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Been working on our mysterious Azzetar Queen in between the sauna animation of Njorijanna.

I promised her a while back, but was delayed by technical issues that since have been resolved.

So here is the version 2 of her!

My prolonged exposure to sculpting faces has made me better at detecting what was wrong with the first initial wip version, so I remade her completely,  from scratch, all parts. 

Using all the latest software and techniques. I cannot show you the rest yet due to unfinished shaders.

Hope she is well received! It is not a final product, see yourself as my guinea pigs for her look.

I need to work on her profile, so cannot share that yet.

If you got an eye for spotting what is off, or want to help out making her more realistic, please DM or write down facial structure suggestions. Minor details such as hair, brows, shaders or pores is not needed as they are not tweaked.

So simple, yay/nay & why.

yay : DONT TOUCH ANOTHER INCH! shes perfect!

nay: Something is off, continue sculpting.




Interested in seeing a more muscular character, but still has those feminine characteristics we are familiar with. Would love to see more of this character for diversity sake.


She looks good as is to me. Her features are quite distinct from Njorijanna.