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She stood amidst a celestial expanse, where billowing clouds embraced her form, enhancing her innate majesty. The Dark Titan, her towering presence swaying, bore eyes aflame with an otherworldly detachment, as though lost in a surreal dream. Yet, a sinister transformation unfolded; her body began to pulsate with unrestrained mirth, a sadistic smile etching its way across her face.

The once-subdued giggling crescendoed into a thunderous, world-shaking laughter. With arms outstretched, she reveled in newfound power, her head gracefully turning as she peered down upon diminutive cities struggling to reach her ankles. The world quivered beneath her, a symphony of chaos echoing her ascent into supremacy.

The wind, framing her face as if embracing the storm within. Crimson hues deepened on her flushed cheeks, a reflection of the potent emotions coursing through her.

"I THINK I NEED TO GET MORE COMFORTABLE!" Her resonant voice echoed with authority, a declaration that rippled through the very atmosphere.

With deliberate grace, she lowered her hands toward her generous bosom, effortlessly shedding the constricting fabric that veiled her colossal breasts. The garment fell away like the dissipating mist, exposing the entirety of her naked flesh for all to see.

Her nipples were taut, jutting out like mountains against the backdrop of a sky, as though beckoning for the entire world to worship them.

An ethereal glow surrounded the curvature of her body, an aura of power and might. It was as if the stars had descended, choosing to inhabit the flesh of this goddess, her every step causing the world to shudder.

The Titan with a smile began to squat low to the ground, her massive thighs bulging out from the motion. She lowered her gargantuan body closer to the quivering, terrified masses, the earth quaking in terror at the sheer weight of her descent.

Once again she laughed, a bellowing laughter that echoed across the world, a laughter so loud that all who heard it were crushed into the dust by its mere vibration.

"BOOM!" The the force of her buttocks crashing into the earth causing a shockwave that decimated the whole city.

It was then, as the world was still shaking, that she looked down at the people, so many thousands of feet below her, looking like small grands of colorful sand.

"TRULY PATHETIC!" She exclaimed, her voice booming like thunder.

The tiny humans, with their pathetic, tiny lives and their weak, tiny minds.

The Dark Titan could only shake her head.

And then, with a smile, she slowly began to raise her leg.

A slow, deliberate motion, that had the force of a hurricane. The air became thick with the smell of sweat and the sounds of screaming.

The leg was raised higher and higher, until it was at its full height, and the tip of her gigantic foot was pointed directly at the ground. And then, she started to move her toes.

First the big toe, then the next one, and then the rest of them. Slowly, but surely, she started to wriggle them.

With each wiggle, a small shockwave would be sent across the surface of the earth. The waves would start small, and grow larger and larger.

The Dark Titan began to moan as she extended her right hand towards the small city below, as an ominous spectacle unfolded. The remnants of the city, mere fragments of human civilization, were now under her dominion. With a chilling display of power, she guided the crushed structures toward her, creating a surreal tableau of destruction.

The Dark Titan's dark laughter echoed as the mass of wreckage reached her, a grotesque offering to her colossal presence. It hovered near her crotch, a symbolic gesture of control over the once thriving metropolis now reduced to submissive debris as it slammed into her crotch and pussy.

She began to grind against it, the friction causing a small earthquake, the intensity of her grinding growing faster and faster, until finally, her orgasm crashed into her, an explosion of pleasure and power that made the very Earth tremble.

Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her tongue lolled out as the massive, multi-continental orgasm tore through her body, leaving her in a blissful, euphoric state of mind.

Justin gazed upward, a mere mortal before the towering Titan, each of her fingers a threat capable of demolishing a skyscraper with ease. "What are we going to do?" he implored, turning his anxious gaze from the colossal figure to his phone, who held him in her palm.

The white-skinned iPhone 8 peered down at her master with a determined gleam. "WE RUN!" she declared, echoing a resolute call to escape the impending cataclysm.

"OH NO!!!!!" A voice from the distance cried out.

Justin looked up to see crimson eyes blazing like the sun.

He knew the voice, It was the Dark Titan.

"DID YOU REALLY THINK I FORGOT ABOUT YOU LITTLE GIANT?" she said her voice filled with lust as her gigantic hand pushed through the clouds and descended towards the ground.

To Justin it seemed almsot as if the heavens themselves were falling down. He quickly turned his head and looked up at his own iPhone 8. "We need to get out of here!"



Hey, can I RP with you?