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Here is the FULL Patreon Exclusive to MADE IN ABYSS Episode 12!



Idris Naama

(I haven't watched the reaction yet) I think you shouldn't split the movie into parts or episode 13 as well because you didn't do that with the first episode of Oshi No Ko which is basically movie length. So thats my reasoning or else I feel like it wouldn't be fair to us respectfully IMO.

Vladilena Milize

It would be best to do Episode 13 tomorrow, then have the movie for next week. Having it as 1 big reaction split up into 2 parts could work but its going to pain us.

Zagrom Field

As for how Orby got away. I think Reg had to open his fingers to fire and shedding the spines made him smaller around so Regs grip was looser, so it was able to doge to the side.


Another week for the final long episode. then the movie and then season 2, what a ride. Rewatched this anime to many times but it still so good, specialy with a fresh reaction.


I'm so excited for next week. I wonder how ep 13 will hit you


Can you react to the openings and endings (maybe also some OST's), once you finished the show?

Victoria Pritchard

Make sure to have a box of tissues on hand for next week, this is the first anime that made me cry a river of tears.

Zagrom Field

The last episode is basically a movie on its own yeah. They do the same in season 2 with the last episode. Its worth the length to get all the answers you are looking for with Nanachi and Mitty. And then Movie 3 :p


poor nanachi keeps getting called male when she's a girl


"I need to know what happened to them" No you don't. Run while you still can. Nobody can.


About the forcefield, to make sure you understand: You got the analogy with the spikes right. You can go down but not up. You did seem to be confused about the creatures being able to predict the future though, so I'll explain it. Cave raiders can't see the layers of the curse that Nanachi talked about, and cant see it bend and change shape. Nanachi can, and so can the creatures of the abyss in the lower layers, like the orbed piercer. One important detail is when Nanachi said that the curse can read people's consciousness and bend its shape in accordance to it BEFORE it even happens. It's like this: Imagine you sit down on your bed. There is an imprint on the bed due to your weight, right?. If we imagine the bed is the forcefield (the curse), then the imprint would appear right before you sit down, and the creatures of the abyss/nanachi can see that happen, which is how they can predict the future. Hope that makes sense.


Episode 13 is just a long episode that was extended to double length so they could cover everything the show wanted to before ending the first season, similar to how Oshi no Ko had a long first episode so they could fit the entire prologue into one episode. Also the movie is called Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul and is available on HiDive so you can just search for and watch it there.


The Movie is called Dawn of the Deep Soul. Very Important, make sure you pick the right one

Daniel Griffiths

why kill mitty? great question.... cant wait for you to find out lol

Daniel Griffiths

please dont split episode 13... i can live with the movie... but dont split next episode please:)

Just Graham

Find out in episode 13 :D


You don't really want to know their story, trust me haha. Ready for the finale?


In reality it has not been confirmed, in fact many believe it is a man and that he was actually in love with Mitty.

Zagrom Field

Sorry, yeah I said "side' but I just meant in general "away'. My argument in logic is the beam is round; up, down, left, right, is all the same 'side' haha. Im not being super serious, Im just trying to make an excuse in retrospect for my jelly brain.

Nathan Dykstra

You get a lot of suggestions for what to do with the second slot after episode 13. The 2 ones I have seen the most is splitting 13 since it is longer, and doing the opening and ending for the second slot. I think doing the opening and ending for the slot that is being used for a patreon exclusive show is a bit unnecessary since you would probably upload that to youtube anyway. I pitch the idea of doing the "Marulk's Daily Life" OVA shorts for that slot. They are each only a few minutes and if you plan on ever doing them anyway than I think that would be the perfect time. They came out right between the end of season 1 and the 3rd movie which is exactly where that slot takes place making it the perfect time to do it if ever. Whatever you choose to do is fine regardless. Just a thought.


Orby was indeed tied up, but I think Reg had to let go or else he would also blow his own hand off.


Wtf? I've never heard of anyone who believes she is a boy

William Pina

As long as he watches it all in one viewing, it's fine. You could always wait until Saturday and watch both parts at the same time

Scott Humphreys

Madoka Magica after Made in Abyss.


Now we are really getting into it. Such a good anime. I'm glad you are enjoying this one.

Thomas Juino

For the order next ep is ep 13 which is 40min long the the movie Dawn of the deep soul 1h44min then begin the second season with a regular episode of 24min ^^


I don't think digging your way out would be an option, remember that all of this is below sea level. Digging diagonally would just lead you underwater, and digging straight up would be an immense task considering you're kilometers down there. Also if you look again at the scene where Reg use the incinerator, you can see he had to open his hand for a brief moment in order to fire. That's when orby managed to dodge.


Madoka Magicka, Original Trigun, and the currently still Running Hell's Paradise are all good options for the , "Can't be on youtube/twitch and you can't be distracted by chat" kinda shows.


It's extremely heavily implied, the same with how it's extremely heavily implied that Marulk is a boy. You really don't need solid confirmation in these situations.


Finale is a double feature. Two episodes in one. Same for season 2 movie Dawn of Deep Soul is a continuation after season 1.


If you're still debating how best to do the movie. From what I remember, episode 1 of season 2 is fine to watch without having seen the movie. This would let you release both parts of the movie in the same week vs on separate weeks. Maybe some one else has watched season 2 more recently and can confirm?

Daniel Griffiths

If the episode was designed to be split they would've made it 2 episodes.... plus on patreon he doest really have much editing to do this isn't for YouTube.. the movie is fine split it, but not episode 13.

Daniel Griffiths

Nah that'll confuse the shit out of him theres scenes for the end of the movie in that episode and also a character that shouldn't be shown yet thats introduced in the movie


No it's heavily implied she's a lesbian who was in love with Mitty. All the characters are explicitly 10-12 not because "the author's a pedo" but because that way sex doesn't come into it, just innocent puppy love. And even then, it might actually be friendship. You know that thing America seems to have forgotten exists. Every relationship has to be sexual with you people. Also there's plenty of evidence she's a girl, but we gotta get past the movie to explain them, there's no spoiler tags here as far as I can tell. (also some more in season 2)


And they Tricked it by having Reg look up and flex like he's going to jump. The Force Field then started moving up to accommodate his jump. The pillar of smoke rising around him in the anime. Nanachi can see that all the time, gotta hurt the eyes.


Where would you cut the movie, though? The second 2/3 is a single... event. Is he going to upload the first 15 minute one day and 1.25 hours the next day?

Michał Jastrzębski

S2 picks literally where the movie ends, so you are left with a gigantic plot hole. Movie 3 is a must imo. edit: also, he'll miss THE best dad ever [tm] :-V

Michał Jastrzębski

Marulk is literally stated to be a boy in the manga (albeit later down the line iirc in a side chapter, iirc). Nanachi's gender is "unknown/not revealed" as said by Tsukushi - "imagine".

Daniel Griffiths

I don't want either split... but out of both I'd prefer ep 13 in 1 sitting... the movie could be split around the 'table' scene, It makes for a decent cliffhanger around the mid point... but ideally we get to watch them both whole... as intended

TsUNaMy WaVe

"Every relationship has to be sexual with you people" you say while also saying "she's a lesbian who's in love with Mitty" which is basically the same thing. I go by what the author say and follow the "unknown gender", but even if I try to think about it your way and say Nanachi is a girl, why Nanachi and Mitty couldn't just be good friends? Why does it have to be romantic? Every relationship has to be romantic with you people.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-03 22:46:21 The continuity is Season 1 > Movie: Dawn of the Deep Soul > Season 2. Season 2 will spoil the movie. The other two movies are just recaps of season 1. Thanks for the reactions!
2023-06-03 20:22:06 The continuity is Season 1 > Movie: Dawn of the Deep Soul > Season 2. Season 2 will spoil the movie. The other two movies are just recaps of season 1. Thanks for the reactions!

The continuity is Season 1 > Movie: Dawn of the Deep Soul > Season 2. Season 2 will spoil the movie. The other two movies are just recaps of season 1. Thanks for the reactions!

Tuti Egg

i Love Nanachi


Too bad you didn't do 13 today. You could have blamed it on the hay fever.


Yeah, when watching the show, I thought they were just friends. There's not really anything to imply otherwise.


(Not a spoiler) It's funny to me because you're sometimes calling Nanachi a "he", but when I first watched MiA I was calling Nanachi a "she". But since I love this show, I did a little research and the creator said in an interview Nanachi's gender is undefined. I find it interesting that people has different thoughts about our beloved bunny's pronouns because it just shows how well done MiA is lol. Can't wait to the finale and the movie! ♥

tyler Pantaleo

Everytime he says "i cant wait till we get to the 5th layer", im just sitting here thinking, your gonna eat those words...


Nanachi is a girl btw

Kolben Mayushuuu

The moment reg fired his laser he had to open his hand and therefore let go of the orb piercer, it then used that moment to narrowly dodge it

Kyle Smith

Episode 13 is a double length episode. Anime's do this from time to time when the feel the story that needs to be told should not be split up into 2 episodes so they will tell it in 1 double length episode. Sometimes its done for broadcasting reasons as well because they have a limited number of time slots available to broadcast the show on TV, this is becoming less common due to streaming though. The Movie that is important to watch is called Dawn of the deep soul and its a full length roughly 2 hour movie. The movie and the show are officially streamed on a site called HiDive which is a streaming service for anime similar to Crunchyroll, Netflix, Hulu, etc.

James Perrott

lol why is anyone even bringing up the idea of them being lesbian, it was obvioulsy normal friendship, also yes nanachis a girl and nothing suggests otherwise

James Perrott

are the marulk OVAs even available anywhere? they played after the movie where i watched it

James Perrott

you could still dig up to like the third layer where they can ascend in the abyss more safely but god knows how theyd dig in the first place

James Perrott

what on earth are you suggesting lol absolutely not you cannot watch episode 1 of season 1 before the movie are you dumb??

James Perrott

The orbed piercer got away because reg let go so he could charge up his incinerator, and then it shedding most of its spines essentially shrunk its body size and that gave it the change to move out the way just in time

James Perrott

Please Read Luke! Based on mine and other people over the weeks comments this would be the best way to handle watching from here: Next friday all of episode 13. On saturday you could react to the opening and ending song for season 1 only Week after, the movie all in one go on one of the 2 days, and just that for that week, one of the days can be left empty Season 2 starts the week after that


The gender is unknown, on purpose. Nanachi is whatever each one of us want it to be. source: the author.

James Perrott

Nanachi is a girl im not sure why you saw her as male lol, cause she is not wearing a shirt? Since she is fluffy all over, wearing clothes doesnt really cover any more than her fur already does so its not that wierd No, its never directly said shes a girl, but its clear from the way she looks acts and sounds, that shes definitely female

James Perrott

I always forget about that random surface scene with the baby and that new girl who has such a good unique design despite showing up one time ever... It seems so unrelated to the story going on, its confusing why they include it at all


Season 1, Dawn of the Deep Soul and Season 2 are all on Crunchyroll.

James Perrott

After episode 13 i would really really love for you to just talk about how you felt about the episode and seaon 1 for a little bit, just a quick discussion at the end of the reation

James Perrott

If you do a reaction to the opening and ending for season 1, i would also highly reccomend listening to the Nanachi version of the ending too! Its sung by her and its just cute and fun

noah van den berg

Dude just stop. As many have said before, the author himself said he made nanachi's gender purposefully ambiguous. Luke is just as correct calling nanachi a male as you are calling nanachi a female

James Perrott

theyre not available on crunchyroll in the UK, cause crunchyroll is trash, not sure where GOT is watching tho

James Perrott

he isnt hes just mistaking her as one cause of no shirt somehow, literally everyone who watches thinks shes a girl cause its clear, trying to claim shes not is just trying to be different He didnt say she was made to be ambigous, he just simply made a jokey tweet sayinig you can imagine her gender, buts its very clear she is designed as a girl, its just not relevant to the story so he could make that joke and it wouldnt matter

noah van den berg

Maybe you think he said it as a joke, but he still said it. It is a straight up fact nanachi's gender is unknown, so calling nanachi a girl is just as correct/incorrect as calling nanachi a boy

James Perrott

its not just as correct since theres many things making it obvious shes female, and no things suggesting otherwise a jokey tweet saying imagine :) is not suggesting shes male There is truly no reason to belive she is male, its like saying ozen could be male just cause it was never specified. just cause something isnt specified doesnt mean theres now a reason to believe its not what makes the most sense that tweet was also apparnetly made before nanachi even showed her body and full face, so she was fully disguised and would make people question at that moment, leading to that tweet. but then she was shown to be obviously female in the next chapter


Thanks Daniel, Hard to keep straight what happened in one episode vs another. Wish some other people could be more undersetting -hint hint-


I thought nanachi is a boy and frankly it doesn’t matter especially that it wasn’t specified by the author. So everyone can believe whatever and no one is right as long as there is no clarification.

Sean Wilson

The movie is available there on Amazon Prime Video, but last I checked, Season 2 is exclusively on HiDive

noah van den berg

Hey Luke, just ignore the people who try to correct you on nanachi's gender. Nanachi's gender was purposefully made ambiguous, so if you want to call them a "he" it's just fine


I did. Actually quite a lot of people did, if you dig up this topic a bit on reddit/forums.


It's funny that you assume Nanachi is a "he", not many people think that way (neither do I). But the author deliberately left this ambiguity, so that's fine!


The beginning of episode 13 will seem like a recap, but it isn't really (only the visuals are). Also the ending credits roll over important new content. Additionally there is a post-credits scene.

Angelo Marchantt

How much of a child do you have to be to think that your impresion of the character is the same as everyone else. I can assure as sure as you are that nanachi is a girl, there's a shit ton of people as sure as you that nanach is a boy. The author has stated in more than just one "joke" tweet that their gener cn be whatever the fuck you want. If you dont have to capacity to understand others points of view (you clearly can't) then at least respect the creator of the character. There' s no real reason to belive they are a girl anyways

Angelo Marchantt

Nothing suggests they are a girl, the same as nothing suggests they re a boy. Every other character has been confirmed to be of one gender or the other on th3 show or in extended original media. Nanachi's gender had always been officially unkown. Anyone thinking its "for sure" on or the other is literally just projecting their ideas of gender wich i not wrong to do. But is very stupid to belive that everyone i going to agree or view it the same as you that's a very childish way of thinking

Angelo Marchantt

Tha james perrot person is just ignoring all the people tht have told them that they think nanachi is a guy. They seem to be incapable of seeing other point of view or even the point of view of the author. I guess for then i just "femenine voice =female" lmao gues naruto is a chick now too

Regular Grayzone

I didn't think it was a he either, but when I saw more of their origin, I leaned towards it being a he. But ambiguity is the charm of characters like these!


personally, even if i force myself i can’t see her as a male, so weird. even the voice is that of a female. i didn’t know the author said that, i’m surprised.

Michał Jastrzębski

My guess is, that the birthday death disease will be featured more later down the line - so its a world building of sorts.

William Pina

I also assumed Nanachi was female, but if you think about it, it would make more sense if Nanachi was male when human and now it's an asexual being.

William Pina

Season 1 is available on Prime video. The Movies are all on Hulu. But that's here in the US, not sure about the UK

William Pina

Disagree. As long as he watches it all in one sitting, I don't care how he edits and uploads it.

William Pina

Nanachi uses gender neutral pronouns. That's not an accident. Marulk, for instance, uses male pronouns despite wearing a dress and having a predominantly female persona. If you think about it Nanachi was most likely a boy when human and now is an asexual being. Nanchi hates being caressed by Reg (a guy) but seems to not mind when Riko is overly affective. Ultimately, it doesn't matter

William Pina

I think it makes a point about how the Abyss affects people even on the surface, or that the so called force shield has moved up to cover Orth. Not sure if this is a spoiler, but there's a pretty good theory that the Abyss expands every 2000 years, adding another layer by swallowing the surface (that's how a ship was stuck in the third layer). We also have lots of hints that the 2000 year mark is almost up

William Pina

No need to insult, Andrew clearly asked someone else to confirm it because he isn'tn sure.


Nah, Naruto's voice is gravely and annoying as hell, and his VA is the most butch woman you'll ever meet

Regular Grayzone

You are probably right. And even if he could fire it with his fingers closed, I don't think his fingers would survive.

Regular Grayzone

Is there a spoiler function here to hide parts of your comments? I guess this piece of theory isn't a spoiler though. It just adds to the wonderous feel of the Abyss. And it could end up just being a theory in the end

James Perrott

Angelo if you think nothing suggests shes a girl then youre saying nothing can possibly suggest a characters gender whatsoever without it being outright said and thats hilariously wrong

James Perrott

Angelo none of you thought she was a guy when you first watched, the only reason youre even talking about the topic is cause of the authors tweet and your strange want for her to be male, or you just want to be different there are no other points of view, nothing about nanachi suggests shes male, at all

James Perrott

i dont think you understand what disagreeing means. im saying the BEST way to watch it. why in gods name do you want him to split episodes

Regular Grayzone

Regarding the Birthday Death Disease. The Earths tipping of its axis completes once a year changing the seasons, and it also ends up in the same position in the end. Maybe the state of the cosmos and the earth when you're born has something to do with it. Maybe the Abyss has some cosmic connections?

James Perrott

no angelo, there are no people who watched the show and didnt see that author tweet who are sure she is male, none. just like no one would be claiming riko is male if it wasnt confirmed. we get it, you have to be different

James Perrott

william not a single thing you just said even at all suggests she was "most likely male" as a human lmao. the exact opposite in fact

James Perrott

william even if the surface gets swallowed that is completely different to the forcefield just going up further if that happened everyone would just start dying and being ill, not the very rare baby on one day only

James Perrott

lol you are extremely abnormally and desperstely defending the idea of an obviously female character being male, its concerning

James Perrott

no william if you think about it shes obviously female and not a single thing whatsoever suggests she was male as a human

The Whole Unit

Loving the reactions! Really hope you let the opening play for the last S1 episode :)


"there are no people who watched the show and didn't see that author tweet who are sure she is male, none." Bruh, you just watched a 30min reaction of someone who is.

noah van den berg

Lol you are extremely abnormally and desperately defending the gender of a fictional character who's gender was purposefully made ambiguous by the author, it's concerning


Much like the 6th layer, there's no going back after this episode.


Damn lowkey just bought the Patreon to see the reactions but it’s crazy how me rewatching it explained some of things I didn’t get the first time around like Riko and how she is alive to them explaining the curse and the thin sheet that causes the effect….now I understand it better!


Let the man rest and give him Bocchi the Rock for f*ck's sake. Poor guy deserves a happy anime after this. And before you ask, BtR needs to be on Patreon because copyright on the songs is a bitch.

tyler Pantaleo

I was excited for him to get to the 4th layer, because Nanachi. But thats a lot of mixed feelings for sure lol.

Tom Boggess

i guess concievably if you dug far enough away from the center shaft you could evade the curse, but then if you tried to go up you'd end up digging up into the ocean with kilometers of water above you, crushing you into paste.

Tom Boggess

double length episode next week. let's gooooo. movie can be seen on amazon prime if you have it.


Quite an info dump this episode. The 6th layer physically and mentally changes you if you try to ascend. Rabbit girl was lucky that she kept her mind, but her body changed. Her friend Mitty didn't. That's what they mean by losing their humanity. It doesn't kill you, only changes you. People tend to mercy kill you when the transformation happens. I guess rabbit girl wants to do the same for Mitty now. She probably tried desperately to change her back, but couldn't and cannot stand to kill her so asks Reg to do so. My thoughts that may contain spoilers if I am correct: So this force field that emits light acts like the sun emitting radiation that can be seen and felt by the creatures that inhabit the abyss (like in games fighting a boss, you recognize and predict oncoming attacks by how they act). If the creatures further below are more attuned to it then this radiation emitting thing is below....the light is coming from below ground???? Hence why getting further away from the center reduces its effects. Judging from the beginning, the radiation is strong enough to reach above ground and affects the people in the city that stupidly built their houses around the gaping radiation hole in the ground. Generally, long term exposure to radiation has lasting effects. I wonder what those are.

Steven H.

im gonna cry so much next ep


also nanachi isnt a boy


They're gender ambiguous. They are intended to be whatever you see them as. In my eyes, Nanachi is a Nanachi


Half the fun is watching Luke scream WHY??!?! the whole time lol. Love it


Season one and the movie are also available on Netflix. At least in germany. So dont count me on that

donald cuck

just say she lmao, she looked like a girl and she looks like a girl, dont bother us with ur lgbtq type of pronouns lmao


nanachi is no gender, however at least in the show it does everything it can to portray her as more of a girl, e.g getting embarassed by reg touching her/ blushing. Allows riko to touch her fine and calls reg lewd. (at this point epsidoe 13 was uploaded so not spoiler). the fact the VA is female and that nanachi sounds feminine. due to that and probably other stuff I can't think of of the top of my head nanchi to me is a girl and much older then people assume at first.

Zagrom Field

To be fair to this argument. In terms of how people view the character. Nanachi has behaviors that seem girlish, or whatever; but they also use words that in Japanese are predominantly used by males. I suspect a lot of people who don't recognize the words jump to 'girl' just based on voice and behaviors. I have always viewed Nanachi as more of a female character depside the use of male language usage. But am totally on board with the ambiguity of Nanachi being either. Nanachi is the best no matter what.


yush nanachi is best hence profile pic :3 due to the manga not being animated and missing sound effects and colours etc it is certainly a lot more ambiguous if nanachi is a girl or not howver I feel like I probably would of still took it as if she was a girl if I had read the manga first as there are still some things that come across as girlish even in the written form. Also as people have mentioned she uses male terms in the anime? (I didn't realize / know about so thas kewl) I wonder if the japaneese manga does the same thing in writing or if that was just a choice for the anime script.

David M

Edward Elric's VA is female too, so is Goku's. Would you call them female? Oh, also, Reg's Japanese VA is female, Mariya Ise. The Author's words on Nanachi's sex is clear: "Use your imagination."

David M

Nanachi's netherworld stew was doomed to failure when she ground up the bones and innards into it. The bones makes it mealy and sandy, the innards poison it with an extremely bitter taste. The eggs congeal it into a thick mud. No amount of seasoning can save that.

Viktor Beňo

my mans was talking about a thing from the latest manga chapters hah. the predictions are strong


Hopping on the Nanachi gender discussion train. In the manga (as both human and as a Hollow), Nanachi has no specified gender. It was a very intentional choice by the manga-ka for Nanachi to be genderless. However, Nanachi does use some self referential language in Japanese that is more masculine leaning. In the english dub, they completely ignored all of this and just used "she" for Nanachi. I feel this was a deliberate choice for the US dub to "make Nanachi a girl". I'm not a fan of this choice, as it's a pretty harsh deviation from the source material, which intentionally has an under-represented genderless / non-binary character. But the fact remains that the true canon is that Nanachi has no gender. So, feel how you want about it, but Nanachi is Nanachi. I personally use they/them language for Nanachi since it's the closest english pronouns to genderless.