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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OVERLORD Season 4 Episode 10!!




Shows and Movies that proves you wrong, makes them even greater? Damn Overlord most be high on your list, since Ainz stupidity has surprised you most of the show haha xD Note: that's also why i love Overlord :P I am so happy that you are enjoying this show so much, and i can't wait for Demon Slayer <3


5:10 keep in mind they want to save humanity solely for the cookies :D


Theres Karma in Overlord Ains has -500 i think same for demiurge Sebas has 300 and Nigredo probably has around 200 or higher


Ainz was so pissed


Definition of Luke curse….. just turn to liking the guy, next moment head in bag.

Tyler Rimmel

Oh ya those guys are getting some rocks shoved down their pee holes by giant slime guy


Legend is that the nobles only bought Zanac's head to Ainz because they can't carry his body due to his ginormous balls. However in reality in the LN Ainz tells Aura "Tell Neuronist not to kill them yet, even if they beg for death." And of course, all their families were taken to Nazarik to be tortured.

noah van den berg

this might be my favorite overlord episode. just ainz sitting with another person and holding a civilized conversation about the meaning of life

Nero Integrate

Man I love this episode. Zanac really grew so much, it's actually kinda sad his life got cut short here, would've loved to see at least one more episode of the battle with him involved. And yeah as for your question at the end - he said himself that he's completely useless in battle. Bro was all brains, no brawn.


it's sad for both Ainz and Zanac the way this turned out. this is the closest Ainz has ever gotten to reaching out to someone in the new world without hitting a massive wall. if things had been different, maybe they could've been friends

Marcio Neves

13:12 that's the very classic and very HUGE witch hat :D

NB Rem

Or other players that could be stronger than ainz are rather just laying low. Not every player would do the same things as ainz or expose their power like he has


TIL if I ever meet Luke irl, I should be rude to him, just enough to have him not call me 'nice' lest he curse me to a early grave 😄


Do you want an anime with battles between armies? Kingdom, that's the only right answer

Kyou Kai

If you love battles, you might want to check out Kingdom. The animation in the beginning isn't the best, but it gets better and the story is really epic. Unlikely to win polls, but it's also a show that deserves a lot more love and attention.

Marcio Neves

21:45 I wonder why he pours a glass of water for himself, if he is unable to drink it 😅

Marcio Neves

Dauntless: brave; deprived of fear; fearless


If you glanced over it, you will recall it was mentioned that one of the members of Black Scripture abandoned the heroic path. The one they referred to is Clementine, the crazy assassin chick that Ains bear hugged to death in season 1. It is mentioned by the bald necromancer dude the first episode that she is introduced, that she was a former member .

Yuri Huffles

Yep. Karma is basically alignment in most games: with 299 to -299 being grey/neural, 300+ being good, and -300 and less being evil. It’s also important to remember that the guild isn’t evil but was a guild made of “monster” characters and NPCs. Hence it ended up with the full spectrum of good such as Sabas (and his creator) right through to evil such as Demiurge (and his creator). It’s just that since most of the guild members were heavily into roleplaying, it’s easier to roleplay an evil leaning monster.

Marcio Neves

29:45 that's a mistranslation. "Denka" means someone from the royal family, but not necessarily THE King

Yuri Huffles

The LN makes a point of stating that Ainz viewed the prince as someone he truly respected and thus was willing to grant his wish and ensure everyone died with no pain. Hence the moment the nobles betray the prince, Ainz gives orders to cause as much pain as possible to the nobles and doesn’t use his own powers to control how the army dies but lets his own army kill then however they feel like.


Next episode is my Favorite Overlord Episode. So good!


And Luke killed another character.....

Marcio Neves

Neuronist is that one who believes to be more beatiful than Albedo 😏


Damn, patreon is struggling and sets automatically lower quality.


Denka is how you would refer to a prince/princess or similar status on the royal family, to a king you would refer as Heika. Denka meaning something like " your highness" and Heika something along the lines of "Your Majesty"

Yuri Huffles

It would be expected in a situation like that, as you could of poisoned the drink. Hence you pour for yourself and drink first normally. Hence Ainz is also shocked when the prince drinks the whole glass so fast.

James H. Hobbs

Ainz is someone who likes to do things that puts people at ease during discussion. See previous episode where he pretended to eat even though he can't. Him pouring the glass of water even though he can't drink, was the relax and also show he was willing to discuss things on a somewhat equal footing.


Good job, Luke. You killed him.


Yeah Just wanted him to know Nigredo is also considerd to be Nicer than Sebas

NB Rem

I wouldnt call it character development as much as we just werent shown what person the prince was. We only saw him call his siter a monster which we know is true.

Shawn Oxley

Its actually really sad because both Emperor Jircniv and Prince Zanec are both exceptional rulers and both kingdoms could have prospered under their rule if Ainz didn't mess with them both

Daniel Webb

Neuronist Painkill is the one who had the genital tool, and all the makeup. Good job, with the recognition of all three groups. You got it right! Also if you like anime with large battles and army tactics how about Lord Marksman and Vanadis?

BRUNO Marques

Adventurers don't fight wars between countries. They will all flee. That's why Azuth, from Red Drop, specifically asked if they were fighting Ainz. You get Gun Maid in the movie.

Lijnaito2021 !

How many more episodes till Demon Slayer?

Lu C

KINGDOM is the anime that will give you enough battles with great OSTs, from Season 3 they involved also Hiroyuki Sawano. But the battles + different approaches to warfare are not only that is good. The story and the characters are great, some you will love and some hate. Also some play checkers, some 3 dimensional chess and some... And also it's historical, you can learn some. To get an idea on which era KINGDOM fucuses you need to react to the endings, especially the 2nd ED from season 3 'kIng' performed by Emiko Suzuki, written by Hiroyuki Sawano.

Izua Tekami

What sucks for them is that Ainz was considering sparing the Capital and letting that army live after his meeting with the Prince. But because the nobles betrayed the Prince and then tried to pledge allegiance to Ainz, Ainz decided that no one was worth sparing anymore.

Jason Tam

I don't think the nobles of the kingdome would allow Zanec to become an exceptional ruler since they like to throw their weight around and bicker. Unless Zanec made sweeping changes like Jircniv did.

Oliver Schubert

Ainz' conversation with Prince Zanac is legit the first time in the whole show he talked to someone completely honestly, dropping his usual facade. His voice actor did such an amazing job portraying just how done he was with the shit from the nobles. RIP Zanac. Since you like not being able to predict things, I think you'll love the ending of the season, absolutely no way you're gonna predict that.

Nicki Noble

The armor the prince is wearing is the same armor recovered from Gasef


Ok. Luke's "Why hello" this time reminded me of Beedles's voice from the Zelda games. For one moment it sounded very similar. Now i can't unhear it anymore... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmYhi4SigHg


@Jason Tam - All hail Bloody King Zanec!

Trey Harvey

Luke watch Oreimo plz


dunno why is he so suprised.. xD we literally had one adamantine adventurer who literally defeated nazarick maid so.. ''measly'' deathknights should be no issue for atleast some of them^^

Shawn Oxley

I honestly think him and Raven could've taken the power from the incompetent nobles over time like Jircniv did its a shame we won't get to know

Morgan Hellström

Clearly dont understand strength and weaknesses. She won against entoma because of fucking bugspray. Based on strength shes no where near.


Lolol the curse strikes yet again

Zen Reacts

Oh those nobles are gonna wish theyd just died in that battle

Lijnaito2021 !

You don't say?? I meant number of episode but I figured it out 3 more till demon slayer

Miklar Sihn

Ainz was really pissed at the end there. He really liked the prince... which is why he sent those guys and presumably their families to his torturer.(The gal who called herself sexier than Albedo and imitated kidney stones.) The armor was one of the magical things that Ainz wanted to collect. While i dont know for sure, i suspect that it is something from Yggdrasil.


3 more episodes dunno exactly when DS starts though.. next week for sure though


but she still did.. :D so what she had a fucking bugspray^^ chill :)

Alister Dutton

When you do revisit the op/eds on GOT Extra, you need to include The Pleiades ED Version for the first ending.


Zanac was a great king born to a doomed country. Truly a tragedy.


I always thought it was super tragic that Zanac died right after he realized that Ainz wasn't just some monster. It would have been really interesting to see what their relationship would have been like if he had the chance to be in a similar position to Jircniv. But so far this seems to be a running theme. Anytime Ainz gets close to establishing a true relationship with someone from the new world they end up biting the dust.

Brad Jones

Love the fact that the luke curse take effect immediately after he proclaims that he likes the king, also I would like to say ainz hasn't lost his humanity most of the killing is just stuff he's doing out of expectation. He's doing it because he believes the others want him to do it, and he just wants to make them happy, and as far as he stands the rest of them are just NPC.


you can tell Ainz was truly pissed at the nobles, sending them to torture not allowing them to die until they ask for it, but even if they ask they will have a slow and painful dead and yes their families were also sent to torture, that was left out in the anime


Ainz respected Zanac a great deal. He was VERY pissed at the nobles


Luke highly recommend watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYVSX4ZKf5c


Luke your curse doesn't work like double jeopardy just because they died you can still curse them again. Reminder KINGDOM is the anime you want for large scale battles, Arslan is a good second. Also you misread the prince. He said that his father is in no condition and someone from the royal family should be on the front lines and told his sister to escape meaning he's put that duty on himself which his face obviously showed he was not happy about it but rather than looking sad or dismayed he looked resigned to it. Knowing what it'll mean for him. Zanac was never a slimeball he just came off that way due to his demeaner. He was working behind the scenes to better his kingdom but obviously was doing it in a way that hopefully led to him being king. Sure its underhanded from a political point of view but if it was the old ways his father did things or his moronic tyrant brother its obvious Zanac actually wanted to do well for his people. Its a shame he knew exactly what was going to happen in the end. And yes Ainz was very mad at the nobles for it.

Mr. Dog

The thing is there was rhe small chance that Zanac's bravery might have made Ainz spare a few people in that battle. But Prince Zanac's own people betrayed him and offered his head to Ainz, Ainz was enraged.

Kevin Willian

The death of Zanac in this way hit me so hard (and still does), that i stopped the series and started reading the original to take a break, recap and catch the details that the series couldn't convey. Truly a tragedy.

Subaquatic Toaster

My favorite part of the scene at the end is that Ains' first words were "Bury him with respect." He isn't going to resurect him. He respected him as a ruler too much for that. He was prepared to fight to the death for his people and while Ains' was ready to kill him, he still respected him and is actually livid that he was murdered like that instead of dying honorably in battle it seems. RIP Zanac


30:58 "that guy, went from being this slimy dude..." He was never some slimy dude. He was always this way. You made an assumption, based on his looks, that he was a rotten guy. Can you point to one slimy thing he's done?


As a reminder, Clementine was part of the Black Scripture.


There's some manga (and anime?) about a monastery than sends out mercenary monks to save people. If one city is being threatened, they send out one monk. THAT has some great battle scenes but ***I can't remember the name***. I'm not even sure if the (epic) manga has had an anime. If it has, that would a great choice for Luke because there are some serious battles. IT'S "BOKKO" It had a manga and a live-action movie but the anime movie never got made.

Tsusaku Cohenat

Its not only the bugspray, which did help immensly, but as well that, they were 3 of them. Evileye would have it much harder, and even with bugspray, its not 100% she would win, because of Entoma equipment.


Neuronist is the torturer. The green blob he/she thing that is jealous of Albedo. The one with the kidney stone on a stick.


The Prince was a schemer, not a fighter. It's less that he had development and more you just came to understand him more. His goal from his introduction was to put himself on the throne to try and save his Kingdom. His father was far too weak to do it and his brother to corrupt and his sister (he has more than one, but the rest are irrelevant) well you see how she is.


The kingdom uses mostly conscripted soldiers. All their regular soldiers and knights died to Ains in the last battle, so the one here would be either rookies or more likely more conscripted soldiers who just want to go home to their shop or farms or whatever and if killing the Prince got that for them, they would do it.

David Pulver

I don't read the novels or look at maps, but if Ainz is operating in the equivalent of, say, Europe, is there any way he'd know if if another powerful player or NPC is off ruling things in the equivalent of, say, Australia or South America, right? Or is it just one big continent with rapid communication and every place already explored?

Karen Porter

Dauntless: Adjective: incapable of being intimidated or subdued

Cyrill Attakpah

i played red dead redemtion, i loved it, but i think noone here wants to hear about fkn red dead redemtion xD


13:55 The blonde should look familiar you've already met his crazy twin sister. 32:53 In Dante's Divine Comedy the lowest level of Hell was reserved for those who betrayed, I think Dante would toast Ains for what punishment Ains will deal these traitorous nobles.

kalyb anderson

If you want a anime with medieval battles and tactics watch the old, original episodes of berserk


Revisit black clover openings


I might've mentioned this before but if you like battles I have a weird suggestion - Digimon Xros Wars. This season broke from the norm with each of the main human characters amasing an army of Digimon to fight each other and an evil empire of Digimon with its own armies. Yet for a kids show it also had large set-peice battles and clever tactics that made good use of the different Digimon units.


I don't think Prince Zanac was very strong, and even if he is close in strength with 1 of them, he is still outnumbered. The armor is strong, but if the user isn't also strong, it doesn't add up. The same applies to the weapon that Gazef onces used.

Ranhar Liscan

Well, Prince Zanac maybe was not good warrior, but he have soul of warrior, when its needed. And yes, on start i dont liked him too, but damn, in this episode he gain so much respect from me. He was a good ruler. And im suprised that Ainz dont get "green buff" when saw head. but maybe because his angrys went to "cold angry"


You would definitely love Kingdom. It's essentially nothing but great battles, and every single one of them is incredible.


omitted facts. 1. Why Renner asks whether the king is still alive is because after the Magic Kingdom declared war, the prince overthrew the king and took over the empire. 2. The magic kingdom burns down all the cities. It's a shame that it isn't shown because Ainz doesn't do this directly with fire or magic. No, he uses a creature from Nazarik, a gigantic slime made of fire that simply rolls over the city


The Poweramor is an item from the game and was intended for new players to wear so that they could immediately play together with the endgame players. It boosts you to lvl 80-90 so that you can go on adventures together with the max lvl players while being passive level ups (the power armor was brought into the game later) (+ since the game was a pvp game with the effect that you drop your loot when you are dead, it would have been difficult for beginners to enjoy the game without being killed by higher-level players the whole time to be (we saw this in season one when Ainz had a flashback of how he would have been killed by other players as a low lvl beina)) but where the Poweramor that we saw comes from would even be known but since I don't know if that would be in season x I'll keep quiet about it at some point (for people who know, it's the platinum end). The fact is that power armor that boosts its wearer to lvl 80-90 is logically completely op in the new world since the average lvl is 15-25


Regarding the point of other players, yes, there is the possibility that there are other players in the world, but I won't say anything about that until the last episode BUT since there were apparently already other players (see Rubixqube or the power suite etc.) there could still be inhuman players However, being alive (everything that is long-lived, undead vampire elves) is not exactly known. What is known, however, is that there are descendants of players, we even saw two. Season two at the beginning the two with the rubixqube are among the descendants of players and yes, they are strong


If you enjoy big battles and can put up with the 1st and 2nd seasons animation (gets better after that) then Kingdom would be a great show for you.


I think Zanak the prince, now king, has had less character development than you might think. Yes, he seemed like an integrated, devious type in season two, but he didn't have much choice but to act like that. He was the second prince and second in line to the throne. His brother was older, taller and stronger than him and his brother had more nobles behind him . From a purely logical point of view, Zanak had to act cunningly in the background because if he had done it publicly there would have been some who wanted to and could take him out and he would have been too close to the throne. But when his brother was gone, his political opponents had no choice but to at least be neutral towards Zanak and so from then on he was able to rule freely, at least that's how I see it


Zanak is probably asking about his brother just to be sure because, as mentioned in the other comment, he is already king. Even if his brother is still alive, he cannot legally do anything against Zanack's rule because if the brother were still alive that would mean that he had fled and hid and since the kingdom is very concerned about strength and prestige, the brother would then no longer have any support from the nobility . Zanak could also have asked if his brother is still alive because he knows that he will die in this battle and that Ainz is moving further towards the capital and will kill Zanak's father and sister there, but if the brother was still alive the bloodline would continue to exist


Yes, it's all because of Philib and that's why he's called Philib the idiot in the community


And the representative looks a lot like her. A brother, perhaps?


yes we saw neuroista the green blob with tentacles in the torture chamber when nazarik was attacked and yes neuroista is one of the worst things that ainz can order because she is the worst torture master and is one of the nazarik worst 5 and that's one based on nazarik statement belongs to the worst 5, demiurgs happy farm is still humane


yes ainz is pissed he liked zanak although he wouldn't have spared him but he respected him I think there's also the fact that ainz once said he doesn't care about people but when he talks to them and gets to know them they rise to the level of an innocent animal in his eyes could play into his anger


It feels like in Overlord, it's always a matter of circumstances for most characters. Given the right conditions, everyone could beat everyone it seems to me. Even one ridiculous world item could end all of Nazarick under the right circumstance. Of which there were 200 known ones in Yggdrasil. Which is also one of Ainz's fears.

Ryan Palyo

As far as Ains seeming to bring some humanity back due to dog girl and Albedo's sister, I wouldn't necessarily say so. Currently he's a mix of emotions and mental state of undead and human. While he still has thought processes like his old self, his emotions are much more set to the undead side. This makes him a much more neutral being when it comes to other people and creatures. The only thing his current self truly cares about is Nazarick's survival and keeping his servants happy (since he seems them as family). He doesn't really want to kill a bunch of people, but won't shy away either. He just does what he needs to for his goals. The reason he's being more merciful is because of Pestonya and Nigredo begging for at least infants and children to be let go. He doesn't really care about infants one way or another since they aren't of use to him, but he also wants to make Pestonya and Nigredo happy, hence him letting some people survive.


[23:40] Is it possible for Ainz to turn off that emotional suppressor? In the LN, Albedo was researching the undead for science and,.. well, other reasons. She used Yuri, among others, for that. However, no luck so far.

Ryan Palyo

If you didn't notice as well, he told Albedo to bury Zanac with respect, which means a lot coming from him. He also said that with Zanac dead, he lost any interest he had left in the Kingdom, sealing their fate for good. And yes, Neuronist is the slime tentacle torturer that was gonna play with dude's genitals lol

Ryuden Tamarashi

Re:drifters has some interesting battles, less on the huge army scale, but some good squadron type tactics. it may be a bit dark for youtube though (made by the hellsing lot, so the animation is great and a fun dub IMO) As for Overlord, Ah prince Zanac, I quite liked him for the majority of the show, and I really love seeing Ainz connect with someone by just talking honestly with them. Those nobles...oh boy, They might be the only people stupider than ol Phil the idiot. Death is a mercy, and ainz is fresh outta mercy.


I believe you mean, Philip-kaka the genius.

Chicken Permission

He was literally on the verge of thinking about sparing them a little bit, then the nobles pull that move. Them and their families are going to suffer for such a long time.

Ross Leonen

This is exactly why a lot of the overlord fanbase actually hold Zanac to a high regard. Me included. Dude went from shady prince that usually just do stupid shit and die a stupid death, to a real king who just wants to make his kingdom better. Even now he's one of my favorite side characters.


If I recall correctly. It is not referenced in the LN if it is Yggdrasil or not, even the sword "Razor Edge". Could be or couldn't be Ygg items. Imo the sword is from Yggdrasil, as it is stated by Ainz (in the LN more precisely) that it has a huge amount of data in it and is able to harm him. The armour if I recall correctly boosts the wearers stats and has a healing factor. It could be Ygg or a very heavily enchanted one from the 'new world'.


The battle is not the only big thing in that show, nor the main point…. lol. Personally I might give grandcrest senki a higher mark than vanadis…..

Daniel Webb

Grandcrest senki seems to be one I missed. Thanks for the recomendation.


does Luke... even know that Gazef Stronoff was a player? Just asking since his opinions on other players sound like he doesn't know that.


You said some time ago how Ains has changed since the beginning. I don't really see it as he's always been quite just in his actions. They are extreme for sure but he hasn't really hurt anyone without reason. Even more so considering the difference between civilians and royalty/armies/adventurers and how they should be treated differently. Also a nice army vs army anime set in feudal fantasy Japan is Utawarerumono. The old one that is, the newer itsuwari no kamen series is shit.


pretty sure he wasnt, he was born in the new world

Kalisa Fox

Gazef was definitly not a player, Ainz justs called their duel pvp due to his backround from the game. The show also mentioned the sheer strength of even their decendence (aka godkin)

Kalisa Fox

He really stepped up near the end of his life, I think he could have really made the kingdom a better place, I just wonder what it would have been like if he could have became a Vassal and worked along side Jircniv and Pe Riyuro.

Kalisa Fox

like one of the 20, Longinus, though world items usually cant be used against owners of other world items, this is why Ainz started equipping his followers with them when he was on high alert, Nazarick also has the Throne world item that supposidly protects it.

dragean greyfield

The main difference between the empire and the kingdom is that the empire was unified under one ruler, with an iron fist, while the kingdom was on the brink of civil war even without ainz interfering. The kingdom becoming a vassal state wasn’t an option.

dragean greyfield

Luke, “utawarerumono” is right up your alley. Medieval setting, nation building, great fights and wars with amazing characters. You’d be in for a treat.


Luke why first impressions are almost every single time the wrong decision to make on any person even fictional characters. I always liked Zanac and thought he was the best choice for this kingdom even before this season. You need smart and calculating person to be a king and Zanac wasn't evil like his older brother or his insane sister.


Failed besties... :( bet Ainz would have been drinking tea with Zanac if it wasn't for Phillip or could have spared him and some of the nobles if he could come up with some reasonable excuse... But _nobles_


he should watch ''marksman of vanadis'' or something like that for a strategic war anime with ''PLOT''


RIP King Zanac


You often underestimate Evileye, she's not the average adamantite adventurer, and she must be like more than 100 years old. Don't forget she managed to beat Entoma (with the help of her two pals tho), she's very comparable to those black scripture guys.


Watchout Luke, that mirror is watching you!


Man this episode was something else. From Tyrion Lannister moment to the end… The meeting on Windows XP logo was legendary. Prince Xanax true 👑 Poor foolish nobles sent to Neuronist, the only character in Overlord I don’t wish to remember 🥲, but Ainz is in the right here, can’t blame him, in fact it feels satisfying 😂 Aura be like: Yeah, sure no problem, that’s what we do!