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Here is the FULL PATREON exclusive REACTION to Code Geass Season 2 Episode 5!!



Cedrick Buendia

Patiently waiting for luke to react to shakugan no shana openings and endings 😌


Personally not sure I like the idea of going down to 1 episode of Geass a week, but thinking about the schedule. In the long term it may work out for the best for Patreon reactions especially if you react to Akito the exiled, the Lelouch of the resurrection movie etc. 7:53 he knows what was erased because when Lelouch touched CC in episode 1 of season 2 his memory was restored 12:50 yes he is one of the knights of the round and we saw him in a previous episode with Suzaku 20:05 He cares a great deal but its been over a year since she died 26:36 For about the fifth time Luke's horniness is making the case for the code Geass Dub 29:00 yes, clearly Arthur the cat has been the main character the entire time

Jammy Jimmerino

have you ever watched avatar the last airbender? i know its not technically anime but if youve never seen the OG show would be amazing for a reaction probably will get you hella views too. and another comment asking for a saiki k reaction lol


Not sure about tuning down code geass to just 1 episode a week imo

Hamza Stiti

I dont mind 1 ep a week as long as we get mushoku tensei reaction


Doing code geass and mushoku tensei at the same time 1 each sounds alright to me, at least if you can survive the cliffhangers XD


I dont like the idea of 1 code geass episode per week to be honest

Aaren YASS

Think about it this way, Luke. The episode is overcompensating silliness and horniness for whatever the hell it has in store next. It's less a filler and more a strategic "breather" episode if you think about it. This one also has more plot relevant things mixed in than it's season 1 counterpart. -

Suraj ayinde

Lelouch has used Geass on Villetta before, that's why he's manipulating her the using his skills instead. However it does seem as if Lelouch is using his Geass less, and that could be because he wants to rely on it less after what happend to Euphy or if anyone he uses Geass in gets suspected of being under the control of it, then it'll be confirmed that Lelouch has awakened as Zero.

Barack O. Llama

do a poll but do not do 1 code geass a week

Barack O. Llama

suzaku and nina are possibly the 2 most hateable anime characters. thats good writing to make us all feel that.

Talix Rune

Would prefer just the Code Geass personally

Ian Ponce

The Geass works on everyone, even if they are another Geass user. Remember Mao (who could read minds), the only ones Geass doesn't affect are C.C. and V.V., that's why Mao wanted to be with C.C.

Ale brenna

As a fan of both mushoku and code geass, i think you should finish code geass first and then start with the new season of mushoku, doing one episode only per week make fogetting things easyer and the continuos cliffenger on both series will destroy you


Personally I won't be tuning in for mushoku tensei, I watch reaction channels to revisit anime so I don't watch any reactions to current anime. It'd be a bummer if the code geass reactions drop to 1 a week. But you do you, I'm also excited to watch the next season of mushoku tensei on my own.


I have been waiting for you to react to this episode since the beginning. It is so randomly lewd, but I'm not complaining lol. One thing to remember is that having a Geass does not protect you from another Geass, Lelouch was able to use his on Mao (he forced Mao to never speak again) and Rolo was able to use his on Lelouch an episode or two ago. I would prefer to not go down to one episode a week, mostly because I look forward to these reactions but also the plot will get more complicated as it goes on and if you only watch 1 a week I think you will forget more things than usual and it will be harder to keep up with it


To be honest i'd much prefer to keep at 2 eps of code geass a week since we're getting to the juicy bits and it'd just feel bad to slow down, we got 9 weeks left(10 conisdering it has 25 eps but i'd recommend to watch 3 in the last week). We could start mushoku tensei after that and with 2 eps a week we'd catch up to it before it ends. Unless you're putting out mushoku tensei reactions on youtube as it airs, then it'd be better for views to watch it as it airs, if so i'd say it'd be understandable.


Sick Luke seems to have more rational thoughts. And also doesn't destroy my ears at the start of each video.

Daniel V

yeah do one ep code geass and one ep mushoku tensei


Agreed with the others on waiting to finish Code Geass first. Better in the long run for both people watching Code Geass and Mushoku Tensei as it will completely replace it with 2 episodes a week once you've finished watching. Which will be better for continuity as well.

Chrono 1002

Luke is slowly realizing why he is watching Code Geass on Patreon, lol Btw, Lelouch is only using blackmailing with Viletta because he can't use his Geass on her. Personally I like Suzaku now more than before when he was a total hypocrite. But yeah, that was a total dick move. Lelouch got lucky (or was clever) with not showing his face to Suzaku there.

Subaquatic Toaster

Just to reconfirm this since it's not a spoiler and you seem to misunderstand it a little. A geass can work on someone with a geass. It cannot work on the people who give a geass such as CC. Minor clarification overall but it might help things make more sense


I think you've forgotten some vital information, Geass works on other users of Geass, you know this because Mao used his Geass on Lelouch and vice versa. (Mao is the other person C.C. gave Geass to) You also should know that Geass doesn't work on C.C. this was told several times. Mao couldn't use his Geass on C.C. that's why he wanted to be with her because his mind would be quiet and Leleouch also tried to use his Geass on C.C. when she tried to leave him but it didn't work and she told him it wouldn't work, After Lelouch used his Geass accidently on Euphemia he was told again that his Geass doesn't work on C.C. So in conclusion those who give Geass can't be affected by it and those who have Geass can use it on each other. PS: Lelouch can't use Geass on Viletta Nu because he already used it on her at the very beginning of the show when he stole her Knightmare. Secondly the woman you keep asking who that is, she was one of the 4 working under Toudou.


I would say finish code geass and then jump straight into mushoku. It should line up pretty good


honestly finish Code Geass before starting Mushoku Tensei.


My vote would be stay focused on Code Geass for now so its harder to forget/get confused between sessions.


The biggest problem I see with going down to one episode a week of Geass is that...you have enough trouble keeping up with TWO episodes a week. You'll be DOUBLING your confusion. So keep it at two episodes a week.


Another vote for sticking with 2 episodes of CG per week


two ep of code geass would be better


I think it would be better to just watch Code Geass until the end and then to catch up with Mushoku Tensei.


I'd prefer to stick with 2 Code Geass episodes per week and watch Mushoku Tensei afterwards. Unless you could just add Mushoku on top, but I doubt that's possible.

Muligan Shinzuo

What godlike direction XD. This ending is so devastating. Now Zero cannot do the same he did with euphy and in effect has to "fight" his sister. Very evil to not erase nunallys memories as well, as lelouch cannot acknowledge her, she is gonna be hurt by his reaction :'( .


Hwiyeop Kim

nah please keep doing 2 code geass eps per week. doing 1 of each of code geass and mushoku tensei will just make u confused on both anime


Season 1 aired in a late-night timeslot, so it was adult-oriented. For R2 they were given a primetime slot instead. That's why the tone is brighter, there's more fanservice but less frontal nudity, and they recap a lot. Recommend sticking to two eps per week. The back half of this season moves faster than any other series.


Mushoku afterwards sounds good One gripe I have about season 2 is that it should be more horny


Mushoku Tensei - April 7, 2024


please just finish code geass first!!


I'd rather watch Luke react to Mushoku Tensei weekly and let Code Geass take a little longer


Finish Geass first. Then run one episode of Mushoku and one episode of Bocchi per week.


1 episode of Mushoku and 1 episode of Code Geass. Perfect for me


Luke, make a poll, of course, in the comments to Code Geass people will be against the idea of reducing its episodes per week. Don't forget that not everyone who subscribes to Patreon watches all your videos. You could just as easily ask in the comments to the reaction to Taylor Swift 😂 Code Geass is 6th on my list of favorite anime, and Mushoku is third, so I don't mind watching 2 of my favorite shows at the same time


It won't change anything, Luke can easily get confused in the middle of one episode, even if he sits down and watches all the episodes in one go, he'll still get confused, that's his thing 😂

Ringo Cataluna

Stick with 2 eps of code geass and then mushoku tensei

Саша Милошевић

I wouldn't recommend watching 1 ep per week of code geass because there's a lot of stuff to remember and cliffhangers in the coming episodes, u won't remember some thing this way much less if u watch it once a week not to mention it has much better impact the less period u watch it in


no that doesnt make sense for a show like code geass, not only are there insane cliff hangers but usually the next episodes tend to answer things immediately while keeping the series going

Conta Aleatória

this girl you don't remember is the same you always say you don't remember ahhahahhaha one time you saw her and asked if it was a woman version of lelouch(you were joking but you always ask who tf she is XD)

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Mushoku Tensei is a must watch. Peak cannot be delayed


Please finish Code Geass, then pickup Mushoku Tensei, you should be able to catch back up before the end of the season. One episode a week is torture for 1 show already, don't do it to 2 shows.


I don't actually much care to watch your reaction to new anime, because they are still new and fresh in our memories. The whole point of reaction channels is to let the viewers have that nostalgia trip of when they first watched something. And if I watch a show on Saturday, and you have a reaction out on Saturday/Sunday... that just entirely defeats the purpose.

Ramzes Khakimov

Please finish Code Geass first


I recommend finishing Code Geass first rather than have 1 episode a week.


Finish Code Geass, then do 2 Mushoku a week after


Please finish Code Geass first, then do Mushoku Tensei


3:42 Starts War Abandons army during critical battle No explanation... What A Chad! 18:19 I love these swimsuits that are nuder than nude. 21:05 This show! It's like Full Metal Panic with more murder. 26:33 (anime rule about no fanservice with subtitles) Don't complain. It just means you get to watch the fanservice more than once.


Luke has goldfish memories, please bear this in mind


He will still get confused even if he watches all the episodes at once without a break 😂


The woman you can never remember is Nagisa Chiba. She's one of the Four Holy Swords under Kyoshiro Tohdoh. I think pretty much all "sleepy looking anime girls" ("mysterious and emotionless" would be how I'd put it) can be traced back to a character from Neon Genesis Evangelion. The trope may have existed before that, but anything after it almost certainly has lineage to it.


finish code geass, then moshuko, like u planned


Happy with which ever watch route gets chosen as long as we get a mushouko watch in the end. ... ok mid ep luke what you mean its weird its so light-hearted hmm wonder when the series has done this exact thing before. ... well guess you answer your own question yah horny bastard haha ... "really horny ver. of last time" yep you guessed it ... loving the reaction so far though in the mood to add an song/artist reaction request even if not possible, Alkatraz by Demondice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRQ3sKGQ2KQ&ab_channel=DEMONDICE


please just finish code geass first


One and one works for me, and then you can go back to two per week to finish off Code Geass once Mushoku Tensei is done.


yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees mushoku and code geass, I love code geass but I love Mushoku more lol I cannot wait to watch it again


Damn this episode was directed by a great mind, may be Luke’s🤣🤣Suzaku so annoying, kicked Lelouch in the balls. R.I.P. pizza girl and another wasted pizza

Harley Burnie

20:10 Euphy is long dead. What should Suzaku be doing about her, exactly? Code Geass does a bit better than most animes about those who have passed still mattering. 20:15 Exactly, if I recall. That last "Pizza Fiasco" was when Euphy got found out and then announced the Autonomous Zone.

Harley Burnie

31:30 I LOVE this reaction!!! One of the best turns of the entire series!! Tbh, I was actually waiting for Luke to forget important details and be really confused at this call. Glad it all came together.