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Hello Lustgardians! It’s me, Alluringsteed, creator of Lustgard. I have come to you all today to ask you something of great importance.

But first, I must say something:  Lustgard has been going strong and steady. By 2022, it will be an outstanding two years since I publicly launched this project.
Never have I worked so much in my life since then and it has been glorious—beyond words. With amount of time in the spotlight of the sun and the bittersweet taste of failure.
I had not in my wildest imagination thought this would be loved by so many, It was in essence done by the suppressed and shackled artist in me that had finally endured enough strife, and that one night after losing his last job sat down and forged something beyond my skillset at the time... A destiny in CGI.   

But this path is not cheap, and we have so far yet to go...
The funding from NFT's will give us the power to buy essential mocap equipment, rendering farms, hire more staff and the most important factor, buy me time... I will quit my current daytime job and invest it all in Lustgard myself. I need to free up my time schedule badly... But I cannot seem to make that happen with such advanced CGI and how time consuming it is on a budget. I need to do something to get myself more time.  

Nothing changes for you folks tho. WIP section will still be for Lustonite seers and the golden Heralds of Lustgard, polls will still be here for you only, sneak peaks is still for the gifted seers and Heralds.
In the future tho, there will be more perks for supporters, like when the big development in games and other entertainment is set in motion.
Yes we have plans... Thicc plans.

For those who already are in the NFT business, let me explain. I have talked to several people who are exalted with this crypto world, and suggest we do the best for the environment. The best of both worlds in form of stable currency and green renewable energy is the crypto currency "Cardano" aka ADA, it also has a great marketplace called CNFT.IO

I will not ask this on any social media platform, I ask you, my loyal supporters.
Please also ask and voice your opinion in the comments.



I think you have a typo, where you refer to ADA, or "Cardano" as "Cordana" Also I wouldn't recommend Cardano personally as a reliable crptocurreny right now because they are dealing with some legal troubles and their coin might lose a lot of value soon, but I wouldn't call myself an expert on this topic


I really just don't care either way, but sorry to say I can almost guarentee I won't buy any.


That is correct, had a typo there. Thanks for feedback, need to hear this, it really has the art community divided.


I voted no, mainly because the whole NFT thing didn't have the time to legally establish itself yet. We don't really know what it would look like if someone claims ownership of one. To be clear, I support you because I want to see more of your art. NFTs might help you to provide even more, which would be great. Yet, if I dont get to see that art I have no reason to fund. This could easily happen if patreon or other sites make policy changes to forbid NFTs on their site, because of legal risks. Given that NFTs are 'trendy' the market is also quite unreliable, which adds a gambling note to the mix, which I also don't like.


I think you should look into other markets like Solana and Kadena.


I'd much rather fund you through a commission than NFTs. That is unless your NFTs stand for "Noice Fu*kin* Tits", then I support it 100%


I think the vast majority have voted no because it's hard to see how an NFT is better than just pledging actual money? I know very little about NFTs so correct me if I am missing something here, but would you effectively be selling the rights to pieces of your art as an NFT?


Not selling rights directly, me as an artist and creator of the said artwork still have the rights to make edits etc. Future art would still be released on patreon as usual too.


Thanks for the good insightful reasoning behind the vote. Helps me make a decision. This all is going fast, and I received some dms on disc with warnings and encouragement from other artist friends in the cgi art scene. Some did minting only to counter the scammers.


I lack understanding as to the mechanics of NFTs. However, if you believe that this is a worthwhile investment for your brand and future projects that won't harm what you're trying to build, then go for it.


Please do not. NFTs are far too volatile. If you seek funding by creating one-of-a-kind items, then I would recommend high-price commissions, not items using cryptocurrency. I love your work, but NFTs are not the way I would support this.


No rush Brian, hold your horses, only trying to make sense of it all 🙂 the poll will help me make a decision about it further down the road, and as it is looking right now, Lustgard is not going forward with it.


Thanks, really appriciated. Yeah, Maybe comissions would be something. 🤔


This nft sure took the market by storm, it has the community very divided too. I cannot see how it could damage anything really, epic games, twitter and various other larger ones seem to get on board with avatar verification to the nfts the owner has bought. But again, discord received tons of hate for trying to do some sort of link to nfts recently. Im trying to learn about it as well I can, by reading, friends and videos, but they are equally split in opinions.


Honestly I would not really invest in it personally nor would I do it as an artist. NFT's , from what I read, are just certificate of ownership but not the actual product itself. I understand the reasoning though, but I personally don't see the value of it.


Which is what I was trying tunderstand. If you still have rights to edit and patreons still can see the art - what benefit does the purchaser of the NFT even have? Basically I'm asking what's the incentive for me to spend money to purchase the NFT? Thanks


i'm not sure if people are objecting to your idea of selling nft's, or if this is just the general sentiment towards nft's right now. they're being memed on real hard right now, with people on twitter who have spent tens of thousands of dollars for a objectively bad image of a monkey getting furious with people who are right clicking and saving their nft. to be honest, when i saw this post i literally lol'd because that is exactly what came to mind, and this might be most people's gut reaction. getting past the initial reaction, i wouldn't know if this is a good idea. there's a very real possibility of nft's just being a fad, and that their perceived value will go out with it. even if nft's are here to stay, there's no saying that yours will be seen as valuable, (even if they pass the unbelievably low bar for quality that some nft's have set,) so i guess it's a matter of if you are willing to risk the amount of time and effort into this for the chance of financial gain.


What's best for the environment is to not use this overcomplicated, underproductive system to do what commissioning has been doing for years without having to serialize a PNG.


Thanks for all the great feedback! ;)