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"What's the verdict, Cindy?" Jacqueline inquired, glancing at her furry companion stationed behind the computer. The screen displayed a man who seemed almost extraterrestrial to them.

"He's pint-sized," Cindy remarked, running her fingers through her black hair. "Bald as a bat, and not winning any beauty contests anytime soon."

"Why the obsession with looks in the cheetah clan?" Jacqueline teased, playfully rubbing her grey tail.

"Hey, wolf girl, watch it. No mocking my people," Cindy retorted.

"Alright, alright. But spill on our little man's health," Jacqueline insisted.

"He's A-OK," Cindy reassured.

Jacqueline sighed with relief, her eyes fixed on the screen that had held her attention for so long.

"Does the little guy have a name?" Cindy inquired.

"Braden. Braden Baum," Jacqueline replied.

"Braden Baum, huh?" Cindy mused while scrutinizing the man's face.

"Enough about that, tell me about the device I was able to obtain," Jacqueline demanded, her arms crossed.

"From what we could gather, the device you managed to steal was just a prototype," Cindy explained. "After only a few uses, it seems to have stopped functioning."

"What! Really, after all my team went through to get the damn thing?" Jacqueline exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm afraid so, but don't worry too much; the technology is being studied intensively," Cindy reassured.

"Well, that's good, but I can't help but wonder how AniCrone got hold of such technology and why they used it to go to such a small planet," Jacqueline pondered.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe our tiny friend will know the answer," Cindy suggested.

Jacqueline turned her gaze back to the little man on the screen. "Maybe..."


I sat down on a white platform that seemed to expand forever.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked, bewildered, surveying the expansive white room.

The last thing I remember was staring up at the massive eye of a super-huge wolf girl that looked kind of hot. Does that make me weird?


Suddenly, the entire platform began to shake.


The vibrations intensified, knocking me off my feet. From a distance, I noticed a massive white door opening, a door that I hadn't even known was there.

I saw her from afar—the alien wolf standing hundreds of feet tall, towering over me. Her grey fur almost sparkling in the light.

She was beautiful, but also terrifying.

"Boom! Boom!"

She was coming straight for me. Her long, latex legs making the ground vibrate with each step she took. I couldn't move. My fear had rendered me paralyzed.


With a thunderous thud, she came to a stop right in front of me. Her face looked angry. She brought her massive head closer, it taking up my whole view with ease.

"Are you comfortable?"

I heard a normal voice that I didn't recognize. It was a deep and yet feminine voice.

"I said, are you comfortable?" the voice repeated.

"Umm... Yes?" I replied.

"Good," the voice continued. "Because I have a lot of questions."

I looked up at the Titan's face and came to the realization that the voice was coming from her.

"god damn."


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