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Here is the PATREON exclusive reaction to Code Geass Episode 15 of Season 2!



Freddy VC

Luke FYI The name of the series is CODE GEASS for two reasons. CODE: Those who are Inmortal GEASS: The power conceded by the CODE owners. A CODE OWNER can only be killed by a totally developed GEASS, when this happens the geass is lost, but the owner gains inmortaly and becomes the new CODE owner. And this is the reason why MAO couldn't accomplish CC's desire. Because he wouldn't kill her. In this episode whe see the dynamic between those 2 powers thanks to CHARLESS killing VV


"I don't wanna watch flashbacks, I remember and understand everything anyway" *few minutes later* "I am so confused." "I don't understand." "This episode is losing me." Hm...

Viet Duc Tran

I fucking love that u hate Nina( I feel the same)

Suraj ayinde

I haven't watch the video yet, but I refuse to believe you quoted Luke, flashbacks were invented for people like Luke lol.


8:20 The emperor stole the power that VV and CC have from VV the power of immortality/ immunity to Geass killing /vv in the process 10:55 The perceived side of the black knights and Lelouch. in a previous episode we saw Deitard(reporter guy) send her to keep an eye on Ohgi 18:03 the way it cuts is a bit all over the place here but it will all connect and most of it will connect soon 19:05 This C2 history is actually one of the most memorable parts of the show to me too bad you ragged on it right before the episode picked up 19:35 um CC is the little girl here.. 21:00 Its both that and not that at all since CC and lelouch's connection is not going to follow any of the normal tropes 21:26 CC's relation with the nun was somewhat similar to the relationship between Mao(mind-reading guy) and CC back in season 1. 25:25 Yes Nina is Oppenheimer, she just invented Nukes 26:20 Her memory appears to have reverted to before she obtained her Geass I'm sure this will have no consequences whatsoever


Nina is not Oppenheimer, in fact her full name is Nina Einstein.


There are a lot of moving parts, so I feel like a couple of weird episodes have to happen to set all the pieces in place. I don't think that disliking it should give you hate though

Suraj ayinde

Nina's full name is Nina Einstein, it's in reference to Einstein being a huge contributor in the creation of the atomic bomb and later regretting it.

Suraj ayinde

Nobody in their right minds likes informational flashbacks, but you'll be grateful for sitting through them, you might think it's useless because you've seen it before, but especially for a convoluted anime like this, you're going to need that refresher.

Suraj ayinde

The fact that Nina's full name is Nina Einstein, as a reference to Einstein's contribution to the atomic bomb is amazing.

Suraj ayinde

Who said this is the final clash between Lelouch and his father?

Nihilistic Blue

I feel like Code Geass needed 3 seasons to really flesh out more of the weird geass supernatural stuff in a middle season BUT it handles itself incredibly well for 2 seasons. Code Geass was a TV original series, no manga or light novel adaption so the ending was very memorable for many people because many anime these days dont really have an ending and want you to check out the manga or light novel.

Nihilistic Blue

She is the "Oppenheimer" of this universe because they didnt want to add more scientist characters i guess.

One G. O A. T. One Dream

good point CC ending up doing what the nune did to her, makes alot of sense given who she was. She just did not succeed, it seems.


Learn history, Oppenheimer led the project, but Einstein actually started it.

Khanh Minh

With the way Luke is feeling about the story right now, it's probably best if Luke lower his expectations of the ending despite all the praises...if you're not invested enough in Lelouch's journey and how he changed and grew through it, the ending won't hit you as much if at all. It's just gonna be meh...and Luke shouldn't skip the intro "flashbacks' either.. that's pretty much the show spelling out the theme of the show for you in the face, and some of them are really meaningful for the story.. For example, why did Shirley have to die? It's stated right there in the "flashbacks" that its because those with Geass power are destined to walk a path of solitude, and Shirley was trying to accompany Lelouch with everything she got until she got killed by Rolo. And you can even say the same thing applied for the Euphemia's incident, where via one way or another, the Geass power would somehow condem the user to solitude, taking away those who tried to come too close

Emanuel dos Anjos

I just realized something, the nun killed herself after she gave CC the code, so why didn't CC just give the code to Mao and killed herself?

Barack O. Llama

Emanuel dos anjos that didn't happen? the nun forced cc to kill her. i guess she could've done that with mao but he would've resisted

Barack O. Llama

i forgot about these ending episodes but the entire episode felt like it was threw together and glossed over everything as if it was normal.


If Luke says no flashbacks guess that means the big 3 are out lol Also huge funfact Luke, Nina's last name is Einstein I don't recall if this is every stated in the series but as you pointed out her role as Oppenheimer its a bit more appropriate.


Why does there have to be a bad guy? Why can't it just be multiple people with opposing goals? Or with the same goals but different paths?


14:05 It's the tooth fairy episode where they present to be the tooth fairy to steal kids' pillow money. Kyle finds out the tooth fairy isn't real then has an existential crisis where he doubts everything in reality and merges with the universe. I saw the episode recently XD


Not sure if serious but just incase! The big 3 was the reference for; Naruto/Bleach/One Piece during the "golden age" of jump magazine. Many try to credit dragon ball in this group aswell but DB was quite a bit before this era.

Jammy Jimmerino

me and my gf are watching naruto and the end i sware is 90% flashbacks and ofcourse its labeled a canon/filler ep so we cant skip xd


Einstein didn't start or lead the program. His involvement began and ended with sending a letter to Roosevelt saying the construction of such a weapon was possible.


I did not say that Einstein led the project, but it was his letter that became the basis for its beginning. As for me, this is enough to not involve Oppenheimer in the plot of the anime, given that his contribution was not as significant as Einstein (including scientific component).


Man that instant PUSH HER OUT THE WINDOW! got me🤣🤣…Again we get to see the most racist girl ever. Man that was a great episode, so many things happens here. Did emperor big d*ck take an L here ? Smushy action interrupted on the cliff… Yeah, they really have to kill Nina! Suzuki still sucks, but he seems in redemption road😂 That nun was sus from the first sight🥲. Poor CC… Nana seems to be able to handle her subordinates


Luke: I don't need flashbacks! Also Luke: I'm so confused!


I can imagine how much Luke will hate Evangelion 😂


I think it's obvious from the first episodes, but Luke forces himself to watch Code Geass, he wants to finish it quickly, so he doesn't pay much attention to the plot


I feel like OP flashbacks could change his mind given how they are sometimes the best part imo


This episode is one of the first examples of why season 2 is considered really insane and hard to follow. All of the stuff about codes and the Geass lore stuff isn't explained in the best way, and for someone like Luke who seems to miss the smaller details sometimes I can understand why he could have trouble with it. I also think for my first viewing I had a negative opinion of this episode and maybe other ones around here but it got better after.


She can count to 20... sold.

Nihilistic Blue

Luke saw big explosion and Nina saying how this will change war forever has been synonymous with Oppenheimer of recent media. Thats why i said shes the "Oppenheimer" of this universe because theres a face/character to put this new creation of destruction on.

Nihilistic Blue

yea they released a movie 13 years after the original tv series held such high regard in the anime community for a long time since not many animes had actual endings or endings similar to Code Geass for awhile (maybe AoT).

Khanh Minh

Yeah I can see it as well.. rather sad to hear him saying that CG is only popular because of some YTuber online lol. I would have accepted that had he watched the show seriously and understood most of what were going on, but it's the opposite and it rather bothered me

Daniel Golas

Luke just let them cook, there is a buildup into something here, youll soon understand

Daniel Golas

I think what happened is that Charles surpassed Geass treshold and took V.V position which allowed V.V to die as he was no longer immortal. Charles is now like C.C or V.V, he has no longer geass but is immortal and geass doesnt affect him, when he shot himself he just trolled, there wasnt even the usual neuron transform or whatever, he just said ok


Me too, but it's impossible for a person to force himself to be interested in something. He can't seriously focus on the plot, because since it's not interesting to him it looks like learning math at school, the brain subconsciously tries to minimize the effort to optimize resources. Unfortunately, it looks like the CD is not for Luke


17:52: Most everyone agrees that following Shirley's Death, Code Geass's story gets kinda muddy for a few episodes until it enters the final arc. Treat this like it's a Tough Mudder run: If you can wade through this shit bit while the story meanders you'll recognise the EXACT moment when the show veers sharply, back on course and we enter absolute peak Code Geass for the final arc.

Khanh Minh

Yeah, I understand that as well. Though as fans it's quite painful to sit through the reaction videos where the reactor is obviously not interested. But I guess Luke also can't drop it halfway


Hey Luke, I just want to chip in and say something I think more people need to say - keeping your reaction genuine and respectfully saying that the episode lost you is a sign of integrity and a good thing. Don't let fanatics from any show bring you down when you express your opinion. Thanks for keeping it real!

Miklar Sihn

As many people seem to agree on. The issue is that they touch on a really bad part of the story here. So they have a few sucky episodes on that. It is worth mentioning that they have some brilliant stuff too. Oh and as for Nina=Oppenheimer. Well, we havent actually heard about nukes yet in this world. Then again, we havent heard of WW2 either, as the US was basically part of a massive British empire spanning the globe, without any direct opposition. We basically have a position where trying to setup an empire through conquest isnt doable, given that there is a giant empire sitting around and ready to use any casus belli to take you over.

Abraham Perez

The thing that gets me is that people are now not used to slow build up anymore. Which this show does on its "weird" episodes that Luke doesn't like lol


I really hate that you don't seem to be fully enjoying Code Geass, Luke. I forgot what a mind-warp (sorry, I try not to swear) of an anime this was. Watching it with you again made me realize how truly unusual of an anime it is. You do have to pay attention to EVERYTHING because hardly anything that's shown is shown for no reason (other than the naked girls, which I'm never going to complain about). Knowing you the way I've come to know you through your reactions, I had a feeling you would not enjoy this series as much as others, but thank you for at least giving it a shot. Hopefully you'll change your mind by the end. If not, it's been a fun journey going through this series again.


The memory wipe is so that they can put in more Pizza Hut sponsorships...you'll understand later

Aaren YASS

Luke considering you tend to forget reoccurring characters names, abilites, and other relevant things, flashbacks actually do u good. They give u a crash course on what you NEED to know for that episode. -

Aaren YASS

Even though the episodes in this mini arc get messy, I love how it more clearly shows that Suzaku and Lelouch become more alike. Lulu becomes more reckless and emotional (death of someone precious) while Suzaku becomes colder, crueler and more calculating. (He even realized he was beginning to sound like Lelouch) This is all the upward slop towards the finale, you are not ready for the final arc. -

Chrono 1002

Not gonna lie, this episode was definitely hard to follow. Borrowing a Fate fan's phrase "Don't worry about it.". It's still going to become amazing by the end.


Luke this isn't hate but code geass isn't like Attack on Titan or Death Note, where they spoon feed you all the information, you have to infer some things on your own. As Code Geass is dialogue heavy and you seem trouble following the story have you considered taking notes? Anyways "In this world there is only one person, I am you and you are me" now couple that with Charles's goal "Kill God". So God is the only person there, but by the way he speaks we can gleam something else as well, if they're all there but there is only a single person present, then it must be a collective, a collective consciousness perhaps? It would make sense, as all Geass powers are mental powers not physical and the source of them all is C's world, not to mention C.C.'s name. Coincidence? If you want to be told everything like in death note then this anime will disappoint you, as you have to reach a few conclusions on your own, through the dialogue, the animation, it's all there if you look for it.


I can understand your point about this episode. It is VERY meta psychological when dealing with the main thread and is setting up about a dozen other story threads that will be paid off in later episodes. The problem with that is that it is very hard to follow along with because you're being bombarded with dozens of seemingly unconnected scenes all at once. This probably the worst paced episode of the series and is a product of the studio wanting to wrap up the show with the second season. If they had played out the story build up from this episode over another 3 to 4 episodes and then did a half-season as a season 3, that might have fixed it. That said, the payoff is tremendous as we go through the second half of season 2; which you already seem to have found out in the next episode. As for the recaps, this show was aired weekly. As you start watching older anime shows, you are going to run into a lot of recaps. One Piece and Naruto are both legendary, or is that infamous?, for their recapping because there were no streaming services, at least not official ones, back then. You could argue that streaming services have helped cut down anime to a quicker, more watchable pace. You could also argue that some modern anime has lost a certain magic that can't be replicated in a medium where an entire show can be dropped at once or can be binged back to back. Its about tradeoffs. I for one hate how short seasons have gotten without the corresponding drop in price and the lack of actual story growth because a lot of that has to be cut in favor of getting a complex story out in 12 to 14 episodes. So many anime would be much better if we still had the longer season format imo.

dragean greyfield

The emperor lost his geass when he took v2’s code. If anything it should be lelouch’s fault given his attacks on the realm itself. C2 and now the emperor appear to be cogs of that machine given the mention of “code”. If you destroy part of it there are sure to be repercussions. It might even be the thought elevator that is what gives them the power of immortality.


The fact that Luke said this episode lost him but he'd forgotten many details that helped him to understand ...


I think Luke's reaction to Code Geass kind of lost me actually. His reaction to other anime is nice, but for this one... Well, he kind of shows us that he is simple-minded, like always asking who is good and who is bad as if there doesn't exist in between, and the technological advancement he finds weird...


I think Luke's reaction to Code Geass kind of lost me actually. His reaction to other anime is nice, but for this one... Well, he kind of shows us that he is simple-minded, like always asking who is good and who is bad as if there doesn't exist in between, and the technological advancement he finds weird...


I think Luke's reaction to Code Geass kind of lost me actually. His reaction to other anime is nice, but for this one... Well, he kind of shows us that he is simple-minded, like always asking who is good and who is bad as if there doesn't exist in between, and the technological advancement he finds weird...


Could Code Geass be...too...complex? I never thought I'd say that about the series, but this really isn't one you can just "watch." You really do have to think and pay attention. It really is a chess game.


Tbf Luke's reaction to Code Geass kind of lost me actually. His reaction to other anime is nice, but for this one... Well, he kind of shows us that he is simple-minded, like always asking who is good and who is bad as if there doesn't exist in between, and the technological advancement he finds weird...


Tbf Luke's reaction to Code Geass kind of lost me actually. His reaction to other anime is nice, but for this one... Well, he kind of shows us that he is simple-minded, like always asking who is good and who is bad as if there doesn't exist in between, and the technological advancement he finds weird...


Tbf Luke's reaction to Code Geass kind of lost me actually. His reaction to other anime is nice, but for this one... Well, he kind of shows us that he is simple-minded, like always asking who is good and who is bad as if there doesn't exist in between, and the technological advancement he finds weird...


Absolutely! His reaction to other anime is nice, but for this one... Well, he kind of shows us that he is simple-minded, like always asking who is good and who is bad as if there doesn't exist in between, also the technological advancement he finds weird...


One thing keeps bugging me is he kind of shows us he is simple-minded, like always asking who is good and who is bad as if there doesn't exist in between, and the technological advancement he finds weird...


Tbf Luke's reaction to Code Geass kind of lost me actually. His reaction to other anime is nice, but for this one... Well, he kind of shows us that he is simple-minded, like always asking who is good and who is bad as if there doesn't exist in between, and the technological advancement he finds weird...


Personally I think CG is all right, I mean we've also got to think and pay attention for many other series eg Steins Gate and AOT


Very true. Maybe Geass just isn't Luke's thing overall. No problem with that. JJK isn't my thing.

Edu S.

Agree with hector, for me there is also the annoyance of he always pausing and commenting about the ecchi on the series every single time. I know it is meant to be funny, but it could be reduced


Luke is intelligent. The simple minded here are anime fanatics who have rewatched the show five hundred times have unrealistic expectations of reactors. The show is amazing but the writing for this episode is straight up bad. The explanation for where Geass came from and what God is in this show are awful. Luke’s take on the excessively rapid technological advancement is fair. They did the “here comes another next generation mech” 9 times at this point. There’s more to reactions than saying “wow” and jumping on the bandwagon. Y’all need to chill.

Khanh Minh

Yeah I watched his AOT reaction and he seems to at least understand that there are no clearly defined bad/good guys, and yet in Code Geass he keeps asking who's good and who's bad..I have the feeling that he doesn't care enough about the Code Geass world and its characters and their motivations enough to actually THINK and REFLECT on why there's no clear good/bad guy in this show. And on technology advancement in war... He should have understood by now that this is not a shounen anime where they needed to show you in the face HOW the war machines are built lol/aka how each technology leveled up lol. He just has unrealistic expectation of the show

Zero Shonen

I love Luke's reaction cuz he's really honest about how he feels about the anime, although I don't agree with him many times on his comments on some animes, that is good, enjoying different perspectives helps you a lot. Code Geass is a "complicated" anime in the aspect that you NEED to pay close attention to details and remembering a LOT of stuff to kinda understand what's going on. Plus, the series will not give you everything at hand or make it as direct as other animes do (AoT or Death Note for example)¨, a thing that I think Luke has gotten used to due to the "simple" animes he has been told to watch. It will probably not be easy for him to love it even when he arrives at the end, but mainly cuz I think he hasn't seen some more "complicated" animes to get the hang of how he needs to think and approach these ones. But it will be fine, he's trying and hopefully, he will get more "anime culture" by the time he finishes this one.


I totally get you, I'm not a big fan of Code Geass too, it's too flawed, kinda odd too. It's good, but not great imo


Spoiler? (probably not) 24:5 I was about to make a joke where I called her Nina Oppenheimer ... I looked up her name on a wiki.... YGTBFKM. Her full name is Nina EINSTEIN.