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Here is the PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to MUSHOKU TENSEI Season 2 Episode 14!




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Differences from LN - Sylphie still in her Fitz disguises with glasses when they are going shopping - Julie is enjoying the potato chip alongside Nanahoshi although she just ignores her most of the time - Rudy does a lot less movements when dueling against Luke by using his Demon eye to counter his charge attacks. Some LN Extra Details (Volume 10 Chapter 5-7) provided by RizalBoon on Muse Asia - Rudy teaches Sylphie how to bath in Japanese style in details - Sylphie dislikes public display of affection, partly because of her Fitz identity. She is very loving and cuddly in private. - Rudy wonder if all Asuran Nobles' last name often has combinations of color and animal name on it, Eg, Greyrat. - Rudy was referencing Elrond from Lord Of The Ring when he heard Ariel's attendant's name, Cleane Elrond and Ellemoi Bluewolf - Ariel gifted Rudy the aphrodisiac and a dildo incase he has problem satisfying a woman. (LOL) - Rudy was surprised with Zanoba's social skill when he is speaking with Ariel. - Sylphie's father, Law always said to Sylphie that her grandma is a party member of Rudy's dad. He might have figured it out based off his friendship with Paul. - Nanahoshi left the party early since she kept getting flirted by Luke and was irritated by it. - Rudy made a Doraemon joke of Nobita might peek her when Nanahoshi (Shizuka) asked to borrow the bathroom sometimes. - Sylphie thanked Rudy for going easy on Luke and not get him killed. - Rudy was expecting negative response after Cliff heard Lise's whole story, but saw the opposite and he greatly respects him for this and will keep calling him with respect. Ps: took this comment from somewhere else, shared for others.

Gai Valentine

Also I’m kinda disappointed that they changed Badi’s entrance. He was supposed to bust through the kitchen wall 😂 also in the LN, it’s emphasized just how surprisingly weak Luke is. It was all his enchanted equipment that even gave him that speed in the beginning.


09:00 What? 16:00 In fact, there were hints of this in episodes 6-7 of the first season, and in episodes 2-3 of the second season, so it cannot be considered sudden 😂 Just remember that Sylphie gave Rudy a pendant that she made in the image of her father's pendant. And the way Elinor showed off the same pendant when they first met They are also both elves and both know Pavlo, have you seen many elves in this show? 20:00 We think that Rudy is bad with a sword because all the swordsmen around him were geniuses. Rudy seemed average in comparison.(Okay, I rushed, you realized that yourself😂)


Dont watch the opening its going to spoil a lot wait until show is finished


Thank you for skipping the opening now. It's full of spoilers, so since you always say you want to avoid spoilers I'd recommend waiting to react to it untill after a certain episode Or at least avoid the visuals, you could always do the full song before then.

Madlen Stauffer

Rudy was victorias not only with his eye, also he has more combat expiriance than Luke and trained with powerhouses like Paul, Eris and Ruijerd. Luke had no chance.

Gai Valentine

The new intro is full of spoilers. It eludes to SO much and shows certain people together with other people in certain places.

Gai Valentine

Yes please, I really don’t want Luke to start theorizing based on what he sees

Cyrill Attakpah

i mean the pendant thing was a hint .. lukes theory back then was "well maybe she doesnt want to bang rudy cause no elf touches another elf's man" .. maybe its a family crest instead


By the way, the OP contains a lot of spoilers, so I don't recommend watching it.


@Gai Valentine One thing I can say is someone told me mushoku tensei is about "his life", start to end. So we can theorize he gonna have wife, kids and a long life. Which is technically not spoiler since mushoku tensei is not a story about a specific genre, or plot, but following someone's life and that is the "plot". Which is why it's my favorite isekai.


With the opening, im mixed on if you should react to it. Though I have read vol 12, I dont think the opening gives spoilers to those who have no context. However, it does give spoilers in the direction this season will go. If you never watched the trailer or forgot, this opening shows you a glimpse of whats to come. End of the day, up to you on if you want to watch it. Some other minor stuff, from memory, I think rudy is intermediate rank in sword god style (which is second lowest). The reason he owns luke in that fight is because he has fought people way stronger than luke, and used is Eye of foresight. If I remember, he states luke is slower than eris. And not as good as eris. I guess that can give some context on luke's skill level. Anyway, enjoy this season.


Rudy isn't that great with a sword if you're comparing him to the likes of Paul, Eris and Ruijerd that are pretty damn strong. However, he is still above average and he has that special eye that can see a few seconds into the future. Defeating a normal young swordsman like Luke isn't that hard.

Stephen Rhoades

For Sylphie (and others) not being dressed up, they specifically had the dress code for the wedding just be their school uniforms to avoid issues with class/wealth disparity between them all like with Princess Arial and Julie. In the LN they bought Julie a school uniform to wear as well. I'm kind of sad they didn't adapt that detail.


Yes, Rudy is only poor with a sword if you're comparing to literally the best swordsmen around


Enjoy these first calm episodes, Luke. ;)

Juho Kaartoaho

It's not that they have told about Fitz being Sylphie, other than those invited to their wedding party, but last seasons final episode the princes told Sylphie that she no longer needs to disguise herself as a man. Meaning that they can be open about their relationship and not care if someone figures out that she is Fitz.


It's fine, disregarding the featured characters, the spoilery parts seem to fly under the radar, and some even get the opposite reaction to what LN readers get. And they're gonna need to get around to the spoilery stuff stat anyways very rapidly to save time for some events that requires lot of time to fly

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Rudeus is an A-Ranked adventurer who survived a trek across multiple hostile continents as a child. He has a wealth of practical combat experience to draw upon, not to mention the fact that he spent his entire childhood training with Paul Greyrat, Ghislaine, Eris, and Ruijerd. Rudy’s definitely not a top swordsman by the standards of this world but he definitely knows what he’s doing in a fight whether it be with magic or the sword. Luke Greyrat is a cushy nobleman’s son who’s been in a couple minor skirmishes but doesn’t really have any experience in battle and is basically a glorified bodyguard who got the position because his dad backs Ariel’s claim to the throne. That battle was over before it began. In the light novel Sylphie actually thanks Rudy for taking it easy on him and not straight up killing him in the duel


React to the OP, people saying it has spoilers, yes it does, besides 2 things, which are big, but not a problem, the rest you only know if you know wtf happens.


I mean, would you be calm if you got married at 16 and your wife kissed you and told you she loves you as you bathe? I sure as heck wouldn't xD


It wasn't brought up directly, but there were hints of them being from the same family at least. Rudy has future sight and was able to beat Eris while using it. In terms of scale, no he is not very good with a sword. But he has ways of making up for it.


There were some hints in the past that sylphie and elise may be related (pendant) there is also the elves are not so common and long lived. So yeah it was quiet possible from the get go, but true its kinda sudden to reveal this. Also Rudy used / still has his demon eye and he is quiet good with the sword compared to "normal" people.


Yes. Also her intense antipathy towards Paul.

Gai Valentine

Couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s my favorite anime. Period. I bought all 26 Volumes of the LN and it was like $400+ but this is the only anime to ever make me wanna read instead of wait for the anime. Of course if that’s not something people wanna do, there’s always the audiobooks to listen to while you’re doing other things. Truck-Kun LN is a patreon that I’m also subscribed to and all of them are there for 5$ a month along with the LN for a TON of other anime


Rudy finally got married, so happy for him. His journey of hard work and struggles finally paid off


Rudeus is high intermediate, if he uses his eye he can beat advance level people, Luke is low intermediate level.

The Insane CSGO Moments

And it's important not to forget that he was taught the art of the sword by the best sword masters. He only couldn't defeat them in a sword fight, and also Eris."


Maybe you should watch recaps on YouTube before you go into a new season of an anime. You always forgot many details about a show. Don't worry this is only human, since you reacting to many shows at the same time. For example you can make a reaction to an YouTube recap video.

Karen Porter

It helps us to answer your questions if we can hear the audio... it cut out while you were pondering about the big guy's multiple arms. I have no idea what you were asking.


22:53 "I will either claim the throne or die trying." And her villain arc begins. (Don't scream SPOILER. I'm anime only.)


Very fitting a grey rat for a Greyrat


I wonder if it was a bit or did he actually just press mute. I am still guessing latter, but wouldn't be the first time Luke did "pretend to explain something controversial muted" bit. Other times however it was clear and on stream.

10redturtles -

Rudy isn't terrible with a sword, he just compares himself to really stong people like you said. But also, Luke isnt really all that strong.


If you remember back to the end of the first half of season 2, Ariel took the sunglasses away and told Sylphie that she no longer had to pretend to be a man. Moreover, it's elaborated on in the book that a good number of the beast people were suspicious about Sylphie being a girl because of her smell. Weddings in this world pretty much consist of getting friends and family together at your house to announce your marriage. The only exceptions are either royals or those of the Millis faith who have something pretty similar to a Christian church-style wedding. With regards to Elinalise being Sylphie's grandmother, Elinalise pretty much knew from the beginning. If you remember back to the beginning of season 2 when she first met Rudeus and she was hitting on him, she stopped immediately after noticing the pendent that he was wearing. She even took out her pendent and stated "look we match". That was why she asked if the person who gave him the pendent was an elf. Then, after seeing him interact with Fitz at school, she put two and two together. Nah, you're right about Rudeus' ability with a sword. He is only at adept or intermediate level in like one or two of the schools. Compared to actual warriors or fighters, he isn't much better than a beginner in strength. However, when you take into account the demon eye or foresight and the fact that Luke pretty much doesn't train and has far less combat experience, his loss makes sense.

sink man

Rudeus is amazing with the sword but he does not compare to anyone with actual talent like Eris


I think back in season 1 Paul actually mentions that Rudy is somewhat mid with the sword. That said, he trained with both Paul who is Advanced level on 3 sword styles and Ruijerd who has super strength and 3rd eye... Rudy also have the demon eye that helps him fight and we see how much of advantage it gave him against Paul and Eris. Even if Luke was good with the sword he stood no chance against Rudy unless he is on the level of Ruijerd (which i doubt) I think the entire duel was more or less for Luke to measure his own strength rather than Rudy's


There are 3 main sword styles in the world of mushoku tensei: sword god style, north god style, and water god style and in each style you can get the following ranks: beginner, intermediate, advanced, saint, king, emperor, and god in that order. There are Fighters like Elinaliese and Ruidjerd who don't use any of the 3 conventional sword styles but instead have their own styles. For anyone who doesn't have serious amounts of talent, reaching anything beyond advanced is almost impossible. For reference Ghisleine is a Sword King (meaning the has the King rank in Sword god style) and Paul is advanced in all 3 styles, Ruidjerd would propably be around Emperor level if you had to categorize him. According to the Wiki Luke is Intermediate rank in Sword god style and beginner rank in Water god Style. Rudy reached beginner level in all 3 styles when he was trained by his Father Paul and later reached intermediate level in Sword god style under Ghislaine. And he then trained with Ruidjerd and Eris (who was already advanced rank in Sword god style) during their journey back from the Demon continent. So when rudy was transported to the demon continent at 10 years old he was already the same rank as Luke in Sword god and Water god Style and had beginner rank in North god style, which luke never practiced. Add to that that he was training with Ruidjerd for 2 years, and it wouldn't surprise me if Rudy was the equivalent of either intermediate or advanced rank in whatever fighting style Ruidjerd taught to Rudy and Eris. So it's hardly surprising that Rudy beat Luke in the Duel. Its just that for swordfighting Rudy propably doesn't have talent to ever rank higher than advanced in any style. He was always overshadowed by Eris who has one of the greatest Talents for swordfighting in the story and Ruidjerd, who is already a ledendary Fighter. If we put it in competitive gaming terms: rudy would be better than 90-95% of all players but would get absolutely shit on by the pros


there's a 10 seconds part that it's muted on 8:58

Jack Flear

OP is probably going to have spoiler. I don't recommend watching


Helloooo as much as I would like to see Luke react to the opening. As a light novel reader. DO NOT watch the opening yet, it contains HEAVY spoilers.

Rodrigo Flamenco

Dude, to reach Paul he would need to take 6-8 months of travel to reach him and another 6-8 months to travel back to Sharia. They don't have airplanes nor telephones, even regular mail would take 5-6 months to reach Paul. And even then, Rudy has to send 5-6 copies of that Mail since monsters make the delivery hard. There's a lot of missed mail there. Also Ariel allowed her to show her feminine side at the end of Cour 1, since she had now Rudeus as leverage. So "Fitz" being Sylphie is no longer a secret. There's cues for Elinalise since Season 1 in Episode Turning Point, also in Episode 4 of last cour and both intros. You just have horrible memory (for example, they said they invited Badi on the first seconds and you didn't even remember who he was. You also forgot about Cliff for plenty of last episode.) On Luke losing, Luke is just absolute trash, he spent all his time in Sharia womanizing, Rudy practices EVERY SINGLE DAY. When Rudy has his duel with "Fitz" and Sylphie holds his hand, she realizes that he must have trained so much more with the Sword than Luke. And yes, Luke was way slower than Paul, Eris and Ruijerd. So from his perspective. Luke was sloooooow.


Eris? I am pretty sure he beat Eris (although it wasn't due to his skill purely). If we account for the eye, Rudy was stronger than Eris in terms of swordfight when they parted ways.


The eye also gives him an insane advantage. It's like he's one class above than what his sword fighting skills actually are solely due to his eye.


It's not worth it, there are more spoilers in the OP than in the trailer, but Luke didn't even watch the trailer so he wouldn't pick up anything


I've seen the OP and there are definitely a lot of spoilers, almost everything that will happen in this part, the only thing missing is the biggest spoiler, I don't understand why the studio did this, last time they specifically didn't release the OP until episode 4 until he gets to the academy so as not to spoil it, and even then the opening didn't have big spoilers...

Jhoan Gomez

You also forgot to mention he trained with Ghislaine & keep training by himself after his rupture with Eris so he's gotten stronger over time, even though magic is of course his strongest side

Subaquatic Toaster

The op doesn't really spoil anything that most anime openings do imo. You see some characters that are making a return. LN readers see a few things that we know about but it isn't really a spoiler for anime onlys

Subaquatic Toaster

You forgot the end of season 1 where Ariel took the sunglasses and basically told her to live as sylphie now Also, its not exactly out of nowhere with Elinalise and Sylphie. They hinted at them being related somehow a while back when Elinalise noticed Rudy's pendant that Sylphie carved. It was never spoken plainly like "oh my granddaughter made that" but she recognized the pendant and commented on its design. And we knew that Sylphie had made it so it put a clear connection between them. Regarding Rudy and swordsmanship. The only reason it seems he's bad with a sword is because he's been around some of the strongest fighters alive. Ruijerd, Ghislaine, Eris, hell even Paul were all far stronger than average swordsman. Rudy is I think about the advanced rank in 3 styles if I remember correctly which is actually far better than your average swordsman.

brotato 96

I would definitely consider it spoilers. They clearly show that his sisters will settle with him and going to academy, ruijerd travelling with the sisters, rudeus reunion with roxy, zenith captured in the labyrinth, paul, rudeus and roxy fighting something powerful. I dont know how much should a show spoil for you to consider it spoilers but for me it definitely is.

Gabriel Pires

I think Luke forgot that Rudeus has the Demon Eye of Foresight, so he can predict people's movements. I had no doubts that he'd win the duel with Anime Luke.

Daniel Costello

When he got the eye? Yes. When they parted ways? No. At that point ruijerd just acknowledged her as a true warrior. She had got much stronger by then. She’s a literally 1 in a million prodigy when it comes to sword fighting. She lost to Rudy because she was completely caught off guard by his eye. She would never lose to him in a sword fight again if they fought


Rudy only seems bad with a sword because most of the time we see him fight against genuine menaces like Ruijerd and Eris. They're on a whole another level lol


What a sweet episode! Here we see a new side of Elinalise in relation to her curse, that she's far more ashamed of it than she shows. A touching moment, this reunion between her and her granddaughter. Let's enjoy these sweet moments, because something big is coming very soon.

brotato 96

I think they went hard with spoilers in the opening because the show took hit with popularity with part 1 of season 2. Even though fans of the series stayed, the arc itself was not very thrilling. They needed to show the audience that interesting things are going to happen. That said, I think Luke should decide this time if he should react to the opening. Because its official opening of the season, it has been viewed my anime onlies as part of the show. It will spoil some things for sure, but the experience would not be any different from the average viewer.


Lets go ! if I werent attuned with this series' tone atp Iwould be really happy. I am an anime only but such good moments always leave me very very SCARED.


Hey , It's me again here to set some facts straight, there's been some misinformation by someone so here goes. 1) Luke is NOT trash, The princess would not have a trash body guard. by her side, Luke is a womanizer, but then again almost all royalty are (including the women), this has nothing to do with how Rudeus won the fight. Luke is actually pretty skilled and has warded off plenty assassin attempts on the princess by this point. 2) Rudeus is NOT trash, this is why he won the sword fight. Rudy from like age THREE was taught the sword by his father, who is VERY skilled in swordsmanship. While not being the genius that he is with magic, Rudy still learned swordsmanship from not 1, not 2, but 3 HIGHLY LEGENDARY SKILLED TEACHERS. (His father Paul, Ghislaine, and Ruijard :P ). Rudy also spaded often with Eris and because he is more comfortable with magic, in times of combat relied more on his skills with magic than sword play (Because they already had a swordsman (Eris and Ruijerd). All of this is to say that you only believe Rudeus to be bad because he's always had to practice vs STUPIDLY HIGHLY SKILLED INDIVIDUALS. So losing or barely losing to said individuals gave you the impression he had no skill. But remember, He even beat Eris 1 v 1 at the beach using his EYE. Speaking of the Eye, eye of foresight kinda makes 1 on 1 fights almost cakewalk when you can predict what your opponent is going to do. Rudeus, even with just a sword, is more than capable than half the characters in the show. Also We know you forget, but try to remember as they just showed it last episode, his daily routine is training. every single day.


Nanahoshi like (roughly) "be grateful I came." Rudy "we have chips." "SAY NO MORE." 😂😂😂💀 and Badi was probably waiting behind that wall LMAO 😂

Fay X84

Our Luke was grinning and seemed so happy when he heard that Rudy got a discount on Shark VP… no sorry I mean the Robe using his name lol Also is it only me, or this time opening is more spoilerish than the previous to the point we can almost figure out how this season will progress with the big title “FAMILY” on it?! 💦

David Pulver

Nanahoshi and the chips was a great detail.

hussam abdelalim

He is only not good with the sword when he is fighting against litteral god level sword masters


Lol.... "But Rudy isn't good with a sword..." you know against god level characters they keep winning.... how is he going to win with his demon eye of foresight against a mere human who's just "good" at swordsmanship....


power scaling wise, Rudy is a god like magic user, he bested Badi with magic to the point of Badi's literal death, except Badi cant die if I understand it correctly, and in terms of everything else Rudy loses badly XDDDDD


They said in episode 12 that Sylphie doesn't need to hide her identity anymore at all.


I'm anime only too, but she could literally just walk in with Rudy, Fitz, and if Rudy called Ruijerd, she would be queen without much trouble. Rudy in a full battle could easily wipe out a massive army by himself. He can use disturb magic on any casters (which I think was unique to Orsted) and he could just cause the earth to liquify beneath the feet of any swordsman. If he dropped them down 10 feet underground and left them there for a few minutes it would all be over. Even if they knew earth magic they wouldn't be able to say their incantations so the casters would die too. And that's without using his purple nuclear fireball.

Kamil Butala

He has Demon eye to see i would say and as well he trains all the time too so


I mean Rudy did beat Eris in a sword duel before, and she's probably the strongest swordsman of their age. That demon eye is pretty nasty, plus he's been non stop doing physical training.


I mean, it's Elinalise we're talking about here. Chick's probably got more decedents than Genghis Khan.


Rudy doesn't think highly of his swordsmanship, but it's because he's only fought absolute beasts like Eris and Ruijard before. Even without his eye and magic, he's plenty capable to easily take on people who aren't saints or king leveled swordsmen.


A man can't get excited about his wife as a newlywed? Give the guy a break luke. He has consent 😂


OP major spoilers i would not watch it till its over IMO

Just Tye

Something that that was skipped in the anime is the explanation of battle armor which is the reason Rudeus didn’t get very good with a sword. But you need to know that Rudy is physically very fit. On top of that, his demon eye gives him a major advantage in close combat.

Just Tye

I would also recommend waiting to react to the OP after the season finishes. There are unfortunately a few spoilers. Even if you don’t get what’s going on, it gives information we shouldn’t know at this point of the story


im guessing if you ask to get married and they say yes then theyre just married in this world, no engagement


im guessing they were testing him with a sword, because paul said earlier how magic users are only good at a distance and up close are useless, so fighting with a sword probably shows that he could still protect her in situations like that


rudys also trained his body alot since the beginning of part of this season, we even saw him runnin around like crazy and pullin off some crazy moves when fighting a red dragon, so not only did he train with the best before, I think he's just gotten better over the years after getting physically stronger as well


Do not watch OP and ED until Ep09?? there are SPOILERS!!

Divine OG

Pretty sure Luke is weaker here than Eris when she parted with Rudeus. He had a lot of time since then to train, and he could beat Eris at that time using his eye anyway.

Kyle Garrett

I just want to say thanks to the people in the comments here saying not to watch the opening because of spoilers in it. I'm going into this blind too and after Luke didn't watch the OP here I definitely would have taken a look at it if you all didn't comment saying not to.

Chris Gama

Yeah, I watched the opening myself and there are potential spoilers, so Luke definitely wait to watch the opening would be my suggestion.

Chris Gama

Yep and also remember Rudy has his eye that gives him a big advantage in fights.

Divine OG

he did not use it in this fight. I read the light novel, I remember him thinking in that moment why is Luke so slow, not even worth using my eye.

Sage Robinson

What was that random silence about nine minutes in, Luuuke? Hmmm?

Sage Robinson

Yeah Luke is right, of course Rudy looked like he was shit at the sword because of WHO he's been fighting lol. Literal SWORD GODS and a swordswoman prodigy lmao

Andrew Lindsey

Hey Luke at 8:57 to 9:06 seconds it just goes silent


Nice job Luke! Rudy brings unhealthy food from our time 😂. Rudy had always tough opponents so it’s no surprise that it’s easy for him to fight someone of his level. Very young grandma… I am surprised that Badigadi didn’t destroy his house🤣 and also I didn’t expect this episode to be this 😊

Aeris Asano

I can’t find your opening reaction on YouTube 😔


This is the first time that Sylphie being Elinalise's granddaughter is brought up, but they've foreshadowed it here and there throughout the series, so while it's the first time and it's totally unexpected, it's also not out of nowhere. These foreshadowings include Sylphie, Laws (her father), and Elinalise being the only three elves we've met in this series to date; the pendant Sylphie carved for Rudeus as a present, Elinalise recognizing it and showing him an identical one; and the fact that Elinalise sleeps with countless men everywhere she travels means she's likely (and has) left children all over the planet - and Roxy has even commented on this during their search for Rudy that it would be an extremely bad time for Elinalise to get pregnant.


Rudeus is actually VERY GOOD with a sword - at least when it comes to the basics of Sword God style. Rehearsing the fundamentals of Sword God style is part of his daily workout routine, as was shown in the first half of this season, and has been ever since Paul and Ghislaine were his instructors. Rudeus' problem, the reason why he'll never advance to higher levels of any sword style, is because he cannot wrap his body in battle aura, which is a mana application that swordfighters of the three sword styles use - and it's ironic that Rudeus can't because he has a near endless supply of mana to work with. This is why Rudeus is at a disadvantage when it comes to any swordfighter who has seriously trained and advanced in any of the sword styles. However, against Luke, who has an undetermined sword skill level, Rudeus is able to kick his ass, even without using mana. That is how sound Rudeus is in the fundamentals of swordplay.


Both Luke and Rudeus are Intermediate rank at their styles of swordsmanship. Thats the second lowest rank. Its still a very high rank in comparison to average people. Think of it as a brown belt in Karate. Rudeus has far more experience in actual combat, and has been sparring with people on the levels of Eris (Advanced) and Ruijerd (Emperor). He also has the demon eye of Foresight. If you recall in season 1, the demon eye allowed Rudeus to beat Eris when she was Advanced rank. In real life terms: Beginner = Green-Blue Belt Intermediate = Brown Belt Advanced = Black Belt Saint = Highest tier black belt