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Hey everybody,

Apologies, I completely forgot about today's Mushoku Tensei video, it was a bit of a manic day for me. I will make sure the video is uploaded tomorrow!

Sorry about the wait!



How about you left it for next week for a doble ep with the ending title of this weeks ep im thrilled for next week


Luke really needs to start doing some single season anime. People need to start recommending them. Maybe consider recommending a pair of single season anime. Luke could do them back to back. So this would make it easier for him to plan and schedule. Plus Luke would get more anime titles under his belt. Think of all the great single season anime that exist. It's reasonable for Luke to split up his reaction time to allow for single season anime. But this will never happen if the community doesn't ask for it! Let the single season anime drought end! Do your part request single season anime. Be open to other peoples single season requests. After all, it's better to get Luke to react to ANY single season at this point. Consider pairing your single season anime. Maybe consider a theme and recommend a pair from that theme. If you want Luke to react to some single season anime please consider liking this post! Numbers matter to Luke. He will respond if enough of us ask!


I agree but he still has a lot of great multi season animes to watch