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Amelia and I weaved through the bustling crowds of soldiers, their guns tightly gripped as they charged towards the looming target. The relentless gunfire echoed, accompanied by the resounding screams of warriors engaged in a fierce battle.

In the chaos, the earth-shaking roar of the colossal Stone Titan pierced the air. Glancing back, I witnessed her formidable form being chipped away by a barrage of bullets and missiles, only to regenerate resiliently.

My heart raced as the colossal figure raised her hand, and with a powerful sweep, the ground upheaved, hurling debris into the sky. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed, narrowly evading the cascading rubble and bodies.

Amidst the horror, I tried to push past the haunting sight of blood-stained ground. The urgency to reach safety intensified as the colossal hand of stone disrupted everything in its path.

"Oh shit!" I shouted again, maneuvering through the chaos of falling wreckage and people.

Ignoring the grim reality beneath me, I focused on one thought – I needed to get home, and I needed to do it now.

We continued our sprint, and when the Stone Titan was no longer in view, we paused for a second.

Amelia was quick to catch her breath, turning towards me as she said, "You okay, Braden?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I responded, leaning against a brick wall.

Gasping for breath, I glimpsed a row of televisions behind a cracked piece of glass within a nearby store. Determined, I sprinted towards it, desperately trying to get a closer look at the broadcast.

As my eyes fixed on the screens, a chilling realization sent shivers down my spine. The news anchor's frantic voice filled the air, reporting catastrophic scenes unfolding across the city. Images of destruction and chaos flashed before me, revealing the true scale of the disaster.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed, my pulse quickening as the severity of the situation sank in. The city was in turmoil, and the gravity of the unfolding events froze my blood. The once familiar streets now lay in ruins, a stark contrast to the normalcy I had taken for granted.

Fear gripped me as I absorbed the dire updates on the screens. The urgency to get home transformed into a desperate need to navigate through this nightmare and find a way to ensure Amelia's and my own safety.

"Come on, Braden, we need to keep moving!" Amelia shouted, gesturing towards me.

"Amelia, this shit is happening world wide," I yelled.

"I know! But right now, we have to get home, then we can decide what to do," Amelia responded, her voice shaky.

The sound of gunshots and screaming intensified.

"Ok..." I replied, trying to compose myself.


Paris was in smoke as the many buildings that once symbolized a great history had now come to life, becoming gigantic women with bouncy stony breasts and thick legs.

People ran for their lives as the Stoney titans with a laugh from their ever changing faces. With their mighty hands, the women swatted cars away as if they were mere flies.

One particular woman stood out amongst the crowd of the titanic females. She stood in a place known as the Eiffel tower and with a smile she reached out.

"Come sister." She spoke to the buildings. "Come and be free." The Titan said her voice filled with Desire. "Walk with us oh great Eiffel Tower, walk with us and destroy the world."

The Tower was silent for a moment before it came alive.

A smile spread on the Stoney face.

With a mighty stride, the tower stepped onto the street and joined the others as her body was bigger than all other.

"Welcome." the woman spoke.

A sudden roar echoed through the city as a black shadow flew across the sky, leaving behind a trail of black smoke.

"You, who call yourselves the mighty, you, who call yourselves the strong and the brave." the voice of the flying figure echoed across the city, "You who are not even worth our time!"

"But yet you dare to challenge us." the voice continued.

"We will destroy you all." The Titan spoke, as she stood with her sisters.


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