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Here is the FULL VOD from our SWORD ART ONLINE livestream! Episodes 20-24 of Season 2!




i think im gonna cry atleast twice *edit it was 4

Renaud Nadeau

Time to watch Luke cry!


next up is the movie Ordinal scale, after that season 3 since you watched the first progressive movie, you might aswell watch the second

Zen Reacts

Hope you decide to watch GGO Alternative at some point


but thats why asuna is so well written, because he has weaknesses, she overcomes them and becomes a better person. and her friends help her become stronger. thahts why shes lovely not like female characters are written nowadays, they are either perfect or written like a man

no u uwu


John Kelly

Got to love how in the Ordinal scale movie and war of underworld has the return of one of our favorite girls even if I still don't understand how she show up but hay maybe that is just how special her bound with Asuna is


very true, Thats also why I love Sinon's story so much

Herrscher Of Cope

Hey, I’m not sure if someone mentioned it but, did you know Yuuki means courage? lol


i have say it at the begining of season 2, luke not ready for this ahah


This is probably the best way to die, no pain, you get tired all your friends beside you and you just go to sleep, never to wake up again.


there is no season 4, season 3 is split into 3 parts Alicization Alicization War of Underwolrd Alicization War of Underwolrd 2 Its all season 3 but some sites label it as season 4 and 5

Lost Meme Boys

A lot of people, myself included refer to War of the underworld as season 4 because its usually 24 episodes per season. Season 1 was 25 episodes, season 2 had 24, Alicization had 24 and if you combine part 1 and 2 of WotU together you get 23 episodes.


About the camera - Consider the fact that first an API needs to be written for outside cameras to be able to communicate with VR devices. He basically has to program a camera window into either ALO or make a different VR game that you can load on the Amusphere to show the outside world. Then you have to take into account that phone cameras often can only stream 60fps, which would cause nausea from motion sickness. Then a phonecamera would rely on Asuna to point it and their autofocus is quite bad in motion. Kiritos camera has head- and probably eye tracking support. I'm not quite sure it's a 3D camera since it's only got one lens but w/e. What Kirito is making here is "pass-through". If you ever used an Oculus Quest or Pico VR device, you know that pass through is quite a difficult thing to do right, even for massive companies. The current best pass-through is featured in the Apple vision pro and I'll expect there to be massive advancements in this field everywhere.


im a grown man and i cry everytime watching this arc..... Luke's cheating by pausing and talking bout random shyt.

Frenzy Flame



Luke, I hope you will also watch Alternative Gun Gale Online. It's a different kind of experience, but still very fun to watch.

Robert Becker

It's great to see you Appreciating Asuna's Character, This arc and Underworld really show off how great a character she is.

Ian Campbell

Echoing an earlier comment, please watch SAO gun gale alternative a some point please 🙏


How does Luke not know yet that the 2 fingers in anime is their "victory" pose.

Hitomi Ochiai

I'm sad I missed the stream, but thankful I'm also a part of your patreon, so I can watch it all without waiting to long.

Juho Kaartoaho

Thing to keep in mind about Ordinal scale is that it has nudity and is not twitch safe. So it might just have to be uploaded to YouTube censored and uncensored on Patreon. That would be my personal suggestion at least, but you do you.


*watching these episodes* It's a terrible day for rain.


Yuuki the greatest swordswoman ever! She was a wonderful character, with an amazing story. This hits me everytime, and i cry everytime. The day this aired, i just came home from a funeral, and it just made it even more unforgettable. Thank you Luke


I told myself I wouldn't cry this time. That it ain't that sad. Well, I failed horribly. 😭😭😭

James Perrott

Were gonna have to vote for it on his twitch tournaments, i hope more people do, its a must watch its so fun, and the soundtrack is god tier, far above the main SAO soundtrack honestly

James Perrott

Lost Meme Boys that is not how it works. Season 3, alicisation as a whole is a single 50 episode season its split into parts in order to have time to actually make it to good quality, there is no season 4


I don't think it was. Once a boss door closes it doesn't open again until boss is defeated or players die, so there would be no point in telling Asuna 2 more minutes. And they definitely took more than 1 minute to beat those people and get in, they took time to take potions and talk before opening door.

Pilligrim Ilyas

Every time I watch that arc I do same things like in that meme: "I swear I won't cry!" And everytime I fail 😭

Pilligrim Ilyas

Honestly, I didn't like Ordinal Scale that much. It felt... Too rushed. Maybe it's much better in LN. I should try it

James Perrott

Yes it is twitch safe. That one scene is only in the blu ray version, which crunchyroll does not have and Luke watches on crunchyroll, dont spread misinfo That scene to begin with is literally 0.5 seconds long of one adult nipple. Even if he somehow had the blu ray twitch wouldnt care

James Perrott

Pain i loved Yuuki so much she did not get long enough, i wish we got these adventures for a few episodes we saw in that montage rather than the entirely pointless excalibur arc.

James Perrott

Ngl i think this is the saddest scene in all of anime ASIDE from Made in Abyss season 1, you know what This never doesnt hit, i love Yuuki


I hate the "god doesn't give you more than you can handle" crap


it wasnt in the light novels, its an anime exclusive personally i didnt feel like it was rushed, maybe could be 20min longer or something its hard not to "rush" in a movie, time is limited For me its Aincrad>Ordinal Scale>Progressive 1 and 2>Mothers Rosario>War of Underworld 1 and 2>Alicization>Fairy Dance>Phantom Bullet Still the "worst part" is still a 8/10 for me

David.Perez Perez

Ordinal scale movie is next in order before season 3 alicezation but the movie has one part that's not safe for twitch.




Ngl I freaking love this series!!! Is there a season 2 actually?


I simply dropped this anime because of the death of Yuuki, the best girl in the anime, and I'd got sick of seeing basically all women queuing to bang the protagonist

dragean greyfield

Blood fusion treatment really be playing plague inc.


this is why i like the games story better yukki still in it she survives


Defo check out the sao abridged series on youtube. Us sao "haters" are only "haters" because of the disappointment we felt after the hope we had for the series. We still, or at least most of us still have respect for the IDEA and concept that this show tried to pull off, and so did Something Witty Entertainment. SAO abridged fixes the issues that we have with it :) since sao is so fresh in your mind, id love for you to compare the two and see which you like more


As funny as some moments are in SAO:A, the jokes just started to get boring/repetitive and they deviated a lot from the original source. What makes an abridge good is that they pay respect to the original source, and I can’t say that SWE did a good job with this. An example is that in DBZA, character personalities are kept and only exaggerated on to make them funny, this is the same with Yugioh Abridge. In SAO Abridge, Kirito and Asuna were made to be complete psychopaths and are no way related to their original counterparts at all. It is hard to like characters who give off snobbish vibes and are complete A-holes. It doesn’t help either that a lot of people use SAO:A as a means to diss on the original. An abridge means “shortened”, but SWE more or less made their own narratives rather than sticking with the original and expanding on it in their own way. This is my own opinion anyways on the abridge, so people can choose what they like and don’t like. If I recall, SWE don’t really like SAO, which is already a huge issue. SAO:A should of been made by fans who actually respect the original source, in fact, this should be the case with all abridges.


gotta go back and check the second version of the opening, it’s different for this arc

Adam Stanek

This is probably the sixth time I’ve watched the Mother’s Rosario Arc and even though I know everything that’s going to happen to a T, I can’t help but cry anyway. IMO, it is by far and away the best written arc in SAO.


I feel like you missed a lot of the purpose in changing their characters. in the original, kirito is a boring character with no character arc to speak of. Asuna is better at first, but eventually recedes into the background. the purpose of changing this is to give the events of sao meaning. Like for example, the sachi incident. in sao, the sachi incident doesnt change really anything in kiritos character. but in saoa, it forces kiritos world view to be challenged, over and over and over all throughout season one. Same with asuna, the way asuna escapes the prison instead of idling around to get molested in core two corresponds with her character as a strong person, where in the original, all of her strength is lost for kiritos to come and save her. I could go on about the changes. they fixed the incest, rape scenes, kayabas motive, yui's death, the sibling relationship, it removed filler like the fishing arc, all while staying funny and not undercutting the emotional weight of the events going on. As an Sao denier, Sao abridged made me a fan of Sao. i super disagree that changing the source material is bad if the source material needs to be changed for it to be good


s3 and s4 is best part for sure, but queue gets longer once again...


was it bath scene? Maybe Luke can jump over it if somebody gives time stamps.


That arc is peak drama pain, loved to watch it glad it's over haha. I'm sure someone told you already buy ordinal scale move does have exactly 1 nipple so make sure that doesent get u in trouble at all if ur on twitch with it thanks for the reactions!


That's what I'm not a fan of, I mean he's literally a nerd in real life, it doesn't make sense for him to have so much rizz, and the plots are kind of repetitive, like he keeps playing new games and aces each of them...

Hououin Kyouma

Maybe a Klein body pillow coming soon.

Harley Burnie

I love how the Bug VRMMO actually matters later. Lolz. We need that next season.

Harley Burnie

I crave an SAO where the main romance goes yuri. AsunaxYuuki would have been the most kawaii late game couple! Just give me an anime that ain't a romance, but a fantasy, isekai, sci-fi, mecha, and a legitimate, consenting yuri relationship for the MC, but not in the first season. That sounds awesome!

Harley Burnie

1:12:00 Damn glad chat was restrained, because I have zero faith in their communal ability to stfu. Lolz

Harley Burnie

1:53:40 Dude, I still cry about Yuuki. There are three girls' tragedies that get me so damn emotional. A particular hero who had everything taken from her, and had to live a life in a strange land. A certain mother who ended up alone and isolated, while many lived ones yearned to find her. And, a mighty little gal, who watched everyone she loved go on before her, after an entire life of fighting a life-or-death battle, every day, who found release and joy in a mystical world where she could play with and love irreplaceable friends. Yuuki is strength personified.


31:40 ...aaand so easily Luke took another life... 1:56:38 I hope this person is banned permanently

Sakomi Arorim

But Sao did not need to be changed to be "good"(subjective) or even liked by a ton of people nor did it need to be "fixed" (you used the same excuse people use to "fix" art & Localizers use when altering a series which is not really a great excuse to change things) To me Sao:A is like Red vs Blue, as in they used characters and stuff from Halo but the story has not much in common with the source material used and really should be seen as two completely different stories People can have their own opinions and expectation about a series but the negative backlash this series got when it did not go in the direction those people expected was quite extreme to the point it became a meme on the bright side though it was only a small % compared to the people who liked the series (which happens with most series that get quite popular but Sao is probably the number 1 spot of having the most vocal haters/deniers) As someone who read the novels before the anime was a thing The anime did quite good with adapting its source material (they did skip a part of ALO though which was kinda annoying but was recapped briefly in the Calibur arc) As Volume 1 first floor ends with Kirito leaving Klein to rush to the next town and the next chapter we are in floor 74 till the end of Aincrad as the stories of Sachi*, Silica, Lisbeth & Yui was told in Volume 2 and the first floor boss story was told in Progressive and the murder mystery was told in volume 8 (which had "A Murder Case in the Area", the "Calibur" arc (and "The First Day" which was not adopted into the anime)) (the fishing arc was not filler (at least not in the anime meaning of the word filler)) *Sachi and her guild's death did impact Kirito though (as he did tell Asuna about it a bit in Volume 1 but the Sachi's story was expanded in Volume 2) The floor 1 to floor 74 jump was fine for those who read the novel (from what I know about it) But the anime only watchers expected each floor to be shown/not jump around floors and months and complained about it every episode release and after Aincrad ended and ALO began people were like "Aincrad was ok" but then everything about ALO was complained about instead, and then the same happened when GGO started Kirito character arc might be more subtle/simple than the characters you have in mind when thinking of character arcs but that does not mean Kirito did not have one.

Sakomi Arorim

Luke, no spoilers for season 3 but to give an example to how big the next arc is Season 1 The Aincrad arc is 2.5 volumes (Volumes 1 & 2 + Progressive floor 1 + story 1 of Volume 8) The ALfheim Online arc is 2 volumes (3 & 4) Season 2 The Gun Gale Online Arc is 2 volumes (5 & 6) The Calibur Arc (is story 2 of Volume 8) The Mother's Rosary Arc (Volume 7) Season 3 The Alicization arc 10 Volumes (9~18) so unlike the other seasons which had multiple arcs Season 3 is just about 1 arc and is also 47 episodes long


I feel like you gave alot of your opinions here without justifying why some of these things are okay. You simply just said that the problems are fine without any explanation. Would you please explain to me the details of kirito as a character? I'm genuinely curious


@Hector Season 3 and 4 aren't really about games(they are not like previous seasons), and I don't think the other girls have any screen time at all, so it doesn't feel like a harem. Although I'm also annoyed by Kirito's edginess, and to be honest he really doesn't look like a person who would seduce crowds of girls, maybe the fact that he's so mysterious works for 13-14 year olds

Pro Anime Fan

Welp. Ima just be honest. I heard Madoka when Yuuki was uhhh…… “tired”. Mainly only the Madoka when she was yknow. Dying.

Sakomi Arorim

as far as I know the place he watches is Crunchyroll which only has the censored version of that scene so it should be fine for twitch

Sakomi Arorim

That is not what a season is. for example a 24 episode long season is 2 cours (1 cour in Japanese anime is mostly 12 weeks) in the past a season could easily take over 50 episodes (For example, the original Digimon) But now they tend to split longer seasons up in parts (with mostly a few months in-between those parts) for various reasons. But that still is technically 1 season and not multiple (even if certain websites split them up in multiple "seasons") (and then there are anime that do not really even have seasons like One Piece but for ease of reference they are split into Arcs instead of seasons)

Sakomi Arorim

Maybe a silly question seeing as Phantom Bullet is ranked the lowest (if I am reading that list correctly) but where would you place the "SAO Alternative GGO" anime series? (if you have seen that)


So do you mean that Season 3 and 4 are nothing like 1 and 2 and I'll be surprised by the storylines?


I saw only half of the third season (I don't remember why), but before that I read the whole LN and I was personally surprised, I can't speak for others, but seasons 3 and 4 have higher ratings than the first season and much higher than season 2, so I must not be the only one who thinks so


That sounds pretty nice, maybe I can give these two seasons a try

Sakomi Arorim

I am a bit confused as I did not gave many opinions though? besides comparing the abridged version to red vs blue (which in hindsight the Ghost Stories official English dub could also have been used as a better comparison instead) and being annoyed of skipped content + finding the backlash extreme as the other stuff I wrote should be facts instead of my opinion There is also no real point in trying to justify certain elements of series as one either can like those certain genres/tropes/situations or one has a certain toleration for them (0~100) and I also do not see meaning in trying to argue someone's likes and dislikes of such things but I will say that claiming those things needed to be fixed to make a series inherently good is a selfish argument/opinion and is purely subjective to one's opinion As for details of Kirito as a character, I can try but I am not good at explaining such things Kirito was/is written as a character that is the best at what he does (which is why Accel World MC is written the opposite, according to the author(he wrote both)) for example Being the Beta tester that got the farthest Being the highest level player in Aincrad basically every step of the way (Asuna tended to be just a few levels behind) Being the one with the fastest reaction speed and getting the unique skill "Dual Blades" which resulted in Kirito becoming the "Hero" of Heathcliff grand story plan (there were suppose to be 10-ish unique skills but within the story we only ever know of "Dual Blades" & "Holy Sword" as ALO did not add them back in unlike the rest of the sword skills, some of the other unique skills got named and how to unlock them in a Q&A thingy though) (but even with Kirito being the best at stuff. Kirito tends to be unable to do the things in the story without others help and does in fact loss without said help Like for example him defending the boss room so that Asuna and Yuuki&co could fight it badass thing to do but he was still most likely defeated by those players as after the doors open Kirito is not there) Kirito's character arc is also kinda hard to explain due to the anime doing it in chronological order even if the source of that content was way later then when the first light novel was written (I am also not familiar enough with the web novel to know how far the author was with that before he wrote the first light novel but I am almost 100% sure it was at least beyond light novel 2 material so I shall include those stories but I will exclude episode 2/the first floor due to that being a watered down version of the first part of the first Progressive light novel and while that is canon. the character arc of Kirito would be quite different (due to Kirito interacting with Asuna way more in Progressive) and "the First Day" being in Volume 8 same as the murder mystery story) but to keep it hopefully simple&brief Kirito in the beginning of the story before the death game while we know Kirito was not really social IRL as he was quite distant to his cousin/sister due to not knowing how to treat her after knowing they were not brother and sister by blood but in-game he seemed quite approachable for example Klein was able to befriend Kirito within 5 hours (as the game started a 13:00 and the death game started a few minutes after 17:30) but that could also be due to Klein being able to befriend anybody (As Klein was even able to get the contact info of a NPC :P) but after what happened with the Moonlit Black Cats Guild Kirito became quite depressed and was basically a walking zombie until he got the message from Sachi and he could start recovering from that depression/grieving state and the events with Silica & Lisbeth did help with that recovery Kirito also befriended Asuna at some point in time (I do not know when that happened though as we first encounter her at Agil's place but canonically already was friends during Lisbeth's story) Kirito seemed to be more distant in friendship towards Asuna than Asuna was towards Kirito however one can assume that connection also helped with Kirito's recovery After the boss fight of floor 74 Kirito and friends seemed saddened that there was again player deaths during a boss battle (clearly the fault of Aincrad Liberation Force guild wanting to stay relevant and not Kirito and friends but they still blamed themselves anyways) After Kirito had to remove Kuradeel from the game and almost being removed himself He and Asuna needed a mental and physical break from the front-lines to recover and to do couple things like bedroom activities and marriage then the events with Sui happened which helped both Asuna and Kirito mental state (so technically Sui was finally able to do her job :P) then we also have the Fishing event which is also a nice break for Kirito from sword activities while still being a time killing (and fishing skill leveling) activity while they did not really want to go back to the front-lines their real life bodies would not really last a lifetime in that state (seems about 10 years is the maximum to be in a comatose state and still be alive and Asuna seemed to be aware of that) After the events of the floor 75 boss Kirito was ready to accept his death while regretting that he let Asuna die but after waking up he became in his words a crybaby for a few a months due to Asuna still being trapped, but having found a maybe solution and with some encourage words from Suguha to that he recovered from his crybaby state and the events on ALO was Kirito being hopeful but desperate at the same time to get to Asuna, Leafa being his guide together with Yui most likely helped his mental state not being more desperate and have a clear goal and how to get there the events at the birdcage made Kirito feel like he was quite powerless to prevent what was happening to Asuna but Kayaba Akihiko reminded Kirito how he (and Asuna) broke the game system before and also gave Kirito his admin credentials and that allowed Kirito to even the playing field with Sugou Nobuyuki beat him in-game and later IRL and after GGO gave Kirito PTSD from 2 Pk's he did not remember until then (Volume 5/6) with the help of his doctor words and the events of GGO Kirito recovered from that And that is where Kirito's Character arc is currently at finally being able to finally just live life hope this was what you requested and sorry for the long read

Hououin Kyouma

Don't follow CR....watch the Ordinal Scale Movie next before starting Season 3.

moop1789 .

33:24 You would completely fall in love with Erza then xD

Pro Anime Fan

The ending of angel beats holds that spot for me but like eh. This is a second and never watched made in abyss

Swynoz Music/Tutorial

Hello i am kind of new, can someone tell me when is the next sao reaction ?

Hemitzu Kazay

Perfect reaction. Next is Ordinal Scale Movie.

Sakomi Arorim

Usually it is on Patreon 1 day after the reaction was streamed on Twitch, Which for sao is on Saturday UK time. So a new reaction will most likely be posted within 24 hours from now


19:42 YES absolutely walking around at night in winter is super calming, you're just alone with yourself in the moment and nothing seems stressful or urgent. Or maybe we're just weird


You did really well. I cried a bit 3-4 times before this episode, knowing all the background. And the last episode hit me the same as 3 times before and it always felt like a cleansing. Yuuki is a treasure for living your best whatever comes :)


i never thought alice was pronounced alik... i guess Luke is english so he knows better then me.. i will correct myself and from now and say Alik in Wonderland.