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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to A Place Further than the Universe Episode 2!!




I think people at least wanted a separate post on patreon announcing where the vote was taking place. Yes, some were in the streams, but not every viewer who were in the streams would have been patreon subscribers, heck, some people might have gotten the patreon specifically because they can't make it to the streams. If the vote is happening on patreon, the patreon subsricers are the people who would most want to know about the vote. I personally don't mind future votes happening on youtube, but it would be nice to get a separate dedicated post about it on patreon, because that's something most of the people who would be interested in voting would see, unlike if you just announce it during streams or in reactions to specific shows.


This is anime original, meaning there wasn't a manga or light novel to base it on. It is a complete story in one season, no season 2 coming. It's torture waiting on these episodes.

Nakama Forever

The insert song when they run around town is the best! It just has so much energy and makes you wanna move 😆

Keith Merrington

You seem to be a little confused in your reaction today. So some clarifications for you... 1) Shirase's mum (Takako) went missing on an Antarctic expedition - we learned that in episode 1. She is dead (you don't survive if you go missing in an Antarctic blizzard). This is Shirase's motivation to go to Antarctica. Shirase hasn't fully accepted the loss of her mum and that's why she still texts her on her phone. 2) In the classroom scene where both girls were on their phones, the one (Megumi) sent a link to the other (Mari) with details of the upcoming civilian expedition. That's why Mari's phone beeped. 3) Neither Mari nor Shirase fully understood the implications of the 'High School Girls Dating' job. Megumi has to point it out to Mari. This is why Shirase looked embarrassed when Mari told her. 4) 'Kimari' is Mari's nickname. When she introduced herself to the shop girl (Hinata) she gave her full name 'TamaKI MARI' (KIMARI). Hinata had heard her nickname before and now understood where it came from. 5) The random adult at the end is NOT Shirase's mum. Her surname is 'Shiraishi' which causes the confusion. To add to the confusion, the name of the ice-breaker ship they went to look at in episode 1 was the 'Shirase' (a real ship by the way). I'm guessing both Shirase and the ship are named after the famous Japanese pioneer Antarctic explorer 'Nobu Shirase'.


Without spoiling a thing there is no season 2 and this show is a full and completed story so no worries it's just 1 season show


Have the disgusting normie masses that only watch the latest big name seasonals, Shonen, and what they watched when they were 15 in dictating the Patreon. Guess I'll never get my Hyouka reaction.

Nakama Forever

That last bit is so cool. I didn't know about the ship. Thanks for the info ❤️

Yel John

No, it's not her mom


That very much was NOT her Mom.


I do believe having a vote poll on PATREON would be better for the Patreon exclusives. Most people on Youtube will vote and not come here to watch what they voted for, so it seems kinda pointless. And in Youtube recency bias an shounen is very prominent, it is very likely we will get more votes for that genre. It's the same reason why "voting" via comments on Bocchi the Rock uploads does not make sense, since the people that don't like Bocchi most likely are not commenting on the Bocchi posts.


I'm sure this was probably posted somewhere already, but just in case it was not, why don't just make a Patreon poll for the Patreon exclusive anime? If it's because you don't want people who don't pay for patreon to miss out on the vote, just let anyone vote on the Poll, announce it on the first episode that goes in Youtube and that works. The point is that only people interested in actually watching it would come here and vote. If you just post on Youtube, there's many that will see the post and vote on the anime they like most, even if they will not come here to watch. And besides that, people here on patreon seem to have a different taste than the majority of people on Youtube, doing the votes there just reduces the voices of people that are actually on the Patreon. As for the plataform management, since you would post the poll on Youtube and remind us on Patreon to go vote there, doing the poll on Patreon and reminding Youtube to come vote here would be the same amount of work.

Lu C

Luke please start from now posting announcements that are related to Patreon here on Patreon so people that are exclusively on Patreon get the info. - that you announce something in a video is nice but not everyone watches videos right away - also on streams you might not hit the recording button as soon as you start the stream > the vods might miss some info - also that you went on vacation and this info was also lost to many > there were several people asking where is the HxH vod or Oshi no Ko reaction, waiting... You can post on Patreon and people will get a notification like you did when you forgot about Mushoku Tensei or Death Note had copyright issues here on Patreon or Sao unblurred issue. Also not all for Patreon exclusive polls were on YouTube, Hellsing vs Castlevania (14.02.2023) was here. The poll that won Code geass was also here (14.11.2023) and was labelled as unofficial. Plus Bocchi was voted in a poll on YT with nominations sorted from 2 polls here. Btw your community page on YT show as the latest entry from 5 months ago (20.01.2024) so where are the polls? So the picking a Patreon Exclusive anime method varies a lot. So please pick one and use the written announcements here. Having a message board is very useful for any type of platform. Btw an anime that is like 5 years ago it's kind of recent, the early 2000s/90s could be called old but cinematography isn't all together that old, just over a century... For me if it's black and white than it's for sure old 😁 And I have nothing against you Luke, I just think that you have the tools to inform everyone with a very little effort > written message that can be pinned on many platforms to be highlighted is much clearer than a spoken info a any video that people might not watch at the time that it's relevant ( for example - If I would wait till you finish Bocchi to binge the reactions on a weekend later than I would have missed the opportunity to voice a nomination)

Keith Merrington

I think Patreon exclusives should only be voted on in Patreon. As others have pointed out, many YouTube viewers would be likely to vote on Patreon exclusives they have no intention of watching. If your aim is to attract new Patreon viewers from the YouTube crowd then you can announce the poll and choices on YouTube, but only have the ability to vote on Patreon, by Patreon members.

Nate Ming

I've been working since I was like 14 (I'm 41 now) and, yeah... it felt good to have money in my pocket as a kid Learning that kind of independence early on helped a lot

Hwiyeop Kim

Yeah honestly, it's not that hard to just make a post about this voting information lol. It's not a rocket science

Hwiyeop Kim

Come on Luke, just make a separate post on Patreon for people to be informed about next Patreon exclusive anime at this point. Like, just type in '"Hey there's a Patreon exclusive anime voting on Youtube! Please comment which anime you want to watch." it's not that hard so I'm surprised it's still not there yet. If you don't, the comment section is probably gonna remain a mess for every Patreon exclusive anime episode. Like for Bocchi, more than half of the comments were people recommending their anime and not actually talking about the anime itself (same for this episode of APFTTU). If you actually made a separate post for it, then maybe people would have commented there and it MIGHT have been easier for you to see as well (BOOM!).

Petey Bickmore

When you said this anime is 4 years old, I was like seems about right. Had a look and it’s 6 and a half years old. D: where has the time gone?

Hwiyeop Kim

(LUKE AND OTHERS WHO DON'T WANNA BE SPOILED PLEASE DON'T READ) It seems like you already finished the anime so I will ask: Is her mom actually dead? (I don't mind spoilers)


I’ll recommend something since you seem so set on making Youtube polls. Let Youtube decide one Patreon Exclusive and let Patreon choose the next one. Keep alternating between them like this: 1. Both submissions and voting takes place on Youtube. Make an announcement POST (not a random video) on Patreon linking to the Youtube poll to notify patreons. 2. The next one takes place exclusively on Patreon. Both a submission POST (not on another video) and a Patreon poll. Make an announcement on Youtube advertising and linking the Patreon poll. This way you can keep both audiences happy. No need to do 50/50 like the one Bocchi won. Even Twitch gets to vote on their anime, but Patreon doesn't get to choose an anime. At the very least, notify Patreon by making a separate post on Patreon.


Never seen this much copium in a justification, people don't check comments on patreon? But somehow voting through comments on a community tab on YT (which are notoriously easy to miss) fixes that? Come on. Also, Twitch? Really?

Keith Merrington

Yes. This is not a spoiler. In episode 1 Shirase says her mum went missing years ago and was never found. Then in episode 2 we see a scene where an antarctic storm is raging and someone is shouting out her mum's name (Takako). So while her mum could have taken up residence with some friendly penguins and survived all these years on fish, it is much more likely that she is dead.

Nobue Itou

Nah, that's not going to happen. He literally said "I spent nearly 3 weeks on livestreams reminding people to go vote in the comment section and in regular videos." so he'd rather have you watch every video on YouTube and watch his 5 hour live streams on Twitch in case he says something important in that instead of making one simple post with a poll on Patreon. "I've had nothing but complaints with every series that's been picked" you know, it's our fault of course, the majority isn't complaining about WHAT anime he watches, just the way we aren't getting to vote on it but hey "If people aren't happy then my apologies, can't please everyone", it's just us ~12k that pay him for his reactions. "I will just start picking them myself soon", just as he always says in his videos, what he watches is decided but us. That was sarcasm, of course. "all Patreon Exclusive votes have always taken place on YouTube other than 1, that's been the rule since day 1. That's the way we're going back to as it includes the majority of people, everyone can vote" completlly ignoring so many reason why people can't or won't vote on YouTube, if they see the announcement at all since there is only a community tab post about it. Decided by... counting the upvotes of 423 comments. Not to mention that YouTube shouldn't decide on a series that's exclusive to paying Patreon subscribers. I know he's probably not doing this on purpose and just a silly goober but man, sometimes it really feels as he doesn't care about his Patreon people.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Just scrolling through these comments here…and this is what you get when you pick an anime based off a random comment with a handful of upvotes. 23 comments as of now and 20 of those are asking for improvements to the voting and selection process. I’m glad we’re voting for the next couple of selections now but hopefully even more improvements, like taking recommendations and having the vote on Patreon, will be considered for future votes. Having standalone posts for announcements and anime recommendations instead of burying them in random videos would also help the community at large gain a better sense of clarity as well


Yeah it was mentioned here several times, but i don't understand why he doesn't just use patreon posts and polls? its really not that difficult, he's making it look like making a patreon post is a unachievable or requires a degree.....just make a post taking in recommendations, then make another with a poll with 4 of those recommendations. Last time it was 2 polls, you can have a buffer of 2 series always ready, and when one finishes just make another. I think he's making it more complicated then it is. I also don't mind having the vote on youtube AS much, but the way it is, voting through the comments is really unreliable and you never know whats winning. He could take recommendations from youtube and then have a poll on patreon, or the other way around. That way everyone know whats available and what wins, easy. Anyway, im not waching this series, so hoping for a good one next time, and really hoping he actually announces when a vote happens, not just in a video. PS: Mentioning it on twitch also means nothing, maybe half of those are actually from patreon, so basically no one from patreon knows, plus the vods that are posted on patreon have most of these things cut, so even if you watch the vod, you don't know anything. MAKE PATREON POSTS!

Roxy’s Holy Relic

He must think that having the vote on YouTube is good for driving engagement. I imagine that it’s great for interactions with his YouTube channel but I highly doubt that many of the people who vote there actually sign up for the Patreon and watch whatever anime wins the vote. It would make a lot more sense to me to just get recommendations on Patreon, advertise the voting list on other platforms to get people to join in, then have the vote on Patreon. Seems like it would be incredibly simple to make that happen


Very good anime choice. This aint a triple a mega hit but you wont regret a moment.


Since most of the comments are about trying to improve the voting method for the next Patreon anime (which as I myself posted, I agree it needs) I will make a comment about the anime itself as well. I just discovered this show because it was reccomended here and I finished it yesterday, I really enjoyed it, it is lighthearted but still has some deep moments, but they are done in a way that still makes you feel very good after the end of every episode. Also, it's a original production with no source material, meaning all the story is told in this one season, with beggining and ending, which is pretty nice, since it usually takes seasons to finish a story, or it never finishes in anime at all. It is very nice story with nice themes, and very easy to watch. PS: No, that's not her mom, the names seem similar on first reading, I confused that as well.

Rem is best waifu

Man this show makes me nostalgic, I do remember being a brat just running around off walls bc I had no care in the world. Having kids of your own made me remember having that much energy and seeing how old I am getting. I think this show is very cute.


14:45 Which is why I find it weird with some reactors that got surprised when Bocchi and others got their part time jobs. I don't get the difference because don't westerners also try and apply for part time jobs at 16-ish?


That sus job they were looking at was compensated dating, in which school girls go on dates with older guys in exchange for money or expensive gifts, and is kind of a gateway to prostitution. It's an issue in Japan.


Amazing show so far, excited to continue watching


What happened to that time I got reincarnated as a slime is this show replacing it when this season isn't even finished yet


No, that's not her mother, as stated in the first episode, she went missing in Anartica, which is fatal. Her mother's body has not been found, which is why she also wants to go to Anartica.

Ty L

For older anime such as Kareshi Kanojo no Jijio (HIs and Her Circumstances, by Gainax), even if it is voted in, there might not be any place to watch it legally? This anime is a dark rom com, quite a rare genre.

SQX Barto

Thank you (and the voters) for choosing this anime. I never heard of it before, but now I checked it out and binged it in 3-4 days :)


You make it sound like a bad thing but that sounds like good content right there. We just need the "when they were 15" category to line up properly. I was literally 15 when Hyouka came out lol.

William Pina

I think it's smart to use the "Patreon exclusive" reaction to promote Patreon. Nothing wrong with it.

Marcio Neves

Nothing, he will react two at once, I believe. There was no episode last week, so I guess he will do 2 for 1 next week

Marcio Neves

Another problem with Kerkano is that the anime production was very problematic. Gainax had funding issues by the time, and some shows suffered to be produced. Karekano among them. I love the manga, I love the story and characters, but the anime adaptation has many issues, and a LOT of recap (or half-recap) episodes, to cut costs


This episode should be called "Enter best Girl" In Japan it is common to put the last syllable of the surname together with the name to refer to a friend, in this case TamaKI Mari.

Joel Bobosky

just thought I'd share this live stream from Kabukicho https://www.youtube.com/@kabukicho-1


3:25 keep in mind Indonesia and India also had "influence" from the British Empire :D Also that "mom missing in Antarctica" comment gave me Made In Abyss PTSD