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July already! This month is hopefully going to be pretty big. Im spending most of my time writing and preping the start of the next craving control comic, I still hope to start putting it out for you guys at the tail end of the month. Its quite a challenge as i havent really made a longer form comic before so ist pretty hard to wrap my head around the overarching story. My plan is to have a basic idea and then be quite fluid, so i can change stuff or add stuff in when i think of it etc. 

In addition to the comic, ill also be working on normal art, with a few sequences and some lalia thrown in. Also not to forget this months Patreon exclusive drawing so Ill put a post up after this so you plumb tier peeps can leave your suggestions for what you wanna see. I want to know your suggestions because they're always so interesign and things i might not think of! 

Right, here's to a good July and hopefully a nice warm summer! 


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