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The full unblurred reaction to AOT Season 1 Episode 9! 



Andrew Summers

i truly cannot wait to see your questions answered. im so excited for it


remember when you asked if anyone is stronger than Mikasa? Now you’ve met 🖤💕HIM💕🖤 lmao

Benjamin Jurkovic

Yessss, new episode. Was looking forward to this one, since it explains a lot and brings forth even more questions xd


Show: *Explains who these people are, and how they are on a special expedition out since the morning of the battle* G.O.T, one scene later: “Who the hell are these people, and where does this fit in the story?!”


Love watching your reactions! I’ve never watched anime with anyone before so it’s awesome to see someone else react how I did my first time 🤣 Can’t wait for the next one!


I just realized that Levi and Law has the same voice actor 😅😅😂 can’t believe I never realized that before 😅😅


hope it doesn't happen but if humanity is at the brink of extintion i do not want cowards and weak willed people to be in charge of command. they will speed up the process of getting themselves and everyone else killed.


Levi isn't a brand new soldier, that's why his group is doing so well. Most of the people who died in the field probably never even seen a real titan. So, fighting an enemy you don't understand, 20x your size is probably terrifying enough for the fear to get you killed.