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Lustgard Artwork - nr.37 - 2023

Measurement 1: The Hip size: 154cm / 60inch!
"Absolutely Asstronomical"

Since the beginning of my Lustgard journey, people from all over the world has asked me all sorts of questions about my pale blonde, Njorijanna Allfridr Manidottir.

And now, I feel she is how I truly envisioned her to be, so for the rest of this month we will continue to measure her incredible body, height, weight and maybe her age.

Also! At the end of this bathroom photoshoot, I got a massive surprise for you all!

Widescreen and lowres available as attachments!

+Lustgardian Exclusives are ready too!
Thanks for your continued support of Lustgard and me as an 3D artist!

- Alluringsteed



Dark Kuno

Must. Not. Lick. Computer. Monitor.


These shots are fresh! Thanks for the delicious view.

Chris L

This is just beautiful


I don’t think there is a number that can quantify the levels of thickness Njorijanna’s ass has reached. You need a book to describe it adequately!