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DeN..S..1..EP..10.. Enjoy!!





This is actually better because i can change the video quality lol


Maybe I'm the minority here but my country blocked the streamable, not sure why, i can only access it via vpn.


will you stream today? :) I'm hoping for E.L_P.S.Y_C.O.N.G.R.O.O. :)


Yuuup... I rant about it to Patreon support every day on mail... Patreon is literally the worst video platform out there, but hey, still better than blur on yt

rac coun

While this will probably work for a while, this way of using patreon also doesn't seem optimal. I would advise, that you edit in a timer, don't have any content besides your reaction. That way there can't be any takedown, because you wouldn't be breaking any rules.


I don't know how it actually was, but I heard even some peeps using timers got in trouble (for other things).

Antoine Jones

They already answered the rock star question last episode.. hes not POSING as him he just someone with the same name (even one of the ppl in the audience pointed about he looks nothing like the guy), that way if Light DID try to kill him hes have the actual Rock Stars image in his head while writing that name and kill the rockstar instead


yeah on patreon i have to run a game in the background on mute to keep the screen from becoming blurry and having subs be very hard to read, odd work-around but it works.

Antoine Jones

Also he literally just told you what the message says "I am kira and if you dont broadcast this Ill kill all of you starting with the company president" pretty much

T- Fam

Yeah, Lusanagi17 is correct. I'm subscribed to Y.B.R.L., and he gave all of us more insight about this crazy issue... Here, I'll copy-paste what he told all his subscribers: "I posted earlier that a bunch of us [Reactors] got hit by claims.  Folks suggested even timer reactions...that would not have worked..Even The Normies got hit and they show ZERO footage...[For emphasis], even channels that use the timer and NO anime shown are getting hit, so it has nothing to do with legit copyright. They are mass attacking posts that even mention the show. This person making the claims went through claiming shows without ANY investigation lol...didn't matter". "Patreon dont wanna anger big companies coz lawsuits are expensive...So the companies don’t require proof of anything, really. They click claim, and it’s virtually automatically approved and takes us 20 days to work out, and the damage is done. Patreon is avoiding a mediator role. The difference today is that they have a method to hit multiple people faster and multiple videos faster than ever. This is actually not a new problem". [The End] Now, getting a little more enlightment about this, Man, this truly SUCKS, right?! I feel bad for all the reactors going thru this crap. Anywho, at least for now, some reactors are doing this same type of technique and are doing okay, so let's just hope for the best🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾✌🏾

rac coun

Thank you, I wasn't aware so many people were effected. It's unfortunate that they are not filtering those people who have done nothing wrong. I hope that Patreon and the reactors can have a conversation to figure this out.


My goodness dude... How could you possibly think that Naomi (Raye Penbar's fiance) is still alive? It showed you what happened with the symbolism of her walking up steps to hang herself... also, the thing she wanted to do most of all at that point was to get to L and tell him what she knows about the Kira case... and then Light literally told her that he is Kira. You really think Light wouldn't already be caught if she didn't die? She definitely would have told L by now...


It wouldn't be the first time an anime implied death, only for it to be a fakeout. And well, he seems to miss important details like this quite a lot (but on the other hand he seems to pick up details that others don't even pick up on even after multiple watches).


I can't wait for Re:Zero !!! FMA is a good old anime but I felt a lot more emotions, different also with Re:Zero :3


Antoine said it best. By posing as a celebrity, a celebrity whose face everyone knows and can't help but picture when they hear that name, it'd made it really hard for the person with the death note to envision this name WITHOUT inadvertently thinking of the celebrity's face. Remember you need the name and face of the person youre trying to kill, so if you slip up for even a second and think of a different face, the killing won't work. However, since we know that's really not L's name only 1 of 2 scenarios will occur. Light would write the name down and think of L's face and succeed, but L doesn't die because obviously that's not really L's name. OR Light writes the name down think's of L's face but even for a second accidentally thinks of the face of the celebrity and that celebrity dies, sealing Light's fate as Kira. L basically is forcing a scenario on whoever Kira is that they'll fall for the fake alias and accidentally kill the celebrity revealing the truth, or be protected by the fact it's known he's meeting suspects in person.