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Jacqueline rose from the ground, a fine spray of grey dust clinging to her uniform. Frustration surged through her, evident in every tense line of her body.

"Damn it," she muttered, a low growl escaping as she reached behind for a concealed strap. With swift precision, she revealed a dark dagger with an obsidian blade, clutching it close to her chest. Her canine teeth bared, an embodiment of controlled rage.

["Jacqueline, do you copy?"]

Halting in her tracks, she recognized the all-too-familiar voice emanating from the com device nestled in her ears. "Cinder!" she exclaimed, swiftly activating the device. "Cinder, what the hell!" Her voice carried the weight of both urgency and frustration.

["Great to hear from you too,"] Cinder replied with a touch of snark.

"Cinder, where the hell am I?" Jacqueline demanded, her gaze unwavering from the formidable opponent before her.

["That's a great question. After you escaped from AniCrone, we lost track of you."]

Albertson, emitting a final growl, charged toward Jacqueline, massive claws extended. She raised her daggers defensively, the dark blades fending off his formidable steel-like claws.

["Did you get the package?"] Cinder inquired.

"Yes! Now, could you please figure out how you're going to get me out of here?" Jacqueline yelled, forced back a few feet, her heels digging into the ground with each defensive move.

["Touchy, touchy. Okay, hold on while I use the coms device to scan the area."]

"Well, do me a favor and don't take too long!" Jacqueline retorted, locked in a defensive dance with her formidable adversary, unaware of the catastrophe happening below her feet.

["Jacqueline! You have to stop!"]

"What!" Jacqueline exclaimed, startled. "What's wrong?"

["Reading just came back. Apparently, wherever you are right now, there are creatures—living creatures, tiny creatures, all around you."]

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jacqueline scanned her surroundings, encountering the same expanse of green and grey land.

"I don't see anything!" she yelled, maintaining her defensive stance.

["Yeah, you wouldn't, seeing as how the creatures there are near microscopic."]

"What are you talking about?" Jacqueline's worry deepened, a sense of unease settling over her.

["What I'm saying is that right now, you are wreaking havoc on an alien world filled with microscopic creatures that are probably sentient."]

Jacqueline slowly looked down, diverting her attention from the oversized alligator. Once again, her eyes fell upon the strange patches of grey moss scattered across her feet.

Was it truly moss? She hesitated, grappling with the unsettling questions that lingered.

["Oh, and don't get mad,"] Cindy added.

"What now?" Jacqueline questioned.

["Uh, yeah, you apparently have one of those little creatures in your breasts,"] Cindy said, holding back a laugh.

"What!" Jacqueline yelled. "Are these creatures bloodsuckers?" Panic edged her voice. "Parasites, brain eaters?" she pressed.

["Uh, the scans show that their brain development is quite advanced,"] Cindy revealed. ["Not to the level of us, of course, but they have intelligence."]

"Well, shit," Jacqueline muttered, a mix of disbelief and concern etching her face as the gravity of the situation unfolded.

"I've been watching you talk to yourself for a while now." Albertson said his arms crossed.

"How unprofessional." Jacqueline scowled.

"If you're done chatting with yourself, then we can resume our dance, if you will," Albertson said mockingly, extending his claws.

A grim smile played on her lips. "Cindy, how do I get off of this planet?"

The sound of clicking and typing echoed through her earpiece.

["The device."] Cindy said with certainty. ["It brought you there, it can get you back home."]

"Well I was hoping that I could just click my heels and say there's no place like home?" Jacqueline muttered.

Albertson, tired of waiting, took the opportunity to attack once again, launching an assault, his claws extended. Jacqueline, taken by surprise, barely had time to react, her blades colliding with his claws.

"Cindy, forgetting the fact I don't know how to use this thing are you sure that it will work?" Jacqueline asked.

["I'm certain, but if I were you, I would try to activate it as soon as possible."]

Jacqueline glanced over at Albertson, her eyes narrowing in concentration.

["And remember, our reports state that the device runs on brainwaves."] Cindy stated.

"What does that even mean?" Jacqueline asked.

["In other words Just think it, and the device will do it."]

"Okay sounds easy enough." Jacqueline said putting her right dagger back in its sheath.

"What are you doing." Albertson asked.

Jacqueline took a step back from him.

"This has been fun but I think that it's time that we leave this world." Jacqueline stated. "We've done enough damage." Jacqueline stated as she dug her right hand into her right pocket, and brought out a thin rod that seemed to be fashioned out of pure black steel, the very top of the wand glowed bright green.

"The device." Albertson hissed, his eyes narrowing as he took a step forward.

Jacqueline stepped backwards, her gaze fixated on Albertson, she was careful to avoid the strange patches of moss, or the microscopic aliens.

"Give it to me!" Albertson yelled.

"You want this thing so badly, huh?" Jacqueline said, taking a quick look around the surrounding area. "I can see why, after all, this is a device that can transcend worlds."

Jacqueline pointed the metal stick towards Albertson. The device that began to glow brighter and brighter.

"That's why I can't let you or Animorph get their hands on it." She said with a cocky grin.

"Give it to me!" Albertson yelled as he rushed forward.

Jacqueline looked down at the device in her hand, and with that same smile she uttered a few simple words. "Take us home..." she whispered and as of on que the whole area was garbed in emerald blinding light.



Awesome Chapter!


Can we collab on Novelizer, Please?