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I watched in awe as the colossal panther tried desperately to fight against Bianca. She grabbed it by its neck, and held it in a headlock. Her grip tightened, and the panther let out a shrieking yelp as Bianca sank her teeth into the panther's shoulder, her eyes ablaze with fury and rage, blood spurted from the wound, intensifying the creature's wild aggression.

Their colossal bodies clashed, tumbling and turning, wreaking havoc on the already fragile buildings that struggled to stand. The scene resembled a chaotic dance of destruction, the clash echoing through the once bustling streets.

"Boom!" The impact resonated, sending shockwaves through the air as the colossal beings continued their ferocious battle amid the wreckage.

Bianca roared, the force of her breath creating a large gust of wind, pushing the panther to the ground. She dug her claws into the creature's stomach and slammed her foot into its face, sending a tremor through the earth.

"Howard, we need to stop them," I said, not daring to take my eyes off the violent spectacle.

"And how the hell are we going to do that, Braden?" Howard yelled. "Use your fucking head, and let's get the hell out of here!"

I glanced back at the escalating and increasingly gruesome battle, where the once pristine streets now bore craters and the air was thick with dust and smoke. The colossal creatures, locked in a fierce struggle, carved through buildings with claws that seemed to cut through steel like butter.

The destruction intensified as buildings crumbled, sending shards of glass and rocks raining down. Howard and I ran, our bodies resisting against the onslaught of debris.

"Bianca..." I thought, my heart heavy with the hope that this wouldn't be our final encounter.

We kept running, the ground trembling beneath our feet. I dared not look back, lest I be tempted to turn around.

Suddenly, an explosion went off, the sound so loud, the very ground seemed to vibrate. An eerie silence followed. I could hear my heartbeat, pounding in my ears.


Another explosion. A deafening roar, piercing the air. The ground shook again, and I could hear a series of tremors, getting louder and louder as they approached.

Me and Howard where thrown to the ground as our path was blocked by an enormous piece of a fallen building. We turned our heads right and then left, hoping to find some way to escape from this chaos.

I watched as Howard turned towards me. His eyes apathetic. "If we die here, I'll curse you from the grave." He said.

I said nothing, all I could do was awkwardly laugh.

I turned to look ahead. There, a large opening that looked as if something had forced its way through.

The sound of heavy footsteps, growing closer. The tremors increasing, until the whole world was shaking.

"Hey over here you idiot!"

Turning towards the left, we spotted a young girl with curly brown hair peering through a sewer cover. An annoyed look on her face, she called us over.

I exchanged a quick glance with Howard, and with a nod, it was clear he shared the same idea.

We sprinted towards the sewer cover, but from the corner of my eye, I could see the colossal bodies descending towards us.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, urgency gripping every step as we raced to the relative safety of the sewer escape.



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