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Here is the FULL Patreon Exclusive to MADE IN ABYSS Episode 11!



Tevin Mccarthy

Can’t wait till you watch the movie




i can't with this patreon player lowering quality to like 240p like every 2 min without possibility to set it manually to 1080p

Sebastian Stróż

If you plan on splitting the movie for us then at least release it on Friday and Saturday even if you have to skip next Saturday upload imo. And ep 13 is just a double ep for the finale which sometimes happens when adaptation gets a proper love.


I am already crying q-q for waiting a flipping week for the movie (being split ) even tho we're not even there yet


Splitting up the movie for us is really evil, come on show your supporters some love! Since you are recording it as 1 there is legit no reason to split it for everyone else. come on it wont hurt to give a litte more..


all your questions about nanachi and mitty will be answered, soon.

Oliver Schubert

You asked a lot of questions that will soon be answered. The answers are more horrifying than the orbed piercer imo.


sorry for being rude, i was quite upset cuz I've been looking forward for the movie reaction. Just wondering why would splitting the video easier if Luke will record the whole reaction at once. Is it for the editting to be easier? Again, sorry for the inappropriate comment jn


Out of the three films, two are compilations, but they do include new scenes, so I definitely want you to watch them. By watching the compilations, you'll be able to smoothly transition into the content of the third film.

Michał Jastrzębski

Ozen asked them to avoid other white whistles, because they are usually more than just a bit fucked up in the brains, with one in particular being - as Ozen said - "an all-out scoundrel" which is saying it mildly.... Even Ozen herself is borderline insane.

noah van den berg

To clarify your confusion on what a hollow is. Hollows are people who survived the curse of the 6th layer. It can be cave raiders or other humans, doesn't really matter. Every human who experiences the 6th layer's curse either dies or transforms into a hollow. Nanachi's background will be explained later in the show

Zagrom Field

The 13th episode is just long haha Season 2 is the same with having a long last episode.


Why so sad, he doesn’t tell you how and when to watch so if it is easier for him why judge. if he ended splitting it in two videos,you can wait for the second and watch them together. And reminder that this is a patron exclusive at the moment so views don’t matter and frankly for less than 1$ profit he doing far more than other creators which are taking 10+$. Not here to fight, i get you are hyped about this show but don’t make a bigger deal about it and stay positive 😁

Gai Valentine

So Nanachi is androgynous but many people choose to believe she’s a girl because of the voice acting.

Sebastian Stróż

Hey I would love to get more episodes per week as well but you dont have to be a total dick when voicing your opinion you know.

Daniel Griffiths

nobody answer a single question he has... the reaction... think of the reaction lol

Jason Tam

I love Mitty! She's so sweet.


great cartridge nanachi... I wonder what that means? 🧐

Nicholas Hooker

Your theorycrafting is so off the rails compared to many other reactioners. Love it. Random question for you: Whats the origin of the channel name?


I think a lot of us would probably prefer you didnt split the upload for the movie. You could always just upload it all one day and that be it for the weekend. If you choose not to do that, at least you arent splitting up your reaction session. Also the 13th episode is just an extended length episode, all canon. And best watched all at once as well. My suggestion is, episode 13 in full one day next weekend and nothing else. And the weekend after the movie in full one day and nothing else again

Gai Valentine

Why tf do you care? As long as Luke views it in one sitting, that’s all that matters. His own reaction isn’t being cut into two parts, the video is. We’ve already seen the series so it’s not like we’re getting some raw deal. Are you seriously THAT impatient?


Try to be more polite in the comments. I agree that he shouldnt split either episode 13 nor the movie up. But if he chooses that then so be it. No need to get this upset, its not ruining anything really. Just wait till its all uploaded

Sasane Sane

Mittyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy m ( @ 人 * ) m

BigSFL Reacts

She’s a girl my guy 😂a bunny girl not a guy


he's doing very well so far. I think he can handle the show.

James Perrott

you are literallly asking him to watch all of season 1 again lmao why on earth would he do that

James Perrott

she is 100% a girl lol theres nothing that even suggests otherwise, shes not eveb androgynous she clearly looks female too just cause its never said doesnt mean she isnt one

James Perrott

Nanachi is a girl lol its never outright said but it is very clear she is one, based on her design and reaction towards reg, especially when he touches her fur lol her body is just fluffy so her not wearing a shirt isnt really wierd, since theres nothing to see lol

James Perrott

I dont unedrstand the reason for splitting the movie Episode 13 will be watched next week and you can wait till the week after for the movie but why bother splitting it? you can just upload it on one day and then wait till the week after to begin season 2. Like if the movie is taking up both friday and saturday slots anyway, and everyone is going to wait to watch it all at once anyway, you might as well just upload it all on one of the days and thats it for that week for made in abyss

James Perrott

Episode 13 is simply a double length episode to make the finale a better experience, it needs to be watched all at once and its like watching a mini movie, trust me its amazing season 2 does the same

James Perrott

The sus things are just realistic lol, as sus as they are, but reg walking in on them and misunderstanding was comedy used to calm down the situation and set the mood better, it worked well as sus as it is lol

James Perrott

Don't worry you havent missed any info

James Perrott

MItty first getting shown really gives me chills haha

noah van den berg

nothing that suggests otherwise? the author himself explicitly said that nanachi's gender is unknown

Gai Valentine

Do some research, man. Talking out of your ass won’t get you far when conversing with people who know their shit on a topic. Smh

noah van den berg

nanachi isn't necessarily a girl lol. the author himself explicitly stated that nanachi's gender is unknown.

James Perrott

That post was very much a non serious post of him messing around lol, theres truly no reason to belive she isnt female, and everyone not just trying to be different thinks shes female too, her human form makes it even more obvious besides, we literally had a trap last arc, making nanachi one right after would be weird and pointless

noah van den berg

nanachi wouldn't be a trap, because except for the voice actress, nothing about nanachi screams "female''. even more so with nanachi's human form. unlike with mitty, nanachi could just as easily be seen as a boy

James Perrott

She absolutely looks female, her hair (and extended hat hair), her proportions, and her personality, how she reacts towards reg and how reg acts towards her, as well as her voice in human and hollow form, all absolutely suggest female and do not give any impression that shes male i dont know what is with you people and trying to deny that so desperately show her design to literally anyone and theyd say she looks like a girl

noah van den berg

nanachi's human form hair is no longer than we have seen with some of the male characters. nanachi just doesn't like to be touched, nothing gender specific about that. nanachi has the same body proportions (when human) like most other children we have seen of all genders. you wanna see female proportions on children? look at mitty or prushka. completely different proportions than nanachi has.


Tbh, I feel like it would be more ideal to cut up both ep 13 and the movie (so friday + satuday = ep 13, then the next friday + saturday = movie) instead of watching ep 13, half the movie then wait an entire week


don't let the people complaining about splitting episodes up sour the show for you, watch it however you want as long as you put them on the same Friday Saturday slot I don't see the problem. The people who want to watch it back to back can just wait a single day. keep up the good work Luke.


As someone who works in healthcare, I just want to say that administering certain medication rectally is very normal! Most pregnant women are also given intravaginal medications too! Although putting it in made in abyss was a bit strange and random to me😭😭

Kyle Smith

I don't personally care which days he decides to upload it on but I 100% agree that he should not split up EP 13 or split up the movie into multiple parts. Its just a bad viewing experience that way.


I can't help but laugh at your reaction to Riko's pants. After all, the curse made her bleed from *every* orifice, didn't it?


I think the term "if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes backs into you" matches the white whistles. they are all into weird stuff and have a screw lose for being too long in the abyss. you will see it in the next episode and the movie.


Definitely if he is going to split anything, keep it in the same weekend. Dont drag the movie over 2 weeks

James Perrott

having big boobs isnt what makes you female lmao Yes nanachi not liking being touched is gender specific, she didnt care at all when riko does, nor mitty grabbing her hands

James Perrott

Cause made in abyss is extremely realistic with this kinda stuff, thats just how it would be and they dont dumb anything down, this is a mature show and people seem to forget that cause of the art style

James Perrott

Why are you asking for more episodes to be split up??? theres literally no benefit to anyone?? Everyone will wait till both parts are out to watch them, so theres no point splitting them. And for both episode 13 and the movie, thats all that will be posted for those weeks, so spreading them across both says is completely unnecessary, just simply have one of the days with no content


She's a cute little pudding Oh good this sounds sweet but horrible at the same time I'm not crying you are

James Perrott

The first 2 movies are literally just season 1 again but put into 2 movies with so much cut out, i dont know why they exist, but there is one new scene at the very beginning of the first recap movie, its like 3 minutes long but i think its worth watching, i only realised it existed recently lol maybe watch it just before watching the full 3rd movie

Michał Koczorowski (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-03 00:35:04 Okay, i will help ya out a little. The White whistle you saw with the helmet, his name is Bondrewd. Pronunciation of the name is very simple, You pronounce the word "bond" (like James Bond) and then you pronounce the word "red", like the color. Bond-red, that's how you pronounce Bondrewd
2023-06-02 19:25:55 Okay, i will help ya out a little. The White whistle you saw with the helmet, his name is Bondrewd. Pronunciation of the name is very simple, You pronounce the word "bond" (like James Bond) and then you pronounce the word "red", like the color. Bond-red, that's how you pronounce Bondrewd Edit: I'm a dumbass, don't listen to me, guys who corrected me are right!

Okay, i will help ya out a little. The White whistle you saw with the helmet, his name is Bondrewd. Pronunciation of the name is very simple, You pronounce the word "bond" (like James Bond) and then you pronounce the word "red", like the color. Bond-red, that's how you pronounce Bondrewd Edit: I'm a dumbass, don't listen to me, guys who corrected me are right!

noah van den berg

literally nothing that nanachi has, except the voice, makes them female. and i don't like it when guys touch me, even though i'm also a guy. not liking being touched by males isn't (ironicaly) gender specific

Michał Koczorowski

Also, DON'T split the movie up xD just post it all on Friday, and skip Saturday

noah van den berg

No you don't. The first part of the name you got correct. But "rewd" is pronounced more as "rude", not "red"


if you decide to show the complete ep13 and the movie on the next two friday's, without splitting it, I recomment your channel under every anime related video on youtube :D


imho nanachi is a girl. I don't understand why some people even thinking about it... whats the point, It's very strange, imo


Luke, split it, don't split it, up to you. It's your work load and your content, you decide. Oh, you are not ready for episode 13. No one ever is.


Small correction, Nanachi is a girl lmao. Also on how she and Mitty turned into hollows will be explained in the future episodes so you don't have to think too much about it


Yes I completely agree! My friend made me watch mia a couple years ago not telling me a single thing, can you imagine the surprise and shock😭I was just used to cute romance anime and slice of life and then BOOM. it’s so good though! And so unsuspectingly strange haha.


Oh, it won't continue to be as good as it is now, it will just get even better. Mark my words. Ep 13 is just a long episode because it was necessary. And what's told in the movie is told in a movie for the same reason. And the last episode of season 2 is also a long episode. You will understand. You don't know it yet, but you've caught a glimpse of one of our most fascinating antagonists.

TsUNaMy WaVe

Well Reg voice actor is also a female, does that mean Reg is a girl too? Nanachi def looks androgynous + they use the word "oira" to refer to themselves - which in Japanese, is a masculine way. Also the author himself said Nanachi's gender is unknown as others have already said here.

Maurice S

As others stated already The guy with the white whistle that was shown was Bondrewd. It was the one Ozen warned especially against. Also from my memory pretty much everyone that gets mentioned or teased will infact get explained at some point, so dont feel bad for thinking you missed something- As long as you notice and keep those hints in mind you are good

TsUNaMy WaVe

Nanachi uses the word "oira" to refer to themselves - which in Japanese, is a masculine way. So there are more than enough points to also say they are male. But the fact you disregard the author who said on more than one occasion that Nanachi's gender is unknown is another thing. How would *you* know if the author was serious or not? The author literally had a public back and forth with the official translator and expressed his satisfaction with how the TL didn't give Nanachi a gender.

Gai Valentine

Wtf? What are you even saying? This show has mentioned Regs penis NUMEROUS times. If you’re gonna argue a counterpoint, make sure you actually have a counterpoint.

James Perrott

TsUNaMy WaVe no she doesnt look androgynous, everyone thinks she looks like a girl stop tryna be different The official image of what she smells like specifically says she doesnt let reg smell her chest, which is even more confirmation shes obviously female

James Perrott

Noah do you blush and get flustered when guys touch you lmao. its not just her not liking it ANd no wave there are no pooints to say shes male, at all.

James Perrott

yeeep this is why this show is needed for you to go in blind, the art style will throw you off, if you already know how it gets it wouldnt be the same I love the realism in this is makes it feel so serious and tense, and every little thing can be life or death

James Perrott

why did you come to the commets specifically to say how to pronounce a name thats very straightforward and then proceed to say it completely wrong lmao bond - rood, its so simple


Nanachi's gender has never been confirmed, but most assume that Nanachi is a she.

calvin chau

Well to get the elephant out of the way, the author is pretty sus... No sugarcoating that. HOWEVERRRR the content of the show doesnt necessarily have to be sus. Patient is dying and out cold, cant swallow? Shove the medicine up their arse. Clothes soaked in piss blood and vomit? Take them off obviously! Nanachi evidently has the skillset of a doctor/surgeon, its not all that unusual of her to be stripping her patients and shoving stuff up their butt.

Gai Valentine

Akihito Tsukushi is both the author and illustrator for Made in Abyss. His official comment on Nanachi’s gender is “The sex of Nanachi is unknown. Let’s imagine.” Canonically Nanachi’s gender is unknown. How are you gonna argue the creator of the character? The man let’s us decide based on what we prefer which just happens to be majority female. But that’s the fanbase saying that. We have no authority on the matter, he just made it convenient for us.

o k

sussy episode xDD

Regular Grayzone

Nanachi is a doctor, an unlicensed one, but still a doctor..... kind of.... Not sure if that helps you with how SUS everything is this episode XD

noah van den berg

So you say you wouldn't get flustered if guys touch you the same way reg touched nanachi? Interesting. "No wave"?

Thomas M

Don't worry, all will be answered my friend.


I have to agree with other people. Post the episode 13 next Friday, maybe react to the OP and ED (if you want), or a soundtrack on Saturday, or leave it blank if absolutely necessary (since Friday is 40 mins anyway). As for the week after with the movie, either Friday or Saturday post it all in 1 go, sure you could split it but I don't quite see the point, I'd rather no upload on Friday and a full movie experience on Saturday. EDIT: If you do post it split up I'll just wait to Saturday and watch both lol Ultimately it's on you boss, but I'm waiting until it's fully out either way.

Addstir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-03 04:04:17 The "sussy" stuff only has a handful of questionable scenes from here on out, the "worst" being in the movie. I didn't even care to be honest, I just shrugged it all off. Just enjoy the show since it's a top 10 anime contender regardless. And as long as you ignore the 2 seconds of sus content every X episode, who cares? IT's not doing anything blatantly wrong, just odd. I think the author attempts to capture a lot of childlike innocence to make the shock factor greater. E.g. by making Riko the oblivious and inquisitive gal she is when she got pierced by Orby, it makes it that more shocking. Season 2 only has 1 single sus scene from my memory, so you'll be fine there lol Loving the reactions <3
2023-06-03 00:41:38 The "sussy" stuff only has a handful of questionable scenes from here on out, the "worst" being in the movie. I didn't even care to be honest, I just shrugged it all off. Just enjoy the show since it's a top 10 anime contender regardless. And as long as you ignore the 2 seconds of sus content every X episode, who cares? IT's not doing anything blatantly wrong, just odd. I think the author attempts to capture a lot of childlike innocence to make the shock factor greater. E.g. by making Riko the oblivious and inquisitive gal she is when she got pierced by Orby, it makes it that more shocking. Season 2 only has 1 single sus scene from my memory, so you'll be fine there lol Loving the reactions <3

The "sussy" stuff only has a handful of questionable scenes from here on out, the "worst" being in the movie. I didn't even care to be honest, I just shrugged it all off. Just enjoy the show since it's a top 10 anime contender regardless. And as long as you ignore the 2 seconds of sus content every X episode, who cares? IT's not doing anything blatantly wrong, just odd. I think the author attempts to capture a lot of childlike innocence to make the shock factor greater. E.g. by making Riko the oblivious and inquisitive gal she is when she got pierced by Orby, it makes it that more shocking. Season 2 only has 1 single sus scene from my memory, so you'll be fine there lol Loving the reactions <3


I agree with your sentiment overall, but I can think of 5 or 6 sus scenes from season 2 just off the top of my head.

Edu S.

ok with the clothes but holy shit having to shove something up in a child is rly messed up, they could have just invented some magical liquid that goes down ur stomach without entering your lungs or some shit like that


James Perrott please don't be rude, using "100%" "everyone" "obvioulsy" at every sentence to express YOUR opinion on the matter does not make your statement more right than the others... Clearly not everyone "thinks she looks like a girl" as you said. I myself thought Nanachi was a boy before I read the author left his gender purposely ambiguous. To me, official french translation has always used masculine pronouns for Nanachi, so I never interpreted him or her as a girl. But Nanachi is Nanachi, their gender is quite irrelevent to the story so there is no need to make a fuss about it ! :)

Gai Valentine

Akihito Tsukushi is both the author and illustrator for Made in Abyss. His official comment on Nanachi’s gender is “The sex of Nanachi is unknown. Let’s imagine.” Canonically Nanachi’s gender is unknown. How are you gonna argue the creator of the character? The man let’s us decide based on what we prefer which just happens to be majority female. But that’s the fanbase saying that. We have no authority on the matter, he just made it convenient for us.


I don't think its that sus (yet) if you had to take care of a patient in that kinda condition you'd have to do a lot of that stuff. IT was more sus when Uncle was taking a gander at Reg's "member."

tyler Pantaleo

I know it seems sus (some scenes are), but honestly any nurse would do this to a patient in their care. Your questions will be answered by the end btw. Not everyone who goes down in the abyss are cave raiders, but that will be explained

Angelo Marchantt

You arr literally discribing just normal medicine, she was out cold, they dont have an IV to hook the medicine on, a supository is not weird, what did you think happens in real life?

Angelo Marchantt

The author of made in abyss, the literal person who created nanachi has stated that nanachi's gender is unknow. Lmao people thinking they know more than the person who created the fucking character

Angelo Marchantt

Damn, you gotta be an special kind of an idiot to go around saying "she is obviously a girl" when the literal author confirmed it's unknow and that ir shouldn't be assumed lmao. That's a special kind of "I'm always right" mentality, going against the creator of the character hahaha


Damn y'all more childish about this than the Yamato One Piece debates , kinda crazy

Gai Valentine

In hindsight, trying to explain an idiot’s own idiocy is very childish, it’ll get us nowhere and we’ll just be running in circles. Thank you for shining a light on this, man.


Nah bro the scenes ARE sus. People try to make it seem as if those scenes are okay, when in reality we all know the author has some really questionable tastes that almost cross the line between weird af stuff and pedophilia.

Ringo Tang

"This episode is mega sus guys...."

Scott Humphreys

I think one big thing he's missing is the value of the artifacts in the Abyss. People aren't going there just to sightsee. But he'll get it.


Thats the difference between western and Japanese culture. Many Animes does that weird kind of stuff. The nun in Overlord season 4 or Mushoku tensei for examble. The last one is even more sus than made in abyss, imo. Don't get me wrong, i'm a fan of japanese culture in general, but sometimes japanese culture can be a bit fucked up. But honestly, at my first watch i didn't noticed the weird stuff or i thought it would be normal in a world like this. I think you can enjoy the show without paying attention to this few scenes.


Normies be like


Didn't he say that when she was still a mysterious character that hadn't taken her disguise off yet? She is definitely a she. There are also spoiler reasons we can't say yet. Everything about Bunnies in Japan is always women. They are obsessed with A) playboy bunnies and B) princess Kaguya of the moon rabbits from their folklore. That's why Sailor Moon is literally named "Rabbit" and has those long braid ears.


You'll get to know that white whistle, don't worry


How else you going to give medicine to someone in a coma? They can't eat it. And you're not doing intravenous anything in that setting.


Because they released them in movie theaters and went from a niche show to wildly popular. Also you get money twice for one show, which the investors like.


Showing absolutely no reaction or hesitation taking off a little girl's pants and shoving something up her butt, but being afraid of a boy even touching her is pretty female. Also many spoiler reasons.


Well sorry she didn't get to go to correspondence medical school by balloons rising from the depths!


Yeah they are kids so you go, "Oh god baby, why is there a baby? Why is a baby HERE?! I have to protecc" anyone who thinks it's sussy has some serious problems. Like the one scene in the movie and the one in season 2: If THAT is what you noticed in those scenes? The stuff people complain about isn't in the top 10 worst things happening on screen.

Michał Koczorowski

Because i'm a straight up dumbass? xD Ummm, well that's embarrassing X3 I swear to god I thought japanese said Bon-do-re-do, but they do indeed say Bon-do-ru-do. You guys are right. Well, that's what i get for writing the comment at 2 AM in the morning.

The GoDKing 27

Not sus, perfectly reasonable explanation


It's mostly the people who make it somewhat "sus". I can't even say why some things are sus. When I was ill as a kid I also got a suppository, then it was pretty normal for example.


Based on what? I honestly don't know about the author, but every time these things are brought up the arguments are weak. Everyone is of course free to their own opinion of the author, but personally so far I haven't seen any serious evidence to think so.


One scene in season 2? I only remember that toilette thing? I was laughing at that scene, i think thats not sus at all.

GTB (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-03 22:46:26 @Animeter&gt; Mushoku is sus? Huh? How can you come to this conclusion when it's precisely what the show is about and it's shown to be bad. I find it astonishing that the treatment of violence is so accepted, never questioned, never considered "suspect", while everything that has to do with sex is directly suspect. Why don't we read more often that Miura must have been a big nutcase, given the content of Berserk? Why isn't "Goodfellas" considered an apology for violence and mafia? It says a lot about our relationship with violence, and sex. And I'm not even mentioning the cultural differences. Japanese people bathe naked in public, and with their families up to a certain age... and there's nothing obscene about that.
2023-06-03 11:42:28 @Animeter> Mushoku is sus? Huh? How can you come to this conclusion when it's precisely what the show is about and it's shown to be bad. I find it astonishing that the treatment of violence is so accepted, never questioned, never considered "suspect", while everything that has to do with sex is directly suspect. Why don't we read more often that Miura must have been a big nutcase, given the content of Berserk? Why isn't "Goodfellas" considered an apology for violence and mafia? It says a lot about our relationship with violence, and sex. And I'm not even mentioning the cultural differences. Japanese people bathe naked in public, and with their families up to a certain age... and there's nothing obscene about that.

@Animeter> Mushoku is sus? Huh? How can you come to this conclusion when it's precisely what the show is about and it's shown to be bad. I find it astonishing that the treatment of violence is so accepted, never questioned, never considered "suspect", while everything that has to do with sex is directly suspect. Why don't we read more often that Miura must have been a big nutcase, given the content of Berserk? Why isn't "Goodfellas" considered an apology for violence and mafia? It says a lot about our relationship with violence, and sex. And I'm not even mentioning the cultural differences. Japanese people bathe naked in public, and with their families up to a certain age... and there's nothing obscene about that.


@Louise Steph? o.O lol I am a friend who made their fun cute girls loving cute things friend blind watch MIA as well. When she saw this episode she literally came back and beat on me "What did you make me see!!!" But I could tell she was amazed, horrified, hooked, and in Love with the show so it was all good. But the shock of these episodes can be a bit jarring. In My defense, I literally recommend this show as "MIA - When Dora the Explorer teams up with Mega Man, and they decide to explore HELL!". It's just up to this episode people ignore literally every narrated warning about how the abyss likes to kill you, painfully. Episode 1 has 2 characters almost die to a giant flying dragon snake after all.


Edu S. are you like... still a child? Suppositories happen, even to men, to sick animals, to sick children, to pregnant women, any time you can't take something through the front door, it goes to the back door. There are even cases where it could be admitted both ways and the back door is preferred. Also some meds have to be taken vaginally. Welcome to Medicine.


Yeah this is just the beginning my man. I would say there are more in s2 than s1, and the suppository is not really a necessary detail that should be included in the show. I can think of several even more sus scenes: the movie scene, s2 toilet, a few more to do with maaa, but the one that takes the cake for the worst one is the reg and faputa, which no one seems to talk about. It's a shame because the anime is otherwise a masterpiece--it makes it hard to recommend to friends and family.


"I find it astonishing that the treatment of violence is so accepted, never questioned, never considered "suspect", while everything that has to do with sex is directly suspect." It's definitely suspect when sex involves children. Way to self report.


They don't have to happen in the context of an anime with children, where it will obviously be seen as odd. I find it funny when people try to rationalize this away, especially if you have seen the rest of the show. The author has strange tastes, point blank, period, If you forget about the suppository thing and look at all the sus things throughout the show, you will realize that. With that context in mind, it's hard to say this isn't just another perversion from the author.


this episode isn't sus, the author is sus.


They're probably referring to the flashback. But again that was horror. If you thought it was sexual, you have problems.


There's no sex with children in Made in Abyss. There's horror involving children. If you thought it was sexy, you're self reporting, dear.


@Louispul5 I’m aware haha, it just threw me off guard when I originally watched it because when I first watched it I wasn’t at uni doing my healthcare course, I was still in high school and I didn’t know about the suppository method 😭😭 I was just like 😀😀???? Lmao


@Ttsukasa Literally me!! I was having an anime night with my friends and he just put this on for us to watch and by the end of it we were looking at him like WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED 😀😀. I love my cutesy romance and slice of life, and I did watch some other things that were a bit more brutal because I also enjoy fantasy and some fighting etc. but MIA was just a whole new level for me at the time. But like your friend I’m now so hooked on this show and the world building and music, even though it’s horrific but fantastic 🤣 you just can’t stop watching haha. Also LOVE the analogy that you used to introduce MIA to others hahah

Kyle Smith

Yeah I personally don't understand why people think half of these scenes are considered sus. To me they are a realistic portrayal of how things might actually work in a situation like that. Like a suppository for example is a very real thing and very much used in situations when someone cannot take medicine orally. Maybe its because of the way they frame the scene in a bit of a comedic way because obviously the scene is framed and setup in a way to be a misunderstanding from regs perspective as he is very naïve about this stuff.


1) But it's definitely "ok" when violence involves children. A little girl can be pierced, wounded, poisoned, bleeding out of every orifice, suffering, having her arm broken then (badly) cut off, scared, then dying...it's hard to watch, but it's fine/acceptable/makes sense/not coming from a weirdo. On the other hand, a simple suppository (which is something real) is "sus"... That's what I'm saying, there is no logic. Violence, often explicit, is neither more moral nor more legal, and we could question the mind from which it comes. 2) May I assume that you aren't parent? Children aren't asexual beings y'know. Sexuality is part of growing children by becoming aware of their own body, then that of others, then the differences between men and women, by being curious about it and asking questions, then modesty, first involuntary erections, etc. Children behave much more "sus" (for an adult eye) than in Made in Abyss. And I mean it, WAY more. I wish I'd known about " kids genital stimulation" before I had to deal with it about my 6yo daughter... If I had to tell everything I've been through as a parent on this subject in a fictional story, there'd be for sure people talking about "sus stuff", while it's just a reality of being parent and life. "it's children, it's weird". That's true, it's weird, disturbing (it's all the point of MiA btw) but it's not a good enough argument. They often pee and poop in Made in Abyss. It's unusual in anime, it's weird; so it's "obviously" scato, right? Of course, we need to keep a cautious, critical eye, but always with an analytical mind. From my point of view, on subjects like this, some people just stop thinking. Sometimes the problem comes from their own eyes/them...


"the suppository is not really a necessary detail" Are you sure about that? It's less necessary than the cooking scenes (sometimes with gross details), peep/poop scenes, scenes of explicit gore violence/details, drool or snot scenes ?...or is it not necessary just because it's about "this area"? Isn't it obvious that the tone of the story is meant to be raw and in some ways realistic? People going on adventures have to eat, hunt, go to the bathroom, get hurt, heal. Isn't it obvious af that bodies is central to the narrative of Made in Abyss? EVERYTHING to do with the body. Isn't it obvious that MiA wants to be unsual, surprising, disturbing, shocking? Are these details weird, uncomfortable? Yeah, that the point! They are important because they're useful to the story and, above all, to the tone of the narrative. Made in Abyss with adults, with nothing of bodies and flesh shown... it wouldn't be the same work at all, it wouldn't have the same impact. Made in Abyss chooses to show a whole host of details...disturbing, crude, unusual. But strangely, only the ones that vaguely concern "this" would be unnecessary.


some call it sus... i call it "not holding back anything. Its brutally honest and realistic in terms of "what would you do" and "what needs to be done"


GTB, you really hit the nail on the head with your comments. It always seems weird to me when people project something unto an author because of their stories. This really makes me uncomfortable as an aspiring author, because I don't really want to censor my story. With the mindset many of these people have the best stories are inappropriate simply because they don't censor themselves. Berserk, MiA, Moshuko Tensei, the list goes on. I do agree however that some of the scenes in MiA could have been handled better. If presented in more of a natural or i guess professional manner many of these scenes would benefit from it imo.


Yeah, it seams like there are many scenes you wouldnt normally include in an episode, censoring wise, but in terms of realism it all just makes sense

Michał Jastrzębski

Yep, he's great with sightseeing tours. Not so great with elevators, but you cant have it all, I guess...

Michał Jastrzębski

Well, the suppository scene seems sus to people for a bit of a reason - Nanachi doesnt really behave with any semblance of a medical professional (because, well, they are not one for one, and two, Nanachi's - I guess - isnt exactly fully insane, but she isnt as sane as her front leads us to belive, imo)

Michał Jastrzębski

And lets not get started about IV's, or aortal ports for chemo infusions...and it can go more hardcore still. Radiopharmaceuticals anyone? ;)

Michał Jastrzębski

She's not exactly afraid of being touched, more like she has a preeetty large personal space when it comes to Reg and his obsessoon with her fluff and smell, I guess.


Yeah...that was sus. I've seen a lot of anime, but this is pushing on borderline pedo territory. A number of eye raising events. The rabbit is clearly female from her voice and removes her front to bare her front chest. The event where Riko gets something inserted into her anal cavity while unconscious. You can argue it's a necessity. And the innuendos with her freshly bloody pee stained pants given to Reg. Why was it necessary to showcase and include that into the show? Hey little boy, here is some freshly peed on bloody underbottoms, wash them for me. Not only does the rabbit not wash them herself as a fellow girl, she even commented on Reg staring at her bloody pants. Once again, is this necessary and conducive to the story??? If not, why include it? For people arguing why we accept violence more, it's to showcase how cruel the world is over there, which is why that scene with her arm was so excruciating to watch in the last episode. This on the other hand is meaningless. If you argue that children are asexual and you are projecting, then my response is why does Reg blush every time he catches Riko naked. Speaking of which, Riko has undressed in front of him quite a few times already, however I justify that as a method to showcase her lack of common sense. Since the main characters are children, caution should be utilized in how they are depicted.


I completely agree GTB! Viewers being uncomfortable with all of that is fair. We're not told to enjoy it, I think it's quite on the contrary, as very little in Made in Abyss is depicted in any flattering way at all. This show highlights a lot of dark subjects in various ways, so I don't see why this shouldn't be one of them! There are no walls here. That's what makes Made in Abyss so great. It certainly provokes a response in us viewers, which is typically what you want when you create something like this. Naturally a lot of people aren't ok with that and admonish the show for it, and I think that's to be expected. I personally find it intriguing how I really dislike seeing it, yet I believe it elevates the show somehow! I just don't want them to hold back any punches.


There's nothing sexual in this episode. Everything that happened has been reasonable explanation. Sure, they poke at the situation very "jokingly", but like you said everything that has occured is out of necessity. It is okay to find things disturbing, that is deffinetly part of MiA. In my eyes, these last two episodes would've been as fucked up as they are if all the characters were "adults", but them being children and put through this insane situation gives more shock factor. Lastly, eventhough it would be very simple to say that caring about fictional characters sexuality in a fictional story is the biggest waste of one's time, I guess the easiest explanation for the naked-ness reactions would be summarized as Riko still being in the age where she doesn't fully grasp her own sexuality, therefore isn't embarrased by it, while Reg has atleast started to become concious about it, therefore feeling embarrased while something related to the subject is happening.

Angelo Marchantt

couple of points, nanachi is not a girl, is also not a boy, their gender is not confirmed and that was made on purpose by the creator. The whole pants and suppository situation my guess is that you don't have much experience in the medical field but it is common AF to use the rectal cavity for medicine, and after and event like that you can bet your ass my pants would be stained AF. If anything those scenes add a lot more realism than anything else, riko got clapped, she needed medical atention and that includes cleaning her dirty ass clothes. There was literally nothing sexual about the scene


I mean she literally bled out of all her orifices due to the curse and guess what we have orifices down there. would be weird if she didn't bleed down there


because it is brutally realistic and "sus" at times i often call made in abyss "the Masterpiece you cannot recommend"

David M

I hate how thew puritans camouflaged themselves into concern trolls and infiltrated the left. 1) Nanachi isn't human anymore and has no gender, and never had a defined one to begin with. 2) Medical suppositories are a thing, go touch grass. Consider yourself very lucky you've never been sick enough to need one. 3) What part of "bleed out of every orifice" did you not understand? Her dirty clothes needed cleaning. This is no different than disrobing someone in a hospital for treatment and recover. Stop thinking with your genitals.


I'm surprised people are still discussing this. A few points I would like to address. The first replier made perfectly reasonable points that I completely agree with. I believe some of the folks in this comment section are not seeing the trees for the forest. Before this episode, I would have totally recommended this show to other people. Now...not so much. I understand the medical necessity, but the way the episode presented nanachi's actions were questionable. Reg took the role of an average viewer questioning what the hell are you doing? Nanachi played the part of a doctor. However, if you view it from another angle, she acts like a manipulative person gaslighting him into thinking her actions are normal. She opens Riko's legs wide open in front of him and shoves some steaming hot freshly peed on bloody pants into his face. There is no tact of please leave the room. This presents the depiction she is rubbing sexuality into his face and playing innocent. What you think this is weird? You're the weird one for thinking this way. I know for a fact people will use this argument against me. To those people, I point you to three places. Look at this comment section and the controversy surrounding this episode. Look at the title of this episode. Look at the reaction of Luke when he heard that. That is the same reaction me and many first time viewers had. It made you go, "wait, hold up." The comments have already mentioned the author is sus. I believe me and many other people are picking up on strange sexual undertones incorporated in this episode. Show this scene to an average person and they will look at you weird. We knew the context and we still went hold up. Given that I live in a western society where depictions involving children are a sensitive matter and closely scrutinized that can potentially land you jail time. I am merely warning this is close to touching a borderline. An unfair representation of the scene can be described as an unconscious child was forcibly kissed and had something inserted into her anally without her consent all due to medical necessity. Even if nanachi's gender is never confirmed, she is voiced by a woman. English voice actor is Brittany Karbowski. Japanese va is shiori izawa. She has a former female friend named mitty. Is the "she" being referred to mitty in the subtitles just a translation thing? I don't know nor care. Most friendships occur with the same gender due to higher relatability. All humans are either male or female. Nanachi is originally human. Given these facts, the reasonable assumption is nanachi is female and the animators depict her as female. For the people focusing on the bloody vagina angle, I understand very well what a vagina is and it might be news to you, but woman also have a menstrual cycle that involves blood. If Reg was human or affected by the curse, he would have bled out his penis.You completely missed the point I was making. The point I was making was it would have been better to have nanachi wash them instead of leaving it to Reg. As the first replier stated, Reg is mature enough to recognize sexuality. If I take your androgynous argument into account, I would still argue it would still be better for her or "it," if that offends you, to wash the pants herself after taking care of riko. It would be 'tactful.' p.s. please do not bring your politics into this discussion. Given that Riko, lost copious amounts of blood. An iv bag would have been my first choice, the medicine could be directly injected into her bloodstream. Since that option is not plausible. The quickest way for the medication to enter her mucous membrane would be anally. Orally she is unconscious and may end up choking and dying that way. Also it takes a bit longer for oral medicine to that effect then a suppository would. In this situation, I would have done exactly as nanachi did, but told reg to leave the room for privacy concerns.


So you're not only ignorantly sexist but also transphobe all according to your words. Just because Nanachi was a girl before doesn't means they are one now. With the change that happened to their body, they abandoned the traditional sense of girl/boy gender, they just are but you cannot accept that as is, huh. It's not only that but you're also really ignorant that Nanachi was merely a curious bystander that just by chance choose to do a favor to crying Reg. They didn't have to do anything really but they did. Again, so what if you call them a 'girl', just because they were once a female doesn't mean Nanachi has to clean bloody pee off Riko's clothes. Again, they were strangers, who'd do that? They don't care about them more than their curiosity level and Nanachi already provided life-saving medical help. You saw Reg weeping to someone to help Riko. He clearly cares about her as a friend it really couldn't be more see-through in that situation. Nanachi doesn't care about his gender, they just saw he's obviously close enough with Riko to help with the cleanup. Mind you, he's not wiping her genitalia, just cleaning the pants so get over yourself and don't push your traditional view onto this show if you can't understand such a simple reason. It's as if you were blind to the whole life threat the poison had on Riko. Don't push the whole responsibility to care for her to Nanachi since what's happened was consequences (willingly accepted due to necessity by both Riko and Reg) of their own action of going up. It's only reasonable that Reg needs to face the responsibility of helping up 'his friend' exactly because he cares for her, he's not entitled to skip it off to a stranger that already has done more than they had to.


I see. So you can't win an argument about the sexual innuendos and instead have deferred to making this about gender and name calling. Using your own words, you acknowledge nanachi was originally female. At least we share that common ground and can work from there. "Just because Nanachi was a girl before doesn't means they are one now. With the change that happened to their body, they abandoned the traditional sense of girl/boy gender, they just are but you cannot accept that as is, huh." Using your example, let's apply that to Mizzy and how she is referred to by nanachi. Notice nanachi still calls Mizzy she, not it. Why not 'it' when she is a furry blob with teeth, one eye, and lacking any resemblance of a human being? Simply put, it's because nanachi still sees mizzy as human. In your case, you're being insensitive and dehumanizing the two poor girls. By the way, I failed to mention in my previous post that nanachi is a female Japanese name. Has nanachi at any particular point of time decide to change her identity and pick up a different name? No. Unlike jinx/powder from arcane, she still thinks of herself as the same. I do recognize the initial survival situation. Nanachi was a 'wary' individual that decided to save them out of pity. She took on the role of a caretaker and doctor. Nanachi clearly has the medical expertise and knowledge. When you visit the doctor's office, do you not expect the doctor to take care of everything? However, I can understand your viewpoint about entrusting absolutely everything to a complete stranger so I'll give you that. Just to further the point I was making with the sexual innuendos. I relayed the scenarios to 3rd parties and got their opinions about it. Scene one: Girl is dying, poisoned, unconscious, and bleeding from all her orifices. Boy gives her CPR to get her breathing again. Then the "doctor" opens up the girl's legs wide open right in front of the guy and shoves a wax mushroom up her butt as a suppository. Scene two: Boy comes in and sees the doctor removing unconscious girl's pants that is currently steaming hot and fresh with piss and blood. She then hands it to the boy and tells him to clean it up. Later on, the boy is having a vision of a past memory while carrying the bloody pants on his way to the river to clean them. The doctor suddenly shows up and asks why he was staring so intently at the bloody pants. Scene 3: *spoiler for episode 13, read at your own risk* The boy, girl, and doctor visit a hot spring to unwind. After almost fully recovering but still having trouble with her arm, the girl asks the boy to help her undress. The boy does so. The girl then looks in the water and mentions the boy's penis. The boy runs away in embarrassment while the girl chases him asking about the CPR that the doctor so teasingly brought up. I presented these scenarios to 3 different people and all agree this is sussy as hell.


more than "sus", I would call it crude, from how real it can try this world and characters be, even their reactions avoids being overly exaggerated like we used to see in other animes, it mantains the inmersion and their innocence while doing messed up stuff like that.

Harley Burnie

So...yeah. How was this "sus?" Would it be the best idea to leave an injured, poisoned person, whom bleed from every hole in their body, and lost control of their body functions due to pain, left in their soiled clothes? I'd personally find it super immersion breaking to not acknowledge this part of the process. This happened to me, please strip my ass.

Abe J

I literally just thought the same, "what's sus?". Was gonna comment but.. well.. good job 😉. Well said, I thought it was perfectly reasonable.


So it's not normal to take out clothe on a fully injured and bloody person in your country? Or using medication through the anus? I don't know but for me, everything has been normal until you said "sus" but ok. Lol