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  • LG_Njori_Nude_Walktest_2022_3lq0001-0084.mp4
  • a51rwdg_460svvp9.webm



Hey! Here comes a status update more to say, I have successfully bound the muscles with the fat jiggle tech after some weeks of work! And the results are gorgeous!
The last part I need to fix up is the uhmm... jiggle that happens when the glutes are at their max peak flex, or in other words, when the leg is going back and the butt up. Its not supposed to jiggle for that particular glute at that time, but as always, I have a solution for that I'm about to implement into her. We'll call it the "TopPointButtCurveJiggleCalmer3000"
Once this solver is active, the jiggle will be reduced by 70% when the flex is the strongest.
I'm also going to implement an jiggle increaser for the split second the leg is going forward, and the entire glute is free to move as it pleases. This is mostly muscle tech modificators, as the fat is not impacted greatly by this, but will still have a similar solver, but only when the skin is max stretched property in any direction.

There are still the slight issue with boobs, you see the old boobs relied on a light smooth modificator to work good, but I seek to find the golden number to eliminate the need for it completly. I'm close to the solution, and will cover that in next weeks wip wednesday!

While the machine does bakes, I zone out to times with various playthoughs, this time it is an old gem, maybe some of you have played it too.
Be sure to check out the HD walk test video I rendered out as a gift.



Christian L

Maybe it's just me...the butt physics look great but it seems that her boobs are bouncing a bit too much. Not really sure

Glen Ponder

Thank you for the hard work, this is incredible:) she grinds my soul with these cheeks


Exactly, and as I wrote, I'm looking to fix that and show the improvements in next weeks WIP day =) Right now they have too much stretch on them AND they jiggle too slow, like in slow motion. It was the price to pay for upgrading everything, even blender. Some older plugins and physics properties was changed. And I have not yet discovered the solution, but working hard on it.


Yeah, maybe one day we can make her available for VR experience, that would be something.


Allah forgive me, but Lustgard WIP Wednesdays got a fellow acting unwise


Thanks! Yeah its bound to happen in Lustgard, just have to figure out some more technical stuff first. 😆


Wow, you make some of the best jiggle/soft tissue physics that I've seen! I've been struggling with boob and butt simulations in Blender lately and I'm wondering if you could offer any tips on how to improve. Currently I'm using cloth sim with pressure on the base animated model but it doesn't work well in all situations. Wondering if there's a better method...


Hey! Welcome to Lustgard! Thanks! I really have been stumbling and failing my way to something remotely lifelike after so many years. First direct tip would be to stop using cloth physics, start with soft body physics, they made it for a reason, it really is magnificent in its options once you get the hang of it. I would recommend you start out with a ball. A simple sphere not too dense in verts either. Something you can quickly rebake. Then after some weeks of testing various settings you will start to understand what each and all options do. You can play with vertex groups adjustments for it too. But read up on previous posts and be sure to join discord, its easier to have long chats about nerdy jiggle numbers there. =]]