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The earth quaked, the very sky cracked with thunderous fury, and bolts of lightning streaked across the dark, turbulent clouds above. A sinister, dark-green light emanated from the scarred forest below, casting an eerie glow upon the desolation.

Laufey's gaze remained locked onto the Lich, her expression devoid of emotion as she observed the skeletal monstrosity that hovered menacingly above her.

"DO YOU TRULY BELIVE YOU CAN VANQUISH ME?" the Lich's voice resonated with a malevolent echo. "DO YOU THINK YOU CAN TWART MY BOUNDLESS AMBITION?" Its pale, ghastly eyes blazed with an unsettling green radiance.

Laufey offered no response, made no gestures; she simply stood her ground.

"YOU WILL NOT!" the creature roared, its voice thundering through the desolation. "YOU LITTLE GIANT WILL MEET YOUR END HERE." The Lich pointed its ominous staff directly at Laufey. "AND ONCE YOU ARE GONE, I SHALL PURSUE THOSE FOOLISH MORTALS WHO DARED TO OPPOSE ME." The ominous words hung in the air, setting the stage for an imminent, cataclysmic climax.

The earth quaked beneath Laufey's feet, the air crackled with energy, and bolts of green lightning danced all around her.

"YOUR A COCKY LITTLE THING." Laufey said her smirk returning.

The Lich glared at her, its eyes narrowing to hateful slits.

"DO YOU THINK THAT I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE?" Laufey asked. "HALF LICH." She stated her tone flat.

The Lich remained silent.

"BEING A HALF LICH COMES WITH ITS OWN LIMITATIONS." Laufey said taking earth shaking steps towards her target. "HALF LICH, HALF POWER, DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BEAT ME?" She stopped just shy of the Lich, her gaze piercing through the darkness.

"SHALL I SHOW YOU WHAT REAL POWER IS?" Laufey asked. Her form started to grow in size, the earth quaking more violently than ever as her toes began to push up against the edges of the crater. Her arms spread out as far as they could reach, her muscles bulging and growing to colossal proportions. She threw back her head, her mane of brown hair spilling down her broad shoulders, and a feral growl of primal fury erupted from deep within her.

"NOW... IT'S TIME TO DIE!!!" she bellowed, her voice thundering across the landscape.

The Lich gazed upon her from above as the whole landscape was garbed in gold mixed with crimson light.

Laufey's transformation was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Her colossal form continued to surge, her height eclipsing 620 feet and then ascending to 700, 720, 780, until finally coming to a breathtaking halt at an astonishing 800 feet.

The earth quaked beneath her immense presence, and the atmosphere crackled with an overwhelming sense of power.

Laufey towered over the Lich, her head now high enough to block out the light of the sun.

The Lich still floating in the air looked up to Laufey face, her cheeks red as a lewd smile appeared on her face.

"OH MY!!!" Laufey said her hand traveling down to her crotch. "YOU MUST FORGIVE ME!!!" Her voice echoed as her golden eye looked down at the Lich.

"WHAT!?" the Lich demanded, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"YOU SEE, WHEN I GET THIS BIG," Laufey's Said her breath ragged. "I  FIND IT HARD TO CONTROL MYSELF!!!" Laufey said as she rose her bare sole into the air, over the lich who floated just below knee level.

"PEST" Laufey said as she slammed her bare foot on top of the lich, her soles smashing it into the ground, releasing a huge explosion of dirt and dust.


voice screamed, muffled and distorted by the earth.

Laufey smiled wickedly as her toes curled up against her arch.

The Lich was now pinned between Laufey's sole and the crater's floor, its skeletal body close to facing oblivion.

"IS THIS HOW I DIE?" It asked as its mind drifted back to the far off past.

In the depths of his mind he saw images he had king forgotten, images of a man with long black hair wearing a beautiful blue robe covered in ancient golden words.

The Lich's eerie voice resonated as it questioned its own existence, its skeletal frame cracking under the tremendous pressure of the burgeoning flesh. "WHO IS THAT?" it wondered aloud, its empty sockets staring at the cheerful visage of its former self.

The spectral image abruptly shifted, and the Lich experienced an emotion it had not felt in centuries: sadness. Before it stood a woman of unparalleled beauty, her long blonde hair cascading like sunlight, and her bright blue eyes filled with affection.

"NOOOO..." the Lich's voice trailed into a desperate wail as it witnessed its former self pierced by a dozen arrows and a spear impaled in its left shoulder.

"I WON'T DIE!!!" The Lich's wail grew louder as it saw the woman herself skewered by the blade of a massive sword. Its body radiated a miasma so potent that the very air ignited.

Laufey, caught in the middle of the chaotic maelstrom, winced and withdrew her foot as it sizzled from the searing heat.

Within the transformed crater, the Lich now stood, its tattered clothing revealing more of its skeletal form. The once-emerald light that had enshrouded its body transitioned to a pale gray, resembling mist. The scorching heat that had dominated the atmosphere now yielded to an unrelenting cold, causing goosebumps to erupt on Laufey's skin, a sensation she hadn't experienced in years.

"FINALLY, I AM COMPLETE," the Lich whispered with an eerie satisfaction. "FINALLY, I AM DEATH." The ominous transformation had reached its conclusion, heralding an unsettling new phase in the ongoing battle.



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