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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Attack on Titan Season 4 EPISODE 3!!




Wasn't it Yelena with fake mustache? It looked like the person that lead Pieck and Porco to the hole/ basement/ prison/ whatever 😂😂


4:42 That grasshopper, alive, was shown at the start of the scene. Annie is a bit of a psycho. Remember in 1x17 she caught a guy on his 3d line and spun him until he fell apart. 11:25ish "I didn't realize they were this young." Yeah. Marley is quite a country sending 12-13 year old children to commit actual genocide. Then Reiner STAYS in the country 5 years and sees the consequences of his action.


This series is a literal masterpiece 11/10

Liam Cooney

The eldians in Marley hate the islanders because they’ve been indoctrinated since birth to think that way


Yoo we at the same part lol


Btw this is a new animation studio


They hate them becausethey see it like they are the ones that is keeping the mainland eldians from living a normal life. They think that if they where gone then they could live like normal


to answer the kenny scene, it's pretty self explainatory of annie sneaking around trying to find intel and is found by kenny, she tries to come up with an excuse and get rid of him but he dodges and she realizes he is insanely strong so she just runs away and can't do her intel gathering mission anymore


Flashback to season 2 ymir. Saying everyday was hell for the 60 years she was trapped in a mindless titan. Makes me think its like a nightmare where you can see but not interact with what you are doing.

Thomas Juino

About Annie/Kenny's scene : The warriors were looking for the founding titan which Kenny is working for. So it's logic that Annie followed him to try to find the location of the founding ;)


This is legit one of my fave episodes of S4P1, so much interesting info that I always wanted to know like a rundown of the Marleyan Titans and also Reiner's backstory.


the scene with kenny gets explained literally in the next scene where the 3 of them are making plans to destroy wall rose :D - at this point they are 5 years on the island but didnt achieve anything regarding there goal of finding the founding titan. so annie is going on recon missions in the capital to get information. there she probably got intel on kenny doing the dirty work for the king, but we dont know. at least we see her following kenny and when kenny smokes her out she tries this cover story with searching for her dad^^


When I first watched this episode, I didn't realize that was Eren until the very end of the episode. Blew the top off my head.


Ymir was sleeping for 60 years, you know it from season two and Annie reached to Kenny as that time he was working for Royal family. Hower she understood that he is too strong(being Ackerman), so she ran away.


She reached Kenny as he was working for Royal family at that time. She was trying to extract info about founding titan but yeah Kenny was too strong being Ackerman.


This is part of it. Also they got left behind, basically as prisoners and slaves.


It's crazy you clocked it was Eren after only him saying one word. I can't recall when I realized that it was actually Eren, but I'm pretty sure I was super slow with it. Honestly might not have been until they straight up reveal it when the characters themselves find out. I think it completely went under my radar


Same here. It was much easier for it to happen when watching on release, since it had been years since properly hearing Eren's voice


The Kenny scene is basically about Annie investigating him. Considering their goal was to get the founding titan and Kenny worked for the actual royal family at the time it shows how close they got. Though obviously, the founding titan was right in front of their eyes with Eren the whole time.

Lewis Coupe

These next 5 episodes are genuinely incredible can't wait for your reactions much love ❤️

Cole Olson

Exactyl! For most of us when we were watching it had been so long since we had seen or heard eren not just a couple weeks. So the payoff for that reveal was more


Kenny don't have a daughter, his sister is a hooker and died because of the job, so he won't pregnant some random woman and dump it.


Ah...I love this arc.

Miklar Sihn

I love how they show Reiner coming to Eren's hometown at the start of the episode, then at the end they show Eren being in Reiner's hometown.

Asher Adams

They hate them because the islanders are the reason they were locked up in the beginning

Evan Petroelje

That guy you thought was Jean was Jean just so you know


Reiner became one of my top 2 favorites in this season


That face XDDD when he recognized the voice

Nathan S.

If you thought the plot twists in season 1 2 & 3 were good... Season 4 finale has one of the greatest in this series, or of all time. Everything is going to get hella EPIC!!! Also if you miss Annie, watch AOT OVA "Lost Girls" -- its timeline is around season 3 to kenny, so nothing is spoiled.

Josh Folk

What's the upload schedule? I binge the hell out of the show and caught up to season 4 so not really sure when the reactions come out.


I don't think the ending of this episode qualifies as a cliffhanger, the episode has to end somewhere...

Julia Sue

Annie was trailing Kenny for info on the founding titan. She made up that story then ran away so he wouldn't suspect who she really was/where she was from.


I feel like he kind of just bypassed how crazy it is to see Reiner almost kill himself...and just how conflicted and regretful he is as a person. It had way more impact on me when I first saw it I guess lol.


The last opening (season 4 part 2) on the contrary piqued my interest so much that it even made me read the manga. This was my first manga. (before that I have already watched 400+ anime, this was the best OP I have ever seen)

Antoine Jones

they hate paradis because its full of Eldians... and they hate (fear) eldians because they cab transform into titans.... humanity fears what it doesnt understand. Just like how all he humans hate the Xmen/mutants in the comics, and they fight for equality etc etc And the eldians on Marley hate pardis because theyve been indoctrinated. Theyre told that the eldians on teh island are bad just like they are but they can redeem themselves and be seen as good in the eyes of marley and become honorary marleans if they fight and kill the "bad" eldians then theylll be absolved of their "sins" and become the good eldians

Bryan Wells

about to see my favorite episode of anime so far coming up soon


I think the mainland eldians hate the islanders because they have collective Stockholm syndrome or something. Not sure!

Bocchi the sweep

Holy crap I never noticed that parallel? (If I can call it that??? Lol). Man, I love rewatching this show and SOMEHOW still finding new things.


well probably cause we had to wait so long for a new season and he watched it right away :D i dont think i also caught up that its Eren immidiately


That Kenny scene was sort of like a Red Herring. Annie was probing for information we can presume she knew Kenny was in the military police leadership, she probably followed him to that brothel previously. Annie didn't really know Kenny and was attempting to fool him into thinking he had a daughter so she could gain more intelligence of the enemy. Unfortunately for Anne, Kenny is... Kenny, a cold bastard that saw straight through her act. Maybe its because he only visited that brothel to see his sister. Annie realised it wasn't working and bailed. -- Try to remember there is no absolute truth, many characters lie to each other for their own reasons --


yeaah.. also was wondering about that nuke from Colossal titan :D must be ability or something but im quite suprised it looks like it doesnt cost anything.. cause using steam is exausthing him pretty fast but a hecking nuke and he is fine ?? :D


Yea, she was scouting the underground, looking for info, and Kenny caught her attention. Once he became aware of her, she was terrified to go back, because she was afraid of him


Yeah I might have just forgot what Eren's voice sounded like. But also I know voice actors will often voice multiple characters in the same show. So even if I noticed I might not have thought it was actually him


The story, the man who killed himself, that was told to Annie Reiner and bertholt was infact the same story bertholt used back in season 1 to Eren and Armin. Nothing crazy but a nice little addition


Mainland Eldians are literally brainwashed people who got taken to almost to slavery by Marleyans. That is where their hatred comes from, to make it very simple and realistic to our own current times it's like Russians hating Ukrainians in our current times.


For good reason to be afraid of him, you don't mess with Ackermann's.


You forgot Ymir and Berthold's conversation. She said she's been outside the walls for 60 years


it's a common thing you see with s4 reaction. people are so hyped and cheerful they completely overlook how dark and tragic this arc of the story is. I have a feeling this will stay that way unfortunately


They probably just get a surge of energy specifically when transforming that allows that to happen


Yeah it was really weird how he just didn't even comment on it, such a massive part of Reiners character and idek if he saw it despite looking directly at his monitor


The eldians on the continent were abandoned and are literally the scapegoats for the horrible things the eldians did, they're going through abuse and abuse, used as cannon fodder. Besised that they've been massively brainwashed, most obvious in reiner and gabi


Annie was looking for connections to the Royal family and found Kenny, Kenny noticed her and "caught her" so she made up an excuse saying he is her dad, bc her mom was a prostitute (lie obviously). Kenny made a promise to kuchel to not get associated with prostitutes hence he didn't fall for it in the slightest. The rest is more like joke talk. Annie managed to escape through the sewers (manga) and realised that as long as he is around she'll be unable to get closer to the Royal family

David Taylor

Watch the end credit scene in the next episode


"the cliffhanger was bad in this one" oh my guy just you wait for what you will get in the next episode XD


The mainland Eldians hate the Paradis Eldians because of generations of internalized guilt, the racism they experience on a daily basis, resentment for being left behind, brainwashing, and the human need to be loved and accepted for who you are. The rest of the world hates them so much no matter what they do, so they scapegoat their brethren on the island for all of their misery. They have been conditioned to believe that they are the good Eldians trying to atone for the sins of the past.


As others have mentioned, the connection with Kenny and Annie is nonexistent. Annie was looking for information in the underground city for anything connected to the Founding Titan. As we previously learned, Kenny was working for the Reiss family which naturally led her to him in her investigation. She used the daughter thing as a ruse to try to confuse Kenny so she could escape after being caught.


https://youtu.be/6ixSY-hn-OQ a channel has started to share your AOT reactions with Japanese subs. The replies are enjoying your reactions lol