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Amidst the raging flames engulfing my once-familiar city, I found myself standing alongside Kaguya and Sun, the two individuals I had aided in escaping the chaos. Yet, our attention shifted to the peculiar sight of two bald-headed men in suits, grinning obliviously in the face of the impending Kaiju threat.

"Who are you?" I questioned, uneasy under their chilling gaze.

"Silence," commanded the man on the left, while the one on the right addressed someone other than me, "Did you really think that you could hide?"

"Oh, lord of lightning. We have found you," the left man declared, revealing their ominous knowledge. "And it seems the rumors are true," he added, his smile widening. "You really have taken a human woman," he chuckled.

Confused, I glanced at the couple behind me, still embracing each other, wondering who these men were addressing.

"How does it feel?" the right man inquired, taking a step forward. "Mating with a human woman."

Sun wore a troubled expression, and I found myself caught in the bizarre interrogation. "I mean, they're so small, so fragile," the left man continued. "How do you not crush her, Ebodius?"

I turned in bewilderment, asking, "What, who's Ebodius?"


As the destruction unfolded beneath me, the city shrinking in the distance, I wiggled my toes with a strange satisfaction, observing the chaos through the gap between my breasts as the ground, aflame in blue and fire, surrendered beneath the weight of my colossal form.

Despite the twisted pleasure I derived from the panic below, I couldn't deny the confusion within me. This wasn't the purpose for my presence, and the pursuit of that purpose had brought these catastrophic consequences.

"Ebodius, where are you?" I pleaded, lowering myself onto my colossal knees, witnessing the ground vanish beneath my immense form.

In an attempt to discern the tiny figures below, I brought my face closer to the ground, but they remained nothing more than a blur of moving colors, indistinguishable in their frantic scurrying.

Frustration boiled within me, intensifying my anger. My colossal fists clenched, and with a roar, I exclaimed, "Dammit!" The force of my fury unleashed as I smashed my fist into the ground, sending human structures flying away in its wake. The impact echoed the turmoil within, a tempest mirrored in the chaos I unwittingly wrought upon the world.


"Flariona, I'm sorry, but I am leaving," Ebodius declared, his back turned toward her as he gazed upon the vibrant, power-infused lands of the spirit world.

"What? Why?" Flariona questioned, her face etched with sorrow. "We need you here! Your people, your subjects." Desperation crept into her voice as she clutched Ebodius's shoulder.

Ebodius remained silent.

"It's because of that human, isn't it?" Flariona's eyes blazed with blue rage, accusing him.

Turning slightly to face Flariona, Ebodius sighed. "I'm sorry, Flariona, but I'm leaving." The weight of his decision hung heavy in the air, a choice between worlds and the complexities of his heart.


As Flariona gazed down at the diminutive humans, her anger intensified. "All for you," she seethed within herself, grappling with the resentment that surged through her.

"The great king left us all because of you feeble creatures!" she screamed, spewing forth blue flames that tore a scorching path through the city, leaving destruction in their wake.

"I won't forgive any of you," Flariona declared, her words echoing with a potent blend of wrath and sorrow, a tumultuous symphony fueled by the abandonment she felt and the fury directed at those she deemed responsible.


I stepped back, a chill running down my spine as I observed the two men in suits.

"BBBBOOOMMM!" The deafening explosion rang out, and I instinctively dove to the ground. The entire city quaked with power, enveloped in burning dust and rising black smoke.

Buildings in the distance crumbled under a blast of blue flames that, despite the distance, scorched my face, compelling me to turn away and shield myself with my clothes. As the searing heat subsided, I dared to look up, only to find a massive chunk of the city missing.

"Oh my god," I whispered, a mix of shock and horror settling over me as the consequences of the destructive force unfolded before my eyes.



Hey, can we collab on a screenplay together? I want to try and do it on Google Docs. Unless you do not want to at the moment.