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The contest deadline on slushe.com is closing in fast, only 1 more day to go. I hope I can make it! Final render starts in 8 hours! Here are some WIPS of Njorijanna in a VR suit as a gamer for the "gamer" contest on slushe.com.

Here is a joystick I had as a kid for the Amiga 500. Its called Topstar Quickjoy. I was unable to buy or find it online, so I quickly made it from scratch.

The VR set is an unusual piece of technology many of you have not heard of. So I will let you dig it up on the deep web. It too was needed to be made from scratch.

And as always. she games in minimal clothing to improve mobility. Himeheims VR suit is still in its early stages, and requires a ton of sensors to operate.

Enjoy! Thanks for the freaking amazing support Lustgardians!



Dark Kuno

wishing you all the luck

Glen Ponder

Looks like you put a bit more thought into it than others in the contest:)


Will there be a not vr version?


Might be so but I really wanted to make a gaming pic of her, and now the opportunity presented itself. This was such a joy to make!


Many of the assets are photoscanned, and therefor not optimized for a game/vr game. But continue to believe in me and I will deliver. I have no idea what the future holds but its limitless!