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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to DEMON SLAYER Episode 13!




Convenient timing


2:10 tbh he does unironically believe the kid just killed a demon within a flash..


For your helth and other's, don't wake up a somnambulist who received military training. Learn more on Ivebeendecapitatedbyasomnambulist.gouv.com (I repeat it again here for you Luke to see, I love that joke xD)


Actually now that you mentioned it, I don’t really know who that man is lol. It could be his editor no?

Adriana Flores

I love your face every time the episodes end 🤭


I'm glad u're not hating on boar guy bc he's doing his job xD


"Why was Tanjiro waiting like that ?" He just wanted you to get blue balled by the cliffhanger like the rest of us lmao But yeah jokes aside, that is just a usual way to drag the end of an episode in order to time the cliffhanger perfectly.


At this point I'm just here to see Luke's reactions to the cliffhangers lmao


really should've seen that cliffhanger coming by now, Luke xD


If this goes on, Luke is going to develop so much PTSD, that he will become a Cliffhanger Slayer.


At this point we should just have a compilation of Luke's reaction faces to the cliffhangers.

Daniel Roberts

One eye not watery, the other eye is.... biggest possibility here...the eye that does not get watery from allergy may have a blocked tear duct, which needs to be addressed and fixed as that eye cannot get enough moisture if it's calling for extra to flush out the cornea. See your eye doctor soon and bring it up to him. It's better to be safe than sorry if it's no big deal, then so be it, but it could be a huge deal if the tear-duct gland is plugged up.

William Pina

There are people who really believe that by giving negative feedback, they can push others to become better. Some others are just cowards who will say they were just trying to encourage when they were really just putting someone else down in order to feel better about themselves. I don't know which was the approach of your family member, but neither one is good. Writing is hard, I'm always impressed by people who have tried and persevered despite all the hurdles. Congrats Luke


While I don't know the details between you and your family member who you had a falling out with... I can say that I am the type of person who is best motivated by people being critical and telling me I can't do something. So those who know me best know the best way to manipulate me into doing something is to put me in a position to make them eat their words. I also tend to take this approach depending on the person's personality type to encourage them either through positive praise/support or by teasing them and letting their anger fuel them to do better. It is situational depending on what motivates people more. So I can't speak for your family member and how they went about it which led to a falling out, especially if you were only 16 at the time when insecurities are higher. But going from your personality on stream and in reactions I take you as someone who likes to prove the haters wrong.


yeah.. never would have guesses it could be his father :D always though its either a boss or.. yea editor etc.. what i found more amusing it that he already was a demon and while he may killed humans at that point he was still.. holding on his hobbies/job? and killed the dude not even for hunger but anger :D


Yeah, there is a fine line between negative feedback to encourage and them just being toxic to make themselves feel better about their own misery/failures.


I’ve seen people who thinks giving critical/ negative feedback as a way to motivate others to progress, but that kind of people would also usually just smile knowingly on the sideline instead of harping on bout how they are the reason of others’ success. In most cases anyways. I tried writing before but it’s hella hard (didn’t finish my project lol), a lot more research goes into it than most people think, so kudos to Luke.


I like to think Tanjiro ''waiting out'' for rushing to help cause of a ''shock'' of whats happening in front of him and him considering going to beat another human being :D like he is not that type to resolve issues with fights and maybe hoping they would stop? but when it looked like he is going to really hurt him then he ''decide'' to step :D i dunno seems really lame of holding the scene just for entertainment of seeing that awful view and/or get the cliffhanger juust right xD


I forgot the cliffhangers were this stupid 😂

One G. O A. T. One Dream

The minutes of sad sulking after every end are getting pretty funny. Hey man! I know the pain, I had to wait a WEEK! each time. The pain knowing you have to wait a hole week after every end... thats was really the biggest downside of DS for me. but the wait was woth it And also no I dont think he was a demon, Im interpreting it as him getting his revenge later on who ever that was by saying yes to getting power and killing them with those powers.

Marcio Neves

Luke, I know you already have seen my messages, but I will keep reinforcing them to beg you: DO NOT SKIP the ending for episode 19. It will be a different music (it will be the regular one back by episode 20) and it is directly connected with the FEELING of the ending of that episode. Do not skip, or the felling of the moment may be ruined. You may edit it out on publish and keep it all for yourself, but, please, do not skip it and watch it straight to the end. Trust me 🫡 (I will keep repeating this message until episode 18. It will be worthy)


I can understand you not being proud of your first book, given that we are always our own worst critic. BUT! From my point of view it is definitely something to be proud of. Important to acknowledge the flaws and what to work on - which you seem to have done seeing as you are proud of your second one! - but nonetheless something to be proud of for coming up with the plot, to put it down on (digital) paper and for taking the huge step to put it out there. Good job, man!

Marcio Neves

Since he talks about Kyogai being a shut-in that only plays his tsuzumi, I always assumed it to be his father, that would also be a writer himself, and was analysing his son's writing

Amos Koh

Hey Luke, sorry i have to say its freaking funny watching you get so pissed at the cliffhangers, but this episode's reaction got me a little worried about your overall mental health. HAHAHAHAHA just like try to expect this all the time ok. it will help hhahahahaahah

Luca Bellan

Wait till season 2... it gets worse 😂

Arcade'owy Łowca

eyes have their own "defense" system, basically your body defense system doesn't know the existence of your eyes, but if it would know about them, it would treat them as foreign body, which means it would attack your eyes. So if one eye gets teary, well, that's your defense system for this specific eye.


scientist here: your eye is getting watery cause you havent watched enough Demon Slayer


You should see the cliffhanger on the latest episode lol


I come for Demon Slayer and stay for Luke's crazy. You should be very proud of writing...anything and especially if you got it published. I've been writing for 35 years and have never finished anything because I am my own worst critic, and the second I find my books boring to me, I know they'll be boring to the reader. So I rework them...and that's all I seem to do. I know, I know, I shouldn't do that, but it's a nasty spiral I find myself in. I also doesn't help that I really have no one to read my stuff and give me their opinion. But anyway, soft rant over. Either way, be proud of yourself, Luke. Very proud.


Cliffhanger-kun strikes again! LOL


Now imagine how the people that watched this while it was airing suffer (it's me, I'm people lol) You get use to it with time, you can even predict when the episode is ending 🤣


real reaction starts at 23:54

Adam Cake

i think the next episodes are all hard cliff-hangers. best of luck surviving through this xD


7:00 sister? Luke once told about a family member with whom he had problems, but I don't remember exactly


this anime really wants to constantly remind you that all demons were once humans, it's a tragic story for them

Bj Howe

Lmao I forgot how much I hate those flowers.


Cliffhangers are my favorite part. Ahaha.


interesting view.. but the guy said he only stay inside nowadays implying he couldnt go on the sun anymore :o but i can see this being a true.. it honestly was one of the most mysterious flashbacks :D


Use his head he said lol

Weed Smell

last episode: -tanjiro: i have this broken rib, it hurts so much to move, i'll use water techniques to soften the pain this episode: tanjiro turns into a fuking monkey and dodges anyway! yeah... so much for injuries having impact


Not relevant to the episode but would you consider having a dedicated dub slot? I know you've considered re-watching previous shows, could you do the re-watches in dub?

Abraham Perez

We said the Cliffhangers suck... but you wouldn't listen lol

Emily Hansen

I like that idea. Then it would be different for Luke too seeing the translations.


regarding the teary eye. It may be that you have a dry eye sindrome and tear ducts try to compensate, or your tear duct is blocked. There are other possibilities, but those are the most common


Yeah Tanjiro's VA has a gaming channel! Other VAs (among them Loid's VA) often guest to play games! I used to watch it all the time until YouTube took away community subs. Still a blast to watch without subs though. The horror game playthroughs are so funny, particularly Dark Deception and Little Nightmares, here's a link https://youtube.com/@hanae0626?si=dLzUjs6zeQ1AFaxA


Well there's only 1 or 2 who request for dub here, so it won't make sense for Luke to record an extra video just for a few views and just to entertain the minority


This is more of a Western culture vs Asian culture


The majority of people here prefer sub to dub, sorry not sorry


overlord feels so far away at this point, but boy am I excited for the next section of episodes and then the Mugen train movie!

Regular Grayzone

Eh. They are half healed and are currently fractures. I would guess a fractured rib and shin bone don't actually affect you too much beside the pain. I've had a fractured rib, and really shallow breaths is key to not feel like you're being stabbed in the chest. He mentioned that and even had a pain spike when he took a deep breath. So medically I personally believe it's not too outlandish to push through. It's only fractures after all. Shifting focus away from the leg pain is easier than the fractured rib, and he addressed the rib with shallow breaths. You could probably push yourself through those injuries yourself..... If you had great cardio that is, because shallow breaths does not drag in much oxygen. Maybe you haven't had fractures, or maybe you have experienced completely broken bones in stead. Not sure why you think the story impact of the injuries was bad


That's because he doesn't do dubs so the dub base goes elsewhere. I drop half of his reactions because I get tired of reading it and I only watch ones I've watched in dub already. As far as the re-watch idea goes, he said he was considering it for GOT extra and it would attract more people to the video if it was dub instead of sub again.

Chris Gama

Yep. If you're pissed at the cliffhangers here in season 1, oh just wait. Juuuuust wait. Or, just get used to them. At least you don't have to wait a whole week in between episodes, Luke! haha!


oh no q_q people have to tell luke to watch ep 19 before holiday


Cliffhanger Slayer for ever !!!


I mean, it's a tradeoff. If he did do dubs, I wouldn't be watching them. So someone is always unhappy regardless of his choice. At this point he has established that he mostly does subs, so I think he should stick to that. There are other reactors that are reacting to stuff I want to see, but as they only/mostly do dubs, I can't watch them. We can't have it all. Honestly, with there being so much good anime that Luke has yet to watch, if he starts doing rewatches, that would be quite disappointing. But I guess if he goes for it, then it doesn't matter to me if its subbed or dubbed.


Lol... Luke, my baby boy, you think that Cliffhangers are bad in season 1? Those red flowers? You're going to MISS those red flowers when season 2 comes up... Now those cliffhangers were brutal...


also. Tanjiro is a soft gentle soul. for him to snap at someone is extremely difficult... Tanjiro will always try to find peace and resolve things without bloodshed, it's actually a character trait that will come up often (for better or worse), but him being driven to the point of snapping is also something that demon slayer enjoys as a theme/trope but it's extremely more nnoticeable for tanjiro because he's quiet normally... imagine how everything felt weird when loud and obnoxious zenitsu suddenly got quiet? think of the opposite with tanjiro. in terms of suspense.


tanjorio using his head to deal with the boar. LOL


true, he doesn't need to wait for weekly episodes like us LOL


I didn't sleep for 2 days because of that last cliffhanger in season 2 XD


You just got to keep trying to sleep. you know. Never give up.

Angelia Dark

Zenitsu is a bit annoying but he's got such a big heart


when the guy who kills you is more supportive of your hobbies than your own family, that's when you know you had a bad childhood


There was no reason to put a cliffhanger there lol

Daniel Griffiths

i think tanjiro was buying time to make it to the credits lol


To answer why tanjiro stood still for so long, it was because they needed an extra 30 seconds to get that perfect timing for the cliffhanger lol. No no jk. I think with the memory of his dead family coming up there, it's just a trauma/rage moment build up. Something extreme like that has to happen in order for him to be able to have the resolve to ignore his injuries and jump in that quickly. It makes sense to me.

Weed Smell

i've only had my nose broken and no major limbs, thanks god but i can tell you, you dont ''push through'' broken bones however the point was not crying ''its unrealistic'', it was making a joke about how luke gave credit to demon slayer for having ''injuries that matter'' when is not really that kind of anime.... and that's fine, another anime that i like is baki and that one has the most retarded way to deal with injuries

The O.P Ones

Bro this season is nothing compared to season 2. Season 2 broke crunchyroll and was trending in twitter for a week straight. Its on par with UI hype


This is also the 2nd time Tanjiro rage that much and the 1st time was when meeting Muzan. If we think about it , Tanjiro will never resolved in that way.


Oh yes I think most people started to love Zenitsu in this episode (I was one of those fans lol) for real though, Zenitsu can be annoying, and a bit of a wimp. But he has a huge heart of gold. When he knows something is wrong he will stand that for what is right. He is a loyal friend and cares for his people from the bottom of his heart.


Luke PLEASE react to Come Alive | Opening Zenless Zone Zero!!! Amazing song for the new Hoyoverse game!


I feel like you just forget he's annoying after season 1 or is it just me haha ?


love this day of uploads, both bocchi and demon slayer same day, hell yeah!


Same thought, personally only a handful of dubs are as good as subs, I have literally no idea why some people prefer dub to sub (perhaps they're not real anime fans or too lazy to read) The dub for Demon Slayer is definitely one of those that put people off. I also doubt the idea of Luke reacting to dubbed anime. I don't reckon there's a large dub base out there, plus I don't see Luke benefitting from that lol

Kami Has

where can i get my hands on the book unnatural? what genre is it?


Yeah, Tanjiro stay a bit longe there and watch!😂 The drum demon had a cool ability and I did not expect this ending.. GG annoying Zenitsu!