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I sprinted, refusing to glance back, as the entire house crumbled around me. The echoes of collapsing walls resonated like somber human whispers, urging me to halt, but I pressed forward without pause.

"Come on, come on!"

I rushed through the crumbling building, the ceiling falling around me as I rushed up stares.

My eyes widened as the unmistakable sounds of familiar screams pierced through the chaos.

"Lynn!" I shouted desperately. "Aubry!" My voice echoed in the tumult as I raced toward the source of the anguished cries, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination.

I stumbled up the last stair, and my gaze fell on a terrifying scene. The wall between the living room and kitchen had collapsed, allowing a clear view of the carnage that was taking place.

Lynn, Mathew, and Aubry lay sprawled, unconscious, on the ground, their bodies partially transformed.

The horrific sight of my siblings was quickly replaced by a flash of yellow fur and green scales. I looked toward Kurtis to his body covered in orange hair and black strips.

"Shit." I said as I ran over towards Aubrys room.

"Aubry!" I yelled, bursting through her bedroom door to find her room in disarray, her huddled form in a corner.

"Aubry!" I called again as I rushed over, placing my hands on her shoulders to get her attention.

"Braden!" she exclaimed upon seeing me.

"Braden, what's happening?" Panic etched her face.

"No time!" I shouted. "Go get Lynn. I'll find Mathew. We need to get out of here now!" The urgency in my voice matched the escalating chaos, propelling us into swift action to ensure the safety of our family.

Aubry after nodding her head ran past me, and I turned and fled, sprinting towards the sound of a low guttural growl.

I found Mathew standing near the stairs, facing the chaos down below.

"Mathew!" I yelled as I ran over to him.

My brother didn't move. He was transfixed on the sight of Kurtis and our parents as they morphed.

"Mathew," I repeated picking up my 5 year old cousin, and holding him in my arms.

"Braden!" Aubry yelled.

I spun around and spotted Aubry and Lynn standing at the edge of Lynn's bedroom door.

With everyone gathered, a new problem unfolded. I peered downstairs to witness my family's bodies expanding at a staggering rate, blocking the front door of our precarious house.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. "How the hell are we going to get out of here?" Panic surged as I scanned our limited options. Then, an idea, albeit not a perfect one, flashed through my mind.

"The window!" I shouted, pointing towards Lynn's room. It was a risky move, but at this point, it seemed like our only chance for escape from the encroaching transformation below.

The house groaned as the walls and ceiling began to crack and shift, the floor quaking beneath our feet.

"Go!" I commanded.

My family raced ahead of me as we ran towards Lynn's room stopping short of the window.

I looked down and thank god, their was a bush at the bottom, not a concrete sidewalk.

I set Mathew down and helped him, Lynn and Aubry crawl through the window, each one making the drop safely.

"Be careful!" Aubry yelled from the base of the house.


The house shook violently, throwing me off balance. My body fell backward, and I tumbled into Lynn's bedroom wall, striking the back of my head.

Dazed, I struggled to sit up, the house's violent groans and shaking increasing in intensity.

"Hurry!" Aubry's panicked voice reached my ears.

With effort, I regained my footing, and stumbled toward the window.


I peered outside. My cousins stood below, yelling and calling out to me.


The house shifted violently, nearly knocking me to the ground once more. I fought against the momentum, clinging to the window frame, and glancing toward the front door.

It was no use, my family was going to fully transform.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I cursed as I jumped out of the window.


I fell, bracing for impact, and landed awkwardly, tumbling head over heels before finally coming to rest.

I opened my eyes to find myself looking up into the eyes of my cousins.

"You made it!" Aubry exclaimed, smiling.

I was relieved to be alive, but the danger was far from over.

"Run!" I ordered, climbing to my feet. "We can't stop yet!"

"Right!" They replied, turning to run.

I grabbed Mathew, scooping him into my arms, and took off after the girls, running toward the street.

"We have to keep moving!" I shouted.

The sky grew darker with each passing second.

"We have to get away from here," I warned.

Aubry and Lynn both nodded, sprinting alongside me as I ran.

We raced ahead, the sound of our pounding footsteps reverberating in the night.


I halted, startled by the noise, and turned toward the source of the sound, finding the house collapsing in on itself.

My cousins also stopped and spun around.

"Oh god." Lynn said, her eyes wide.

"Braden!" Mathew squealed.

I clutched him tighter and reassured him, "it's okay. We're safe."

Aubry, her face pale, turned and whispered, "What is that?" She asked as dust filled with air and massive shadow stood tall in the distance, their forms barely visible through the haze.

My stomach churned, and I swallowed hard, realizing what stood before us.

"No," I muttered as I looked up at the imposing shadows looming through the dissipating debris.

"What is it, Braden?" Lynn asked, her voice quivering.

"Run, run now!"



Hey, love the story so far, can we collab on Novelizer please?