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Here is the START of our new anime journey! A Place Further than the Universe with Episode 1!!



Marcio Neves

I was about to come here and watch, and it was gone. Now it is reposted... submission issue? Copyright?


Just watching this episode I'm barely able to hold back from bawling. I can't wait for the rest.


Macross Frontier for next patreon !

Nakama Forever

I'm sooooo excited to rewatch this again. I hope you have an amazing trip to Antarctica. My favorite penguin is the green one, but I love them all ;)

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Public Service Announcement: There’s a poll for the next two Patreon exclusives being voted on in the YouTube Channel Community Tab right now 📣

Marcio Neves

5:30 And with that journal we got that: - she did not kept it (only the first page was filled in, with the promises) - never skipped school - never went on a journey without a plan 😅

Keith Merrington

Finally watched it. Great start. This is indeed an anime to make you smile. It's just a single season anime BTW - a complete story in 13 episodes. Edit: I think you got slightly confused at the end there. You read "Exhibition" as "Expedition". They went to Hiroshima for a public EXHIBITION of the ice-breaker ship. They are not leaving yet. Just scouting out stuff.


We need Kakushigoto after this

Rem is best waifu

This is a good choice for Patreon. Idk how you picked it bc I skipped Bocchi. I watched Bocchi not to long ago however this anime I watched years ago and it is so good.

Yel John

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need MOREEEEEEE!

Hwiyeop Kim

damn really? loool Luke got clapped in the comments section so I ain't surprised


Im really happy to see this. It's such a great show.


I love this first episode a lot. It's such a great introduction to the characters and gets you hyped up for the journey they are about to go on.


Again, OMG. One of my favourite show, amazing VA cast. Let’s grow up with them then cry so hard again.

Marcio Neves

10:25 how does a person that complies about UK raining a lot does not have umbrellas at home? 😅


I remember watching this when it was airing, a very interesting story and I hope you like it, like I did. :D


Luke has put up a poll on YouTube, among people who are not going to watch it on Patreon, and so far Boku no Piko is in the lead. This is already progress, soon only we will be allowed to vote for what we want to watch 😂

Marcio Neves

12:32 the sign was joke, because it says "1 million yen" behind her, and she just happen to grab that same amount on that envelope 😅


Thanks for watching this and don’t be discouraged by any negativity. I’m glad you get to experience this hidden gem.


idk how this got picked but I'm here for it. hope you enjoy it.


These kind of shows let you have this warm feeling inside. Will always love them and now that I'm a bit older prefer them over most action packed anime.

Marcio Neves

After I've seen that the title of tha book was about Antarctica, the title just clicked in: technically the space begins at 100KM upwards (the actual value varies from scientist to scients). It is a 1~2h trip from a town to one near it. So, MOST of the things on this planet are further from us than the actual space 😁

Marcio Neves

14:40 a very small detail on the animation that is rarelly seen: Mari holding the skirt up with her hands, while crouching, so it won't flip down. In Toradora, whenever Ami was sitting like that between the vending machines, I allways wonderd HOW her skirt could kept upright in that position without anything holding it 😅 The animators just scrub it and don't think about that fine details


I’m just gonna say it cause idk if anyone else has yet cause this is a really cute detail.. When both girls were sleeping on the train near the end, it showed a shot of Shirase’s (black haired girl) phone. If you didn’t notice she was actually sending a message/email to her Mom. I believe it said it was being sent to “お母さん/okaasan” which is a way to say mom in Japanese. Recently watched this about 6 months ago myself and it easily became one of my favorite anime… I’m sure you’ll absolutely love this. I just feel like it executes everything perfectly.


Mini-Luke once again stealing the show, so adorable. I started watching this years ago, but got caught up in other things and forgot about it. I think it's time for me to finally it. I love the animation style and the soundtrack.

Marcio Neves

20:29 I really love this image. It is a timelapse composition of the sun going around over the horizon, but never actually going under it. It goes full circle like that when the summer is ending and the south pole starts to be tilted to face away from it

Keith Merrington

Oh yeah - forgot to mention - Cute special guest there :-)

Juuso Myller

I am usually against any patreons, but had to see this. I can't watch this show without crying anymore. Hope you love it!


Angel Beats and Vivy are the two leading, sounds about right. Both are great animes, both have several insert songs making them good candidates for Patreon. Because god forbid if Monogatari wins, the comment section of that series will be another fiasco just like Code Geass.

Zeekutar The Immortal

This series is literally one of my few 10 out of 10s of the hundreds that I've seen. I hope you enjoy the journey you are about to go on. ALSO: the yen has gone to crap lately, so when this was made, you'd be looking at more like 8k instead of 5k. ALSO: you can travel to antarctica. it's just a VERY dangerous place, so there are areas that are unsafe and most travel organizations won't let you go to certain places. There is not some government restriction or mandate that says you CANT go there. There's also commercial restrictions I believe.

Daniel V

17:31 No game no life reference here ? Lol

brotato 96

We got to see Little Luke Jr. before GTA 6


I don't know why, but I have to see Luke watch this. So now here I am on patreon. Was watching him on yt from the beginning, he's the only reactor, I genuinely enjoy. So hi Luke!

Marcio Neves

24:57 she said EXHIBITION, not EXPEDITION 🤣

Marcio Neves

That train trip is quite long one. 3 hours in a regular train from Gunma to Tokyo, and some other 4 hours at the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Hiroshima. Including transfer times, almost 8h in total!


17:31 peak reference

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Monogatari is a fantastic anime, one of only a few I’d consider a 10/10. I’m just happy we’re getting votes and community input again after this last momentary lapse in judgement. Whatever the people decide, they decide

Marcio Neves

29:00 don't worry, you will get the answers 😁

Marcio Neves

31:15 not quite: some are from the north pacific, also close to the Artic, near Alaska. Have you never seen any "crab fishing" reality show scenes? 😁


Fantastic anime, true even tho I haven't watched the movies but you do realize it is heavily psychological. Aside from that, while not required, having knowledge of the Japanese language helps to get a grasp on all the Japanese wordplays that Nisio Isin uses. Because I honestly don't want another Code Geass fiasco when Luke wasn't able to understand something in Monogatari and start attacking him again. Have we not learned anything from the Code Geas reactions?


Kinda disappointed, not only did he choose the this patreon exclusive anime by himself, but the choice for the next one is put on youtube, in front of people that don't even pay for patreon. Oh well, its 1$ so i guess i cant complain. Hoping for a good one next time.


Oh yes, really nice pick !!! I liked this one A LOT :3

Roxy’s Holy Relic

The Code Geass community is known for being pretty pretentious. I’ve seen several pretty big Western reactors react to Monogatari with no issues. It’s true that the Monogatari fanbase is pretty massive and every community has some bad apples but I’d say for the most part they are relatively laid back compared to a lot of the more mainstream anime with toxic fanbases


It was picked from the comments tho as it was most voted comment.


I don't understand how this won, not because it's bad but because it's just not that popular. But really glad it won.

William Pina

"I worked in the maritime industry, but I don't want to say more about it" Sounds like pirate talk... Luke the Spiky hair pirate! lol


I don't have any complaints about the anime but I'd prefer a poll really, not fully caught up to bocchi and didn't even know we picked something

Jesse Wright

My parents gave me one day off school a month to keep me going.


Not to deny that anime fandoms have toxic fanbases but if Monogatari reactions went similar to the like the last 10-ish code geass episodes I think you'd also have a lot of upset commenters, maybe less totally unhinged ones. Although I don't interact with anime fandoms so I don't know which ones behave better


There was a No Game No Life reference (since it's by the same studio) at around 17:30 minute mark when they were in the shop.


Please put a poll on patreon for patreon exclusives. I was not watching your bochi reactions (cause I couldn't wait and binged the show myself) and had no idea there was a vote going for the replacement Edit: before anyone comments, I will watch this because I have wanted to see it, I just wish I could have taken part in the vote as a patreon member

Marcio Neves

It was arbitrary choice by Luke given the feedback he got on comments 👍

Bj Howe

Oh this is gonna be a good ride.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

There wasn’t a vote for this one but there is one currently going on for the next two Patreon exclusives in the YouTube Community tab


But that also isn't a vote. Just searching for comments to upvote :/. And idk why youtube gets a say in patreon exclusives. I can see him doing it this way to try and get more people on patreon. But if he isnt doing patreon for the money, then that shouldn't matter. Patreon exclusive shows should be discussed and voted on patreon, and youtube just gets the updates on what's going on and the 1st episode. Thats just my opinion. Still love luke and his content, just wish it was done a little differently.


Tip for quickly remembering the value of yen when it comes up in anime, you can move the decimal two places to the left and then divide by 2, and that will give you a (very) rough estimate in GBP. So 1,000,000 -> 10,000.00 /2 = 5,000.00 (Disclaimer: this is based on the exchange rate at the time of this comment. And as mentioned, only provides a VERY rough estimate)

Niko He

Yay, I'm very happy you're going on this journey. Have lots of fun, you will love it for sure!


@Frentzy Problem with YT comments is that it doesn't even sort the comments by highest likes to the lowest. Like currently some shows with 50 likes are buried while ones with like less than 5 are higher. It makes voting messy, since people split their votes and possibly just don't vote things they want to see cuz they didnt see those liked. So polls would be better (be it patreon or YT, preferably patreon.. and he really should better notify about the poll)


Please in the future try to avoid using "most liked comments" method. It is messy with how YT handles sorting, comments with many likes are buried while comments with a few likes are near the top. So votes wont give accurate results, not everyone will scroll through comments to find and vote their favourites (so those will get less votes or votes will be split if they add new comments for the same) So please do polls, preferably here (YT is fine too if you better inform about it taking place, had no idea that there even was a vote) ------------------------- Edit, just to be sure: This isn't an attack and I am not blaming Luke (it was understandable decision), just telling why current way won't work and suggesting fixes.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

I agree with you there but it’s better than not having any kind of vote at all like what happened this last time around. As of this morning voting was completely off the table so I do think this is at least a step in the right direction, incremental change is better than no change at all. I would definitely prefer future votes to be on Patreon as well


Cutest special guest ever!


When did this get chosen as the next anime? And where was it on youtube or on twitch or hear on patreon


What do you mean soon only we will be able to vote for. What we want to watch. Do you mean the people on YouTube will only be able to vote for what people on patreon will watch or do you mean only people on patreon will be able to vote for what we watch on patreon?

Roxy’s Holy Relic

I’d prefer to have the vote for Patreon exclusives on Patreon but I’ll take this over not having any vote at all if that’s what you’re asking.

BRUNO Marques

I don't remember this being voted on? Is this replacing bochi?

BRUNO Marques

But why no voting? I don't mind Luke cherry picking stuff to avoid the Code Geass disaster, but no voting/recording way ahead/not reading comments for weeks, is making caring about engaging with Luke hard.


I love this Anime and i will gladly watch it with you, just like i loved Bocchi and am happy that you reacted to it. But i have to say i HATE the voting that is going on now. How will the votes be counted? Monogatari Series has about 5 comments with lots of likes, so as a fan, i scrolled down the list and liked all of them so -> 5 votes to monogatari?! On the other hand, if you only count the post with the most likes it is unfair too, cause there is no proper sorting in the comments in regards of most liked. Why not taking the 5 most "voted" for anime and put them into a poll so that we can have a decision with more fainess than now? And pls put the vote on Patreon, cause we are deciding a Patreon exclusive.

Amos Koh

not sure whats going on but give this man a break haha hes only earning like a dollar from each of us? let him watch what he wants to ?


There are boat trips to Antartika that you can book


I don't mind if Luke chooses some anime himself, I even suggested it to him. But he said that we chose it (we didn't), and a lot of people felt cheated 😂


@argonxyz Please note that this was the case at the time I checked the comments, now the situation is probably different :) But still, Boku no Piko has enough likes to get into the top 5, if Luke decides to change the rule and announce a normal vote among the anime with the most likes, it will be there 😂


Atm for me, Angel Beats has the most likes by far, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is something buried in there with even more likes.

Nobue Itou

I have to agree with what others have been saying. Why does YouTube get to decide what Patreon gets to see next? Why counting upvotes instead of making a poll? The people on Patreon are the ones that are most dedicated to your reactions, so much so that they pay you for it. Your profile says you have 11k paying people so you get the very minium £11k every month from us but we get no say for the exclusive shows. Announcements are burried within episodes instead of making a seperate post so not everyone will get all the information and it's all very chaotic. I think you should try to organise the way you're picking new shows better in the future.


very glad this anime pas picked. top 2 of all time for me

Amos Koh

ahh okay i've done some reading of comments and yea i get why people are pissed hahahaha. i'm sure he will do something about it! doing this for work isnt easy and i dont wanna burn him out . i need him to finish DS hahahahaha


Another thing with YouTube comments in particular is that you need to create a channel in order to upvote or comment, which is something some people don't want to do.


Didn't know there was a vote until this post came out, lmao


This has been explained multiple times. He wants to bring "fresh meat" to the platform. Also as you say there are 11k members, meaning if everyone in patreon participates there can be a massive shift in votes. As for announcements and polls i agree! Those should be made separately so it can be clear there is a change coming. Still, this anime is like 12 episodes long and there is currently a poll so you can vote for your pick there. I believe he said the 2 top animes will be watched


It's been too long since I saw this, and I'm so happy your taking a liking to it so fast. This is one of the most insipiring stories I've seen, and it's an anime original! It shows brilliantly what we can do in this format of entertainment, and that anime is much more than just cool looking fights. These 13 episodes are so worth the time used on them, and they will reward you with a heartfelt, well paced and a complete story.

Jesse Rivas

I never thought I’d be on this ride again!im so excited to see Luke’s reaction on this series.

Willy Eff

oshi no ko ep 2 when


Yeh, I don't understand why people bring the money topic in (it just makes us look entitled). Everything else is already valid suggestions/criticism, hopefully people are nice but honest and clear about it. Don't want it to feel like an attack for Luke. I tried to formulate my other comment like so.


Yeah monogatari is the biggest offender for showing why this voting method won't work. Like I think there were some animes with less than 5 likes before any Monogatari comments (even if they had 20-60 likes each) Didn't even think of that part of splitting comments/likes that if every fan votes every comment then 1 fan has multiplied votes. Vote is going to be total mess. Not that I blame Luke for it, he probably just thought it would be good method without thinking about it too much (why it wouldn't work). So hopefully next time he will do it differently or modify it to poll the top liked comments now.

Cédric Michaud

I have a recommendation for an OST from the anime Kono Oto Tomare called Tenkyuu.

BRUNO Marques

What he probably thought.... is how to generate engagement on YouTube by getting us to like and comment. Not a fan of this.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

I’m glad that we’re having a vote for the next couple Patreon exclusives after this but I have to agree with what many others are saying in the comments about how the current YouTube vote could potentially have some flaws. I thought I’d share how some of the other communities I’m involved in handle voting. It generally goes something like this: Recommendations are taken on Patreon and a list is formulated. That list is advertised on other platforms, “hey we’re voting for these anime, if you want to vote and watch the winner with us join the Patreon.” Vote takes place on Patreon. Eliminates trolls and malicious voters and the Patreon community gets to have the final say in what they watch while also bringing in new members to the community. I know that having the vote on YouTube is probably good for driving engagement but I imagine only a very small percentage of those who vote there will actually join the Patreon and watch the anime that wins. Also, comment based voting where there can be several different comments with the same anime with many upvotes each is a problem. The YouTube comment sorting system is also not great, oftentimes comments with a lot of votes get buried regardless of how you sort them. Taking recommendations from the Patreon community and having that list voted on in Patreon would eliminate many of those issues. I hope you’ll consider doing something like this for future polls.

Shawn Oxley

Never even heard of this show nevermind people talking about it ngl


I love this anime! Enjoy Luke.

Marcio Neves

It was not properly voted. It was requested sometimes in the comments, with a lot of likes, and he decided to go with it. I think it is OK for him to chose something on his own, sometimes 😁

Christian Koch

Its an amazing show, really looking forward to the reactions!


I shall start my campaign to have Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song as the next Patreon anime right now, so that Luke HAS to notice.

brotato 96

Im am completely opposed to the voting method. I just want to voice this. I love this show " A place further than the universe" But you see how one set of audience got bocchi the rock. I love Bocchi the rock as well but its not a genre for everyone. Others would be waiting to get their show voted but instead bocchi the rock fans got to choose another cute girls anime. And the Youtube vote thing. No matter how hard Luke tries to justify it, he himself said on Re Zero trailer reaction that youtube has a mixed audience that does not represent every category. Lets be honest this patreon exclusives are generating more revenue than any other platform but youtube is the biggest crowd puller. This is why this wierd voting trend where youtube is getting to decide the next patreon exclusives.


This anime was actually the first time I cried at an anime, and I haven't rewatched it since... I guess it's time to revisit.


This is such a lovely anime, liked it at the time and i'm super happy to see the reaction to it now. I understand that people might be sceptical because it's rather unknown but just give it a try. Rating wise on sites like MAL it's on par with shows like Spy X Family or Chainsaw Man, it's just so unknown because that season had other powerhouses like Violet Evergarden, Overlord, Gintama and it's an anime original with the whole story finished in that one season. It had no existing fanbase from manga or light novel.

brotato 96

Its fine because youtube has huge audience who can become patrons but I don't like this time patrons got completely ignored. And taking this show from bocchi the rock fans, who suggested another cute girls anime. Dont get me wrong I love both shows but I think Luke should give more thought to it and consider what his patreon audience wants as a first priority.

Keith Merrington

You want to see this anime, but you wanted a vote. If there had been a more traditional poll, I doubt this would have won since the mecha/shonen fans always seem to outvote any other genre (well, nearly always). Just be glad you get to see something you wanted to see.


I wanted to watch the show in general, not that I specifically wanted to see him react to it

Maya Chan

This is one of my favorite animes ever, and I don't even like "cute girls doing cute things" animes, I'm so glad I'm paying the patreon <3


It is hard to believe that. I believe it is the opposite, he wants people to join Patreon and this voting method was chosen because it just seemed the most convenient for him (without thinking too much about possible problems with it) Luke seems like an really honest and transparent guy, but he doesn't always think things through fully. This is where we come in and inform him about the issues, so he can fix them in the future.


Just an idea for the next poll you make; tell people to write a single anime recommendation in the comments instead of judging by likes. YouTubes like system is a mess and comments are easier to count.

brotato 96

Bruno I agree with you. And its more than just engagement. Youtube has the audience and patreon has the revenue. He is trying to convert youtube audience into patrons. And Suichoku I dont think he is that dense. He is doing things for engagement and monetization and smartly putting it out as if he is doing what audience wants. If a creator is straightforward that they want the algorithm and numbers I dont feel any issue with that. Any creator would want that. but Luke has this thing about pretending to be a Saint that is putting me off lately.

brotato 96

Luke said on discord its you guys fault he said multiple times on stream but you guys did not comment your next pick. He also said that he cant please everyone and that some people will always be whining because they did not like the anime which won.

brotato 96

That the thing. I love that this anime got chosen. But Im not happy with the method. But Luke is saying over discord that people are complaining just because they dont like the anime which won. And that he cant please everyone. He also said that you guys did not answer when he said multiple times on stream to comment the next patreon anime. Next time it will be youtube only because he want everyone to be represented. Just like the time when he ignored Re Zero trailer reaction poll and said that youtube does not represent everyone.


He shouldn't be asking for patreon anime recommendations on twitch either. I don't catch most streams because I'm busy. He should make a post on patreon asking for suggestions, and then make a poll out of those. Not everyone watches the current patreon exclusive so that's the best way for him to get interaction from his patreon subs

brotato 96

BornofOsiris That's exactly how I feel. In last comment I just showed how Luke is being argumentative about it and not even addressing the problem. I love bocchi the rock, I love a place further than the universe. But I dont like that one set of audience decided for every patron member.

brotato 96

11500+ paid members. And he can chose whatever he likes. I always think the creator should chose his content and audience should react if they like it or not. But Luke pretends to be a saint which puts me off.


I agree 100% with you then. Like I have said, I love luke, I don't mean any ill intent on what I am saying, we are all just voicing our opinions as members of this community


yeah the way he's handling it is quite stupid. People cant comment their recommendation if they are not watching can they?? If he made a post saying "comment your next patreon exclusive recommendation", and chose by that, i mean its not a poll but it would be way better than this. Seems like he can't grasp that not everyone on patreon watches every video start to finish, and even though he cant please everyone, he can at least try to reach most people. And doing it by the latest videos comments is NOT the way.


EXACTLY, you guys are voicing exactly the problem i think most people are having. Why not jsut make a patreon post fro recommendations? That will reach both the people watching bocchi and also people waiting for something new. I really dont understand why he doesnt use patreon posts more?? He only used it like once, when he forgot to upload a Mushoku Tensei reaction, but never when discussing recommendations, feedback, or anything similar. Just why?


Not sure, hopefully he reads my comment, since it had a crazy amount of like now. And takes our criticism and hopefully does things on patreon a bit differently going forward

Nate Ming



If this is true that he said that in discord. It is a bad look. Really twisting the narrative and missing the point. Saying that there are always people whining about chosen anime is really dishonest here. Haven't seen that many people complaining about the anime that won? Most seem happy or indifferent (ofc I haven't read every comment, so maybe I am wrong). Current issue is the way of going about things and I think people have been mostly expressing displeasure in a calm and neutral manner. Hopefully it is just a misunderstanding. Had hard time putting my comment to words, so hopefully it delivers the right message. ESL moment 👍


It isn't even latest video comments, it is a community post. I guess it reaches more people than a new video, but I rarely see community posts on my YT feed for any channel and some people have them disabled..


Finally, one of my favorite anime of the last years, in my opinion an extremely emotional audio-visual masterpiece and really inspiring, hope you enjoy the journey.


I meant that APFTTU was chosen by last weeks Bocchi video. Im guessing most people wouldn't even know it. But yeah same, i didn't know about the community post until i read about it HERE in this video's comments. He could also make a patreon post that either takes recommendations as well, or at least advertises the community post, saying go vote here. That would reach the most people i think. But yeah nothing...

Lu C

There could be a rule that duplicate/spam enteries will not be counted/counted as negatives/deleted... If it really must be done on YT...


I just want to say the special guest is the cutest thing in the world.

Lu C

Long story short - the issue is with the approach to informing people on Patreon (no info post) and the method for picking out a show (upvotes in comments + now even on different platform).


Ayyy lfg so happy to see this I know ur gona like jt luke


The vibe of the OST, OP, Intro, ED, just SSS tier.


Lol forgot about the NGNL poster 17:31

Adrian Muñoz

Man, it's only the first episode and my tears are ready to fall already! This will be a journey for sure again! 3rd time watching this.


Going to Antarctica as a "normal person" (as opposed to a scientist or whatever) is actually easy enough. True, you can't book a flight from a regular airline there; instead people book a cruise from an adventure travel agency or, more rarely, a charter flight. The main problem is the cost is often $5,000-$15,000 (and depending on the cruise or flight need to first travel to, say, New Zealand or something), and that may also only get you to certain parts of Antarctica. Obviously that's kind of out of the reach of the average teenager, so more creative methods are needed...


She's also going there to look for her mother, so she kind of needs to get to that specific area rather than just Antarctica in general


Right! That's why I said "... may only get you to certain parts." To do what she needs -- visit a specific area that was under scientific study - you can only do what our protagonist do, which is try and sign on to an officially sponsored expedition that happens to be going to the right area. Japan is part of the nations that signed onto the Antarctica Treaty in 1959, and so has somewhat more influence and interest than nations that are less active.

Vicente Gómez

I just started the show too because I loved your Bocchi reactions