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Hey its time for an update! June has had a pretty rough start with my ongoing wifi issues and now me catching Covid, but we’re getting back on track! Expect a bunch of new images coming up in the next few weeks!

Now a couple of people have asked about the status of any Craving Control Redux comics. A new one is being planned, but this time it will be a bit different. This one will be a longer format and ill release the pages as each one is finished, instead of in one big lot.  Now while it is based on the Original Craving control, nothing I make is a continuation of the original series, but its own AU.  Im working on the basic story atm, but hope to start releasing the comic around late July/ early August .  In the mean time i'll be working on my drawing stills, focussing on proportions and trying to make my drawings more fluid and interesting.  Also look forward to lalia appearing in some drawings I do outside the comic!   Thanks for reading and i hope you all enjoy what is coming up!


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