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Smoke billowed through the skies above the diminutive city of Miniscara, casting an eerie haze over the crumbling streets.

In the heart of the chaos, Silvershade, a towering Gulliverian woman with raven tresses cascading down her back, stood resolute. Her arms were folded as she surveyed the fiery turmoil below.

"Silvershade," a Gulliverian man urgently called as he approached. In his grasp, he clutched a delicate cage housing the captive Lilliputians.

Silvershade's voice was barely a whisper as she inquired, "Report."

"We've successfully apprehended all the Lilliputians within the city," the man declared, raising the miniature cage in his trembling hand.

The words slipped from Silvershade's lips with indifference, "Good work." She diverted her gaze downward, fixating on the shattered ground. In the distance, a Lilliputian soldier, clutching a tiny firearm, sprinted toward her, determined to face the looming threat.

Her eyes remained ice-cold as the Lilliputian soldier, his resolve unwavering, raised his minuscule weapon and unleashed a volley of tiny bullets. The projectiles ricocheted harmlessly off her form-fitting leather pants, leaving no trace of impact or concern.

Silvershade's countenance remained as stoic as ever, a mask of indifference. She felt nothing, not the stinging impact of the bullets against her impervious attire, nor any shred of emotion for the miniature warrior daring to challenge her.

Silvershade knelt down as the little solder began to shoot ant her extended hand. The solder watched as his very own bullets bounced off of the Gulliverians fingers, leaving not a mark on her skin.

"Foolish man," Silvershade said, her voice devoid of any feeling. "I am beyond you. I am superior."

Her colossal hand enveloped the Lilliputian soldier, effortlessly hoisting him off the ground like a mere plaything.

Raising him to her face, Silvershade peered down upon the miniature figure, her eyes bearing down on him as if he were nothing more than a speck.

"You should understand your place, little man," she admonished, her voice a thunderous whisper as she elevated him further, dangling him between her index finger and thumb. Her gaping maw yawned open wide.

"Please don't!" the soldier's desperate cry echoed as he gazed down into the cavernous void of her mouth. His cries fell on deaf ears, as Silvershade, a blank look plastered upon her face, opened her mouth wider.

Her breath was warm as her tongue slithered out, the moist organ dragging over his helpless body. He was powerless to resist, as her tongue lapped at his quivering body, coating him in thick strands of saliva.

A pitiful moan escaped his lips as the massive muscle swathed him, the thick fluid dripping down his tiny form. He felt like nothing more than a morsel.

"Please don't, please don't, plea-"

With a sudden flick of her wrist, Silvershade tossed him into her gaping maw. He cried out as he plunged down her throat, disappearing into the darkness.

"Nooooooo," the Lilliputian's anguished scream was the last thing to escape his lips before he was engulfed by the Gulliverian's gullet.

Silvershade tilted her head back and allowed the morsel to glide down her throat.

Her expression never changed as she swallowed, the little man's fate sealed.

Silvershade straightened up and glanced over the cityscape. "Soon the plan will begin." Silvershade said walking off into the burning city.

Ethan folded his legs beneath him as he settled onto a vast expanse of skin-colored terrain, a seemingly endless plain stretching in every direction.

In every direction he turned his gaze, deep crevices, although not profound enough to ensnare him, crisscrossed the unique landscape.

"This is her knee," Ethan marveled, his hand grazing the firm skin beneath him.

A thunderous voice reverberated, and Ethan's head shot up to witness Harper's colossal face looming in the distance, gazing down upon him.

"Um, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this," Ethan confessed with a nervous chuckle.

Harper's countenance softened as she drew nearer, her enormous features hovering above the minuscule man on her knee. "I know, I'm so sorry for keeping this a secret, but I didn't want to scare you away."

Ethan, now standing, looked up earnestly. "I understand, but tell me, do you see a future for us?"

Harper met his gaze, her voice sincere. "If you're wondering if I care that you're incredibly small, I don't. I still want to be with you."

Ethan let out a sigh as he rubbed his head. "Harper I just don't know."

Harper's could feel her heart racing as the conversation didn't seem to be going her way.

"Ethan, please don't give up on us." Harper said, her eyes filled with sorrow.

Ethan could sense the intensity in Harper's words, her genuine desire to be with him. He yearned for her just as much, but as he closed his eyes, haunting visions of a burning city and the desperate cries of the innocent plagued his thoughts.

"Harper, I'm sorry," he began, his voice heavy with regret. "But I just can't. We need to break up."



Don’t do this to me Ethan come on!!!!!


Harper kiss the man before it’s too late!!!!!


Hey, can we do another collab please?


This is an awesome story, thanks for making these. That was now a huge shock for me and I want to know how the story continued. I hope it will ends well.


Hey leyasu thanks so much for your support I am happy that you are enjoying the story, I’ll be continuing the story so don’t worry, if you have any suggestions plz don’t hesitate I’ll hear you out.