aren't as much a deal, from a cultural perspective anyway, in Japan from the get-go.


"Episode 13 and the movie were brutal and hopefully now the heart break is over" Within the first 60 seconds there is rape, mutilation, and insanity.

Deshawn Smith

theyre not all kids, thats just the character designs fooling you lol

BRUNO Marques

The 7th layer is not the deepest point. There is something beyond it but no account has ever made it to the surface. Also the Ganja are not the 1st to discover the Abyss.

Zagrom Field

Also, Pretty sure there were no children in the group that came on the boat. They are mostly in their 20's or something if Im not mistaken.


"That ending doesn't suit the rest of the show" he says. That's actually the opening, and yes it does suit the show. In fact, it's one of my favourite openings of all time.

Keith Merrington

I'm surprised you didn't like the ED. Definitely not the best tune in the series, but quite serviceable I thought. I have to admit that I didn't enjoy the second season as much as the first - I felt it tended to drag a bit towards the middle. Still enjoyed it though.

BRUNO Marques

There are at least 2 more layers after the 6th. This layer will take the gang much more effort to traverse. It's a good season. Good enaugh for s3 to be announced, even though the manga is no where near close to having enaugh material to adapt. Still the best character comes soon. Hadimae!


Ah, I know he generally skips the OP and EDs, but I'm really hoping he watches them at least once during this watch along. The OP is ridiculously good, especially as the season's story unfolds and the ED's lyrics fit into the end of several episodes, almost like additional character thoughts.

Keith Merrington

Worth it for the Nanachi joke though - (I paraphrase) "Here you go Bondrewd, you like spying through my eyes, here's a pile of shit to look at" LOL!

Uzair Islam

This season is absolutely insane. Even better than the first


You just made me remember how much I've cried watching and reading this. I'm also not sure if I'm prepared, but I'll take this dive anyways


Fair warning; this season takes the weird stuff up a notch. It’s the point where the manga pretty much becomes unreadable because it makes you feel like a pedo just reading it. A scene in the beginning of this very episode is actually shown in some detail in the manga… it’s bad. And it continues to get grosser and weirder the more it goes on. I love made in abyss, and I think the anime does an amazing job at really pulling back from the source material, but the source material is bad enough as to where the anime gets tainted because of it. Still, ignoring it, the season is better than the first for sure.


Please please please don't skip the op and ed for this season - it really adds to the experience, especially when the ED comes on after major plot reveals.


"A scene in the beginning of this very episode is actually shown in some detail in the manga… it’s bad." Which scene? I just checked this volume...I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


When she said supple, what she was trying to get across was that she won't die easily. I believe.


The Ganjas aren't the very very first people to ever discover the Abyss. First of all, there were literally people there when they arrived. Plus, the praying skeletons are estimated to be older. And the Ganja arc doesn't take place 2000 years ago. It's much earlier than that, it's specified later ;).


"hopefully now the heart break is over" How can I put it...The idea is to descend further and further into the depths of the abyss. Symbolically, it's not exactly the way to heaven ^^. The deeper you go, the worse it gets. Season 2 takes place much deeper than season 1...know what you're getting into here, sosu. But this season is also among the most memorable I've seen, with one of my favorite character, sosu. And I can't wait for the rest of the story!


The ending song didn't seem fitting to you because it is not really the ED; it's actually the OP, just think of it as a preview to the real deal with the animation in the beginning of an episode. That said, I really hope to see your reaction to both the OP and ED for this season, since they're both excellent songs in my opinion.


This season for me was not near as good as the first. And there's a character brought in this season that I really hate unfortunately. I'm curious to see what your thoughts will be for this season.

William Pina

Yes, it's a bit of a mistranslation. I think a better word would have been sturdy.

William Pina

I love the juxtaposition of the beginnings of both seasons. During Season 1 we, the audience, didn't know about the Abyss and the characters did. On Season 2, we are the ones with knowledge and the characters are in the blind.


still a good season, even if it;'s not on par to 1st season

Pete Bickmore

Couple things to point out to know if that Vueko isn’t a kid during the initial travel down the abyss. Although I don’t think the age is ever specified, They’re believed to be mid-to-late teens if not young adults. They probably don’t know themselves. Also, the song in the ED is actually the OP song. And it’s a great one that absolutely fits the vibe of the season. Hopefully we get a reaction to all Made in Abyss OPs and EDs proper now you’re in to season 2 proper! You’ll specifiCally love the season 2 ED. ;)

Zagrom Field

GBT; When you are referring to it being much earlier for the Ganja group. Time dilation mumbo-jumbo, it was still a long time, not 2k years, but more then the number they give later.


Nah there was still whoever built the IDO Front. It was already there when Ganja got there.


And it's going to go back up, and one of Bondrewd's bodies is going to have to clean it.


Oh, I mean I gave it a "fine" rating on MAL lol. Season one was a 9/10 and season two was a 6/10 for me. Regardless, still here to enjoy the ride.


Well that and every time there's been a boner or poop joke it's been right after something awful. You just watched a little girl get a hot iron bar shoved into her, and then an orphan abandoned to her death in the abyss. Have a poop joke and don't hang yourself. No seriously, if you've seen the rest of the season, and all those jokes are edited out, you literally might hang yourself.


I honestly feel they should have done all the flashbacks, then all the current day. Or maybe the other way around. (I don't know which would have more emotional punch, I could go either way.) But split up there'd be an ending in the middle for the flash back, then a new act would start and it'd not feel draggy.


Found the pedo. No one else sees pedophilia. We see, "Oh god someone please save them!" Come on man, this is Dante's Inferno. You thought Hell was going to be pleasant?


A couple mandatory things 1) Listen to the ending as soon as possible. I don't even care if we see you react to it. Then if not after every episode, at MINIMUM watch it at the end of the season. You just have to. 2) Notice the make of their ship. Now go look at the ship sticking out of the wall fossilized in the third layer back in season 1. Now consider the time scale. And how did it get there?


Oh, I mean I gave it a "fine" rating on MAL lol. Season one was a 9/10 and season 2 was a 6/10 for me. Regardless, still here to enjoy the ride.

James Perrott

No AHMHTpwhatever, years do not pass in seconds lmao that is massively way too fast

James Perrott

no, many of them were clearly teenagers, adults and even old people idk why he said theyre all kids

James Perrott

vueko, pakkoyan and likely belaf are definitely not in their 20s theyre clearly teens

James Perrott

he literally did not say he didnt like the ending what he just said it doesnt fit what just happened and it wasnt even the ending its the opening, he also literally heard 1 second


Vueko's comment about the kid being supple is not that weird when you think about it, its actually an interesting character beat, kind of like how everyone wants to smell Nanachi. The characters in this story all have a very well defined sense of Value, something that this season plays into a lot. Nanachi used to smell so bad ppl would ostracize her, and now shes been gifted by The Abyss the one thing she probably wanted deep down. Vueko has a horribly scarred body, she WOULD value Irumyui's supple skin lol so its kind of funny when she goes there trying to explain why shes worth keeping around. Whats valuable to one person may not be to someone else.

James Perrott

Stop being a schitsophrenic hypocrite that vueko scene is the same in the manga, in fact less is shows of the first thing, only one extra shot of the burning. dont spread misinformation nothing continues to get grosser and wierder in the context youre on about, theres only 2 sus moments, one is very clearly shown as bad, one just wierd You CANNOT call it pedophillic. You are calling the author a pedo, and you are directy supporting his work, make your mind up theyre fictional cartoon characters it ISNT REAL

James Perrott

the song at the end was the opening song not the ending, they just play it at the end for only the first episode but yeah dont watch it till after the season, it spoils a lot. youre fine to watch the ending song when that plays though, it spoils absolutely nothing Opening song is one of my favourite openings of all time

James Perrott

lmao the *dump* scene was realistic yes but wierd as hell lol, makes sense why it would happen, and is very relatable personally but goddamnit we didnt need those sound effects lmao its so cursed lol

Zagrom Field

A good point I'd forgotten to mention Louis. You could think of them as moments of 'relief' if you will.


There he is, Vinsmoke Wazukyan 😂. If you know, you know...


The one touched by the divine

The Whole Unit

her skin being supple would also mean that she is healthy, or at least not malnourished


For me season 1 was 9/10 and season 2 was 10/10, but it is quite different from season 1 so it's understandable if people are mixed on the new direction.

Edu S.

lmfao, "look at this shit that you are gonna have to clean heh"


so far there is only hints to the ancient Civilization, like the 2000 Year cycle and the praying corpses. But not much is known

GTB (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-24 16:04:57 Exactly.
2023-06-24 09:52:10 @The Whole Unit> Exactly.

@The Whole Unit> Exactly.


And one of the best voice actings i've ever heard. Sosu


I don't know wtf are you talking about. I've read the Manga and watched the Anime. There is nothing. Season one has a few weird scenes, not season 2.

Keith Merrington

You're quite right - it is the OP. The ED is pretty good too IMO. I wasn't taking him to be literally accurate when saying it didn't fit (although maybe that's what he intended). I thought he just didn't like it - I mean, who likes something that doesn't fit?

Keith Merrington

The phrase used is すごいしなやか (sugoi shinayaka) which usually translates so something like 'very flexible' or 'amazingly supple'. It seems a weird expression here. Maybe it has other connotations in Japanese (you'd have to ask a native speaker). Interestingly the (an) English dub uses the phrase 'kind of adorable', so maybe that's closer to the intended meaning.

Keith Merrington

I'm hoping that at some point they actually find that the final layer (layer 'n') is the surface world; maybe in some other place in the world - sort of like traversing a wormhole :-)

Keith Merrington

Well said. Somewhat telling that the extreme violence/horror scenes are not considered as problematic as the minimal (non graphic) nudity scenes and toilet humor.

Keith Merrington

Possibly, but I think it was really intended to mean that the little girl is 'so adorable'. Just the phrasing seems odd to English ears.

Zagrom Field

Animeter. That may be right; Im honestly not 100% on their ages or anything. What I was mostly indicating is they weren't "children". Something like 14 or younger is what I imagined he was thinking when he was saying that. Its just how the characters are designed that makes them look younger then they are. I just wouldn't want him thinking these poor kids got tricked again... These are people who chose to go on this trip, not children that were whisked away under a bit of a ruse like with Bondrewd (Yeah they chose too, but its arguably pretty different).

Edu S.

By the looks of it (Manga) i dont think everything would end on S3. There is way more to see.


A detail that idk if Luke has picked up on from the movie and also this first episode is that Bondrewd can see through Nanachi's eyes ocasionally. So in a way he is the 5th member of the expedition including Prushka also (RIP).


Prushkas not really dead though. Her soul is in that stone now so she really is coming along on the adventure.


I'm commenting this before i watch the episode, honestly i quite litteraly stopped watching anime for quite a long time now and since 2 orso months ago when i started watching you it's been a blast. I never watched S2 of made in abyss nor the movie so i've watched the movie through this patreon and am excited to watch S2 alongside you.


I'll throw my two cents in and agree it was the sexual abuse. The guy that raised her sold her body, as a result her evaluation of self worth was based on sex appeal. When desperately trying to find a reason to keep Irumyui she resorted to the value system she knew best, and she advertised Irumyui's sex appeal as a reason to keep her.

Tom Boggess

this is the only episode i took issue with in S2. in the manga, you didn't know anything about ganja's squad until llike halfway through the arc, and if was this huge reveal, but here they just reveal it right off the bat.

Tom Boggess

also pakkoyan supremacy


The ending is the opening. They put it at the end for first episode.


Make sure to watch the ending since episode 2 (spoiler free) it's a really good piece.


Maaa intensifies...

Harley Burnie

This first episode messed me up a good bit, and left me dying to know the stories of those people in the past, especially that poor girl. She ended up suffering theough and seeing so damn much. My heart aches for her to this day.

Harley Burnie

16:41 How could this be the future?!? There is no signs of the massive civilization that sounds the Abyss, and the travelers have almost 0 info on the pit. I thought it was hella clear that this was the far back past.