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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to VINLAND SAGA Episode 24!!




Did I miss something ooor... where's episode 23?


Dang it, I wish I could just watch this reaction right now, but I really want to see these in a chronological order :D


hopefully he double releases 23 and 24, id really want to watch chronologically


Luke at the Start of 23. “You are not getting these back to back”. Luke: uploads them back to back Us: 🤦🏽‍♂️

Barack O. Llama

luke is ever nicing us or has forgor


24 before 23. Nice joke Luke :D Anyway the 23 is upload now. Enjoy watching everyone! The masterpiece is here


nooo he watched the wrong one.... damn...


Thanks Luke for this. Not because I care about these eps being released together, but a lot of people did. And watchers, be kind to Luke for doing this. Don't try to do this all the time. This was a treat, think of it as such. Be kind


You didn’t have to do this… but thanks for doing it.


Luke is always so strict about scheduling, so this was unexpected Apparently he saw what was happening in these episodes and decided that leaving it for the next week was too cruel 😂


Congratulations on finishing the prologue. (: I really enjoyed your reactions and can't wait to see more!


thorkells brother isn’t there? what’s bro goin on about

Jose Zeledon

luke read the title of the episode xD, is called end of prologue xD, imagine what is to come of this if this is only the prologue


I know how much you care about sticking to the schedule so a double drop is really unexpected but greatly appreciated


So dies Askeladd, one of the most glorious and most memorable bastards of anime And what a way to go... Both the wisdom of his final words, and Thorfinn's reaction (I know their relationship was complex and antagonistic, but in a way it almost felt like a repeat of him losing his dad all those years ago) Now, the REAL story starts

Muligan Shinzuo

It is funny how you predicted the climax (even if said in jest). XD . Thanks for the reaction. IIRC Thorkells brother is the leader of the Jomsviking (which is not the king).

Shiwa chan

"Im actually a douche! "-Luke 2024

Hwiyeop Kim

Oh wait I thought he was going to react to ep 24 right after ep 23 but was going to upload it next week? Not that I'm complaining lol


I think Luke thinks Floki is the leader of Jomsvikings, which isn't correct either.


If you know the meaning behind the knife drop scene it just hits so hard. Especially because of the music and the way it's animated. Made me tear up even harder than Askeladds death.


Crap...I watched episode 24 before 23. Man, I need to learn to read one of these days.


Thank for the treat of having these two back to back, even though it was unintentional. I loved your reactions, as always, and you had pretty much the same questions I asked myself after watching this for the first time. This last episode is truly a lot to take in, so feel free to watch it again on your own time, if you feel like it :) Season 2, here we come!


Yep I agree, I've met people who literally just decided to change their life on a dime. I met someone who told me one day he just woke up and felt sick of how he was living his life and just how he was thinking, and decided right there to change


My my what an pleasure this has been. Watching vinland saga with you. I have been waiting this since first ep of aot. Man time goes fast. That was almost 2 years from now like how the hell. Anyways glad to be here and thank you for double release. I hope you enjoy S2. Its peakland saga for me. Now we can all take a breather and remember our boy AskeChad.

Muligan Shinzuo

True but an easy mistake to make as he is seen always leading the squad around the king.


09:35 Luke, tell that to Luke who watched Code Geass 😂




Lol I was seriously thinking about Nunnally when he said that. If Luke reads this comment I'd honestly want to know out of curiosity what the difference is. I feel like I'm really missing something.

William Pina

During the original release of the anime, we didn't get the episode title until the black screen after the Thorfinn's blade drops. It was such a mind blowing thing. I hate that the new version omitted that


A lot of season 1 hits way different after you've seen season 2

Subaquatic Toaster

Finishing 23+24 today now gets you through the Prologue. Now you can take a week and if you want, think about season 1 before going into season 2 with fresh eyes. I'm glad you enjoyed season 1. You're going to absolutely love season 2.

Robert H.

The historical accuracy of Vinland Saga: **Thorkell the Tall** Thorkell the Tall, commander-in-chief of the Jomsvikings and the legendary fortress of Jomsborg, really took part in the Battle of Hjörungavágr in 986. (Episode 1) But he did not switch to the English side at that time because it allowed him to fight better battles, but because the Archbishop of Canterbury, an important hostage of his, who he obtained during his battles in the war against England, was killed against his will by his subordinates. Disappointed by the Archbishop's murder and sensing that he was losing control of his men, Thorkell and several other loyalists defected and took 45 Viking ships with them. He and his men then entered the service of the English king Æthelred the Unready as mercenaries, for whom they fought against the invasion of the Danish king Sweyn Forkbeard and his son Cnut in 1013. It is not entirely clear how Thorkell became part of Cnut's army prior to a Battle later, especially considering the former's role in opposing Cnut and his father's invasion of England in 1013 and escorting Æthelred the Unready into exile, but it is assumed that Cnut considered him a valuable asset and powerful ally. **King Sweyn Forkbeard** Sweyn Forkbeard (Sveinn Haraldsson; 17 April 963 – 3 February 1014) was King of Denmark from 986 to 1014, also at times King of the English and King of Norway. He was the father of Harald, Cnut and *******. In the mid-980s, Sweyn revolted against his father, Harald Bluetooth, and seized the throne. Harald was driven into exile and died shortly afterwards in November 986 or 987. In 1000, with the allegiance of Trondejarl and Eric of Lade, Sweyn ruled most of Norway. Sweyn started raids against England during 1002–1005, 1006–1007 and 1009–1012 to avenge the St. Brice's Day massacre of England's Danish inhabitants ordered by English King Æthelred the Unready in 1002. The main motivation for the raids was more likely the prospect of revenue. In 1013, he is reported to have personally led his forces in a full-scale invasion of England. Most of the territories immediately submitted and bowed to King Sweyn. Only London remained to be conquered in order to control England completely. But the Londoners put up a strong resistance, because King Æthelred and Thorkell the Tall, a Viking leader who had defected to Æthelred, personally held their ground against him in London itself. Sweyn then went west to Bath, where the western thanes submitted to him. The Londoners then followed suit, fearing Sweyn's revenge if they resisted any longer. On Christmas Day 1013 Sweyn was declared King of England. Based in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, Sweyn began to organise his vast new kingdom, but he died there on 3 February 1014, having ruled England for only five weeks. Sweyn's cause of death is unknown. Some theorise that he was killed, whereas other sources say he died after falling off a horse. **Cnut** Hardly anything is known for sure of Cnut's life until the year he was part of a Scandinavian force under his father, King Sweyn, in his invasion of England in summer 1013. In a Knútsdrápa by the skald Óttarr svarti, there is a statement that Cnut was "of no great age" when he first went to war. If the skald's poetic verse references Sweyn's conquest of England in 1013–14, it suggest a birth date near 1000. There is a passage of the Encomiast with a reference to the force Cnut led in 1015–16. It says all the Vikings were of "mature age" under Cnut "the king". A description of Cnut appears in the 13th-century Icelandic Knýtlinga saga: "Knut was exceptionally tall and strong, and the handsomest of men, all except for his nose, that was thin, high-set, and rather hooked. He had a fair complexion and a fine, thick head of hair. His eyes were better than those of other men, being both more keener-sighted and handsome like the eyes of woman." — Knytlinga Saga **Other** Almost nothing is known about Thorfinn's youth. The narrative in the anime is completely fictional. Askeladd's character is based on various sagas, but is ultimately completely fictional. He is said to be an illegitimate son of Olaf Höskuldsson, who really existed. His death caused a number of revenge-killings, as in the tale of Askeladds. Episode 7 is a Star Wars reference. The Frankish General Jabbathe Hutt is supposed to be reminiscent of the character of the same name in the Star Wars saga. Additionally, Vikings also transported their ships overland to overcome difficult waterways. Smaller ships were carried by hand using poles, while larger ships were pulled over branches. To trade with the Turks, they carried their boats 10 km overland to reach the Black Sea. -------------------------- Source is mainly Wikipedia. But I wouldn't recommend looking there yourself, because you'll quickly run into spoilers for the next seasons.


end of the prologue.

Dylan Cromche

he mistook floki as the leader of the jomsvikings, helgas father, who is thorkell's brother


Luke, Floki isn't Thorkell's brother. Just so you know, cause I heard you saying that he is his brother. He is not.


Thorkell and Floki are NOT brothers, he's the brother of the LEADER of the Jomsvikings, which is NOT Floki, he's just a VERY high ranking member, that's probably where your confusion comes from.

Keith Merrington

Great reaction Luke. Now you see why it would be premature to watch S2E1 right after this one. You need time to reflect fully on S1. Thanks for the reactions to S1. Looking forward to seeing your S2 reactions. I think you'll like it.

Rave Recage

Now the REAL VINLAND SAGA starts.


Those characters at the end were future characters, but actually you'll only see the last one in season 2. Funny how /Spoiler/ he took Gudrid for a native american lol.


Ok, so next Friday we're already starting the REAL Vinland Saga.


This was a complete accidental upload! Ha!! Well enjoy this episode a WEEK early! This wasn't supposed to go live until next Friday! Well... benefits of being on Patreon! Enjoy! Ha.


Congrats on making it to the end of the prologue! Now get ready for the fictional masterpiece that is season 2. Fun fact, Makoto Yukimura, the author/artist behind Vinland Saga, literally said Askeladd as a character was made solely for Thorfinn's development, and that he didn't plan the existence of Askeladd when he started writing Vinland Saga.

Lexi Browning

The title does not lie. This is truly, in every sense of the phrase, the end of prologue. This story is going to take you on an eye-opening ride with the most profound lessons on human existence

Nate Ming



This upload was all part of Askeladd's plan. R.i.P King

Leanne Stephenson

Canute giving Thorfinn the freedom to go/do whatever he wants after taking away his purpose for living is what earned that reaction IMO

Lane Kyser

"That's my nickname. I'll tell you the name my mother gave me. My real name. Lucius Artorius Castus. I am the legitimate king who deserves to rule over the land of Brittania." He is essentially saying that he is the last living descendant of KING FUCKING ARTHUR and the true king of this land, and if Sveyn wants to rule he needs to depose Askelaad!

Eric Michel

One thing to note: Floki is not Thorkell's brother, this one being the Jomsvikings' leader has only be shown in memories. Floki is like a general, not the leader.


it's for youtube. He has to spend like what 2-4 hours editing a video. Which means he can't add extra 4h of work z.z just because people. Patreon doesn't require editing so he uploaded it here.


Askeladd, congratulations. You saved Wales. After Sweyn died in 1014 the vikings were never able to conquer Wales, and it wasn't until the next round of conquerors came that it fell, 200 years later.

Dj (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-09 04:10:51 Thorfin finally realized he just lost his father figure. I still wished or a Thorkell vs Floki duel since it was Floki who planned Thors death.
2024-06-09 02:28:01 Thorfin finally realized he just lost his father figure. I still wished for a Thorkell vs Floki duel since it was Floki who planned Thors death.

Thorfin finally realized he just lost his father figure. I still wished for a Thorkell vs Floki duel since it was Floki who planned Thors death.

Emanuel dos Anjos

Finally the end of the prologue, now the true story begins

Sean Kidney

Thanks for posting this early here. Had just finished 23 on YouTube and when you said you might upload early on Patreon 1 day I was like no way you could’ve this early. One of my favorite episodes of anything ever

Asher Sanjan Abraham

Wait. We have to correct you here. King Sweyn is NOT Thorkell's brother. When Thors was part of the Jomsvikings, their leader THEN was or is Thorkell's brother, with Helga being Thorkell's niece. He only wants to fight King Sweyn because there's no other good army or faction to give Thorkell a good one-on-one fight in war, hence why in London he sided with the English.


I'm glad you reacted to this early for the emotional buildup. That reaction was priceless! Looking forward to S2!


I didn't think they were brothers... I thought the leader of the Jomsvikings was his brother?

Robert H.

The leader of the Jomsvikings (in this anime) always stays in his seat in Jomsborg. Floki is effectively the foreign minister and intermediary for the Jomsvikings with the king.

Ryan Palyo

to be honest, having read this comment before watching your reaction to this episode, that's exactly what I thought you were saying. You kept mentioning that Thorkell wanted to kill the king a couple times, then relatively close to that you said you weren't sure if Thorkell would really kill his own brother or not. But there was never any mention or showing that Sigvaldi was present there. I can see why he thought you were assuming Sweyn was Thorkell's brother. Although to be honest, I still don't really know what you meant when you kept referencing Thorkell's brother during the episode either.


Can't wait seeing your reaction to season 2. It is sooooo good but completely different. So much character development


I think Luke is justified in feeling bamboozled there. If people really wanted Luke to have a break between seasons, that should be included in the previous episode comments as an explanation of why he should view 23+24 together. It wasn't. Maybe the double reaction was a good idea because Luke might have forgotten certain details if he waited a week. I think it could've waited. It wasn't a problem for other reactors. Luke has been noticeably more dismissive and demeaning to the comments trying to help recently, seems like it carried over since the Code Geass mess.


You bastard, you did it! You bamboozled us🤣 F*ck yeah, we finished S1! GG man!


"i dont think the banquet will burst out into chaos" had me audibly laughing at the top of my lungs


When Luke said Thorkell wanted to kill his brother in my mind I thought he was talking about Askeladd. But now I'm even more unsure! But whatever happened it's clear at the very least he know what is going on and he is picking up a lot of the details in this anime. It really show that he is enjoying Vinland Saga a lot.


You are right about Askeladd's Toga. It's supposed to symbolize his Roman hertiage.


thanks for uploading here early <3


I love how this episode hits harder the more you know what comes next 🥺 Yabuta and the whole staff really love Vinland Saga and it shows ❤️ I'm so excited for next Saturday when you finally get to experience S2. Askeladd's dead is a scene that never fails to make me cry, it's so beautiful and emotionally heavy, his and Thorffin relationship is complex but at the end I always think of Thorffin just loosing another father figure there. Seing my 2 favorite girls at the end makes me excited for a new season, it doesn't matter if I have to wait 4 years again, or even more, but hopefully it's going to happen 🥺

Bryce Patterson

just have to say Vinland would be more located here in Canada we have history of the vikings making it here way before france, and england.




I understood the knife drop scene to be him letting go of his revenge, in the previous episodes, Thorfinn was being taught that he just wasted 11 years of his life chasing someone for revenge, and in this episode, he drops the only memorabilia of his father, the dagger, while screaming and trying to get to Askelladds body (who is already dead at this point). This shows that Thorfinn, despite not realizing it yet, has actually forgiven Askellad and has let go of his revenge. But without revenge, what does he have? Thorfinn will have to find a purpose in his life now. It's strange the relationship Thorfinn and Askelladd had, but in the final moments, Askellad gives Thorfinn some fatherly advice, like he really cares about Thorfinn. 10/10 ending.


Askeladd has gone bananas! You saying there is no way Askeladd is chopping off the king’s head😂 Man he had the biggest balls telling the king he is a fool and an ugly old man. Canute big boy now! + a nasty scar to tell his grandsons a story about his brave actions as a young king in Englando. Thorkill actually has a brain and a good one! Poor Thorfinn, but man the writing it’s perfect and so satisfying! Long live the king, Arturius Askeladd! GG man, for finish the 1st season and for bamboolzeing us with the last episode next week!

anime boss

I firmly believe that askeladd is the main character of the first season because thorfin spends most of the season static growing stronger but not growing wiser. He only becomes the main character in the second season


That’s how you write a script. These are the type of series people remember.

Malik Ford

Finally almost caught up