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Abbie sank into a wooden chair, her face pressed against the table. The room had white walls and a large window offering a beautiful view of the outside world.

Her arms draped over her head as she closed her eyes, seeking rest.

"Rough day."

Abbie lifted her head slightly upon recognizing the voice.

"Hello, Monica," she greeted, looking up at an Asian woman with long black hair, clad in a red shirt and black skirt.

Abbie buried her face back into her arms. "Leave me alone," she mumbled.

"Well, I guess class didn't go so well," Monica observed, sitting alongside Abbie.

"That's an understatement," Abbie sighed. "It's been a month, but I'm no closer to being anywhere close to a Lilliputian," she grumbled in annoyance.

"Don't worry, Abbie, you'll get it," Monica reassured, placing a comforting hand on Abbie's shoulder.

"Easy for you to say. You're getting a perfect score," Abbie remarked. "Your city handling skills, walking test, even your hand-held Lilliputian score—all perfect. Why are you here again?"

"You know I want to get my Interdimensional license," Monica explained. "Working with Lilliputians has at least been a dream for me."

"Why?" Abbie inquired.

Monica blushed, her cheeks turning red. "Oh, I don't know. I just think that people who are strong should help those who are weak," she confessed. "And we, as Brobs, are the strongest."

Abbie smiled.

Monica continued. "You know, you're really good at a lot of things. You should put some more effort into the training. That way, you can have a better career path and maybe even have a better understanding of Lilliputians."

"Yea, I know." Abbie said turning her gaze away, almost laughing at Monica's remark, after all she didn't know of her past.

Monica grinned, rising from the table. "Do you have another class today."

"No, I have an appointment with Cynthia today. Why, are you busy?" Abbie asked, watching Monica grab her book bag.

"Oh no, I'm actually on my way home." Monica said, pulling her backpack strap over her shoulder.

"Oh, well, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah, see ya." Monica waved and exited the room.

Abbie returned her face to the table, releasing a heavy sigh.

After a few moments, a familiar voice echoed through the room.

"Hello, Ms. Roads."

Abbie's gaze shifted to the figure approaching her.

"Mr. Johnson."

The middle-aged man wore a grey suit and a green tie, his eyes hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses. He took a seat beside her.

"Ms. Roads," he repeated.

"Please, just call me Abbie," she insisted.

Mr. Johnson paused, clearing his throat.

"As you wish, Ms. Abbie," he said.

Abbie rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"Well, what brings you to the campus today," she inquired.

"Oh, just a little bit of this and a little bit of that." He removed his sunglasses and folded them.

Abbie stared blankly. "Is that all, sir?" she asked.

Mr. Johnson grinned. "Well, I'm glad to see you're doing well," he replied, placing his hand over hers.

Abbie flinched, pulling her hand away.

"What is wrong?" he asked, his eyes widened.

"I just...I can't," Abbie stuttered.

Mr. Johnson leaned closer.

Abbie had known Mr. Johnson since her first day as a Brobdingnagian, as he was one of the scientists assisting in the lab during her transformation. However, he was the only one who made her uncomfortable.

Quickly rising from her seat, Abbie excused herself, "I'm sorry, but I have an appointment that I'm late for."

Mr. Johnson sighed and rose to his feet. "I understand," he said, putting his sunglasses back on. "I hope to see you around, Ms. Roads."

Abbie nodded, grabbing her belongings, and headed for the door.

"Creep." She thought, stepping out of the room.

1 Hour Later

"How was school?" Cynthia asked.

"I hate this," Abbie moaned.

Cynthia chuckled. "For what it's worth you're getting better." Cynthia said as she looked at the wrecked city.

Abbie smiled.

"Remember this simulation is designed to test your precision and the use of force."

Abbie was in her Brobdingnagian uniform, a form-fitting outfit that was black, purple, and white.

"When you walk, you have to be aware of your surroundings. Every step can crush someone or something. Remember, you must be light on your feet," Cynthia lectured as she demonstrated a gentle walk.

Abbie nodded.

"Now let's get started. This simulation will replicate a typical Lilliputian town. Just do your best and we'll evaluate you."

"Ok." Abbie said.

"You can do it Abbie."

Abbie stopped in her tracks as a manly voice echoed around her.

"Frank, you're here!" Abbie exclaimed with a smile, glancing towards Cynthia's shoulder to spot the familiar black speck.

The man who had escorted her to this gigantic world, Frank, was here.

"Yeah, I decided to come and see how you're doing," Frank said.

"Uh huh," Abbie replied with a smirk. "Are you sure it's to see me?"

Cynthia's face turned red. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just saying that you two are always together, whenever I see you," Abbie teased.

"Are you saying that a gigantic babe like me would fall in love with a microbe?" Cynthia retorted, her voice hectic yet controlled.

"Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying," Abbie laughed.

Cynthia grunted, bringing her clipboard up and began writing something on the connected paper.

"What are you writing?" Abbie asked, jokingly suggesting, "Your phone number?"

"Oh no," Cynthia replied. "Just a failing score for you," she said with a smirk.

"What! I'm sorry, don't do that! Please..." Abbie pleaded, her tone filled with a mix of amusement and genuine concern.



Can we collab on Novelizer since we didn't Collab yet?