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OMG NO!!!!!! NO NO NO!!

Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FMAB Episode 10!

... Buckle up! 


Daniel Husher

Welcome to the saddest episode for me


I was suspicious of him at first as well but that scene was heartbreaking. My favorite character killed one of my other favorite characters 😭


Hughes is best anime dad



Luke Evans

Hello there are you sorry for calling Hughes evil now?


It's a terrible day for rain. Not only because he wants to conceal his tears, but also cause he feels as useless as he is on rainy days (T⌓T)


No denying episode 4 was a terrible experience and horrifying. This, losing Hughes, this shit is heart wrenching, and a few bastards need to pay for killing a man better then the world deserved.


in the original 2003 anime hughes dies in episode 25, the first chunk of episodes for FMAB is basically a high quality recap and I cant wait until you get to the end of the skimmed recap period.


We so badly wanted to warn you but we knew we couldn't. At least you understand the anime reference "It's a terrible day for rain." now.

June of June

It is indeed one of the most wholesome anime for all time and that wholesomeness will only make you cry more😂

Miklar Sihn

The most horrifying part is that he couldnt react because his killer changed their look so they looked like his wife. The person Hughes saw killing him, was his wife.


You only had Hughes for 10 episodes and it hit you this hard. The original anime this marked the halfway point of the 51 episodes of the original and largely the point of divergence of the story as this was about where the anime had caught up to the manga out at the time. And yes I would check out the original version of this episode as well. I do think it was an even greater tearjerker there. Poor Elicia get's you every time....

Puraido Eustass

I have seen this episode 15+, but it ALWAYS manages to make me cry.


Everyone says FMAB beginning is rushed, just to put it into perspective this is ep10, in FMA 2003 it was ep 25. Remember watching FMAB for the 1st time and when this happened i was like "that's it?" it does not even compare to the impact this event had on the original series


as someone watching this for the first time alongside you, i feel like Roy Mustangs reaction to Hughes' murder solidifies him as a "good guy" in my book. the crying at the funeral, and swearing vengeance


Can’t wait for more Radwimps

Manie Gudak

it's a terrible day for rain indeed. Man Hughes death always gets me, brotherhood not as much as classic FMA as we had Hughes for way more time there. But this is fullmetal alchemist and your journey is only getting started


The first ten are definitely rushed but the rest of it is way better and way better paced than fma


Poor man just loves and wants to protect his family and friends 😭


Ahhh these end too short 😩 at 300k let’s get double the episodes. Or maybe a reaction to Sword Art Online 😂 haha, joking, kinda. But love the reactions and keep them up!


Its a terrible day for rain. That is so evil to turn into hughes wife and shooting him as her


I had the exact same sentiment when I watched it the first time. It's definitely the vibe I had on roy.

Daniel Golas

Yeah sure, no more sadness going further


Much like the part with the Tuckers, this part also hit a lot harder in the 2003 anime since we had a lot more time with Hughes and getting to know him, both as the goofy guy he's shown as in FMAB, but also as a diligent soldier and loyal friend. It's hard to say which one hit harder in 2003 - the reveal of what Shou did to Nina or Envy killing Hughes while taking the form of his wife.


you must be feeling all the guilt right now, sussing hughes for episodes now only for him to die on you... and this is only the beginning, of the series XD


This is another episode I've been waiting for. Every time you said you didn't trust Hughes I just thought "this is gonna hurt." And you had finally started to like him. The lines, "Why are they putting dirt on Daddy?" and "It's a terrible day for rain," get me every time. On the bright side there is absolutely no sadness from hereon out. It's all a fun action packed John Wick revenge story.

Antoine Jones

also the sad parts in te original are far more lol i cried at least 10-15 times throughout it... Brotherhood maybe only once or twice, Brotherhood is more shonen whereas teh original definitely leaned into the drama

Abraham Perez

Yeah, the old show actual had a lot more heart felt moment leading into this. You do get to see why Hughes meant a lot to the Elrics and Mustang in that show. I do wish you could get a chance to watch it up until Hughes dies because that's were the stories diverge


You seriously have the worst timing when it comes to warming up to characters. The rain is falling heavy today.


I feel the same way, I loved Hughes. Great character!

Tony Walker

This man went the entire 10 episodes not trusting Hughes and the moment he starts to trust him he gets killed the irony is real horrible way to go


Nina and Hughes deaths are possibly the saddest in all of anime


Use the "terrible day for rain" gif a lot when commenting on sad stuff online

Hououin Kyouma

Don't waste time on any of the new Assassin's Creeds there are much better alternatives. Oh, I was sort of waiting for this episode. All that suspicion toward Hughes but I suspected you would cry in this episode for Hughes.