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Flariona strode through the human realm, her bare soles leaving a trail of crushed land in her wake. The heat emanating from her colossal form ignited the very forests, but she remained indifferent to the burning landscape and the inconveniences of the tiny humans.

Tiny explosions erupted across her body as miniature tanks and planes futilely attempted to assail her. These mechanical nuisances were a far cry from the mythical tales her brethren had shared.

"How futile," she scoffed, rolling her piercing blue eyes as she continued her unyielding march.

Her bluish tail, sweeping through the air, carelessly collided with a swarm of planes unable to evade her colossal presence.

Unmoved, Flariona pressed forward with a singular objective—the city protected by a wall barely reaching her stomach. The inconsequence of the feeble human attempts echoed in her disdainful gaze as she approached the towering fortifications.


I could barely believe what I was seeing, despite the evidence before my eyes.

"A Kaiju..." I muttered in disbelief.

I stood frozen, my gaze fixed beyond the protective walls of our city. The creature before me, once thought to be a mere myth, materialized in vivid reality after two decades of absence. She appeared surprisingly... human.

I murmured to myself, captivated by the sight of the colossal being. Her pure white skin adorned with red and blue scales, long black hair dancing with ethereal flames of blue and orange. My eyes couldn't help but notice the substantial size of her breasts, a testament to their immense proportions.

"She's beautiful," I whispered in disbelief, the words escaping my lips as I grappled with the surreal nature of the encounter. The colossal entity, with both awe and fear, commanded my attention as she loomed over the city walls.

I couldn't help but compare the sight before me with my own petite frame. The difference was jarring. She towered above the city's defensive structures, a clear indication that this was no human, yet I found myself transfixed by her majestic presence.

My trance was interrupted as a strong grip tightened around my right shoulder, yanking me from my mesmerized state.

I turned to face a panicked police officer, his urgency cutting through the chaos. "What do you think you're doing, just standing around!" he yelled. "Get your ass to the shelters, NOW!" His command jolted me back to the harsh reality of the impending threat.

"Uh, yeah," I stammered, snapping out of my thoughts and realizing the gravity of the situation. Without hesitation, I turned and sprinted, leaving the stern-eyed cop behind.

My mind raced as I ran; my sole focus was reaching my mom, ensuring her safety. In the midst of the frantic crowd, I dug my hand into my pocket and retrieved my phone. I dialed my mom's number, anxiously waiting as the phone rang.

"Come on, Mom, pick up, pick up!" I repeated, weaving through the throngs of people making their way to the shelters. My frustration grew as all I heard was my mom's voicemail. "Shit," I muttered under my breath, determined to press forward despite the unsettling uncertainty.

"Mom, it's me. Where are you? I'm heading home right now," I spoke, trying my best to remain calm. "I'll meet you at the shelter. We're gonna be okay, Mom." With a slight tremble in my voice, I disconnected the call, shoving the phone into my pocket as I rushed towards my apartment.

The crowds began to thin the closer I got to my building. As the chaos lessened, the sounds of destruction drew closer. The ground rumbled violently, a clear indication of the creature's proximity.

"Almost there," I uttered between ragged breaths. The adrenaline fueled me, giving me the strength to sprint.

My apartment complex finally came into view, and I pushed forward, running towards the front entrance. The lobby was empty. I dashed towards the elevators, and the doors opened upon my approach.

With a sigh of relief, I stepped into the elevator and repeatedly pressed the button to my floor. I paced around the cramped space, growing increasingly agitated as the elevator rose, and I arrived at my floor.

"Move!" I growled in frustration, the urgency coursing through me as I shoved past an elderly man and bolted towards my apartment.

I reached the door to my place and hastily turned the handle. Locked.

"Mom, let me in," I yelled, banging on the door. I paused, waiting for a response. "Mom?"

I continued to knock, and when I still received no answer, I dug through my pockets and pulled out my keys. I fumbled through the collection, inserting the key into the lock and twisting the handle.

"Mom! Mom, are you here?!" I yelled, pushing the door open and frantically searching the living room.

The sound of heavy footsteps and the floor shaking violently startled me, and I immediately froze.

"Oh, God..." I stammered, looking around frantically, the blood draining from my face as I realized the imminent danger.

The air intensified, heat radiating as if engulfed by an inferno. Rushing to the window, I gazed toward the towering wall.

There she stood, the Titan with long black hair ablaze, her eyes aglow with an unsettling blue hue. Her hands pressed against the wall, and the stone itself burned beneath her touch. The sharpness of her clenched teeth mirrored the harshness in her gaze, devoid of any kindness.

"She's here," I uttered with a knot of worry tightening in my chest. "The Kaiju's here."

The realization struck with a weight, the city facing a threat that transcended the bounds of comprehension. As panic rippled through the air, the once-distant myth had manifested itself, and the colossal entity outside the city walls loomed, casting a shadow over the fragile existence within.



Oooh this fire !!!!!