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Jazmin took a single, deliberate step forward, and as the sole of her bare foot touched the unyielding ground, the earth itself crumbled beneath her might, creating a crater so vast it could easily engulf an entire city block, one that belonged to the smaller inhabitants.

Her body exuded a scorching heat that distorted the very space around her.

"Aren't you going to let loose too, Mom?" Jazmin inquired, casting a challenging look at Iris.

Iris, her expression filled with a mix of concern and reluctance, quickly responded, "Oh, god, no. Such a transformation would be detrimental to my girlish figure. Come now, Jazmin, you'll never find a boyfriend if you don't learn how to control yourself."

"I-I don't need a boyfriend!" Jazmin's voice reverberated through the chamber as she charged toward Iris. Her colossal form closed in, her thick arm raised, and her clenched fist harbored enough power to obliterate everything in its path.

In response, Iris lifted her arms in a defensive posture. As Jazmin's colossal fist was inches from Iris's face.


In rapid succession, an explosive sound rang out as Iris's fist collided with Jazmin's. The sheer force of the impact generated shockwaves that echoed throughout the room.

"Jazmin," Iris chided her daughter, a wry smile tugging at the corner of her lips as a few sweat drops fell from her face. "Is this all you have? If you want to surpass me, you'll have to do better than that."

In response, Jazmin's face twisted into a feral snarl, a low growl emanating from her throat. The air around her was thick with the smell of her sweat, and her eyes glinted with an unquenchable thirst for battle.

Iris's face hardened, and the playful expression she had worn disappeared. "Alright, if that's what you want." She said as her body expanded ever so slightly, not becoming as big as Jazmin but still becoming more muscular.



A cacophony of roars tore through the room as Jazmin and Iris launched into a furious exchange of blows.

"Incredible!" Axel exclaimed as he continued to watch the seemingly unending exchange of fists between Jazmin and her mother, Iris.

Danny, who had been observing the titanic clash with interest, nodded in agreement. He then turned his attention back to Axel, his eyes glowing with an intense blue hue as he asked, "So tell me, young man, what is your relationship with my daughter?"

Axel, startled by the question, quickly shifted his focus to Danny. "Uh, I swear, sir, there's nothing special between me and your daughter," Axel replied, his voice filled with nervousness.

Danny's tone grew serious, his energy intensifying. "Do you expect me to believe that?" he demanded, his eyes glowing even brighter. "You better tell me the truth, boy, or else you'll give me no choice."

"I promise, sir, I'm not lying to yo—" Axel's sentence abruptly ended as a network of blue, zigzagging veins appeared beneath his feet, immobilizing him.

"T-this..." Axel struggled to speak, the field restricting his movements painfully.

"A Field," Danny explained, revealing one of the many powers that a supporter possessed. Axel was now at the mercy of Danny's abilities, his predicament growing more precarious by the moment.

"Now tell me, boy," Danny demanded, his voice resounding in Axel's mind, "what is your relationship with my daughter?"

Fighting desperately against the restrictive force that surrounded him, Axel's resolve weakened, his body trembling.

"Y-your daughter bully's me!" Axel managed to stammer, his mind succumbing to the immense pressure.

Upon hearing Axel's answer, Danny said no words for a few minutes, his eyes dimmed and the blue lines beneath him disappeared.

"I see," Danny mused, his gaze shifting back to the fight between his wife and daughter.

Axel, his body freed from the binding force, heaved a sigh of relief. He wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead as he continued to watch Jazmin's fight.

The exchange of fists continued, Jazmin and Iris locked in a deadlock.

"You really have improved." Iris said, her voice tinged with admiration.

"You're the one who's amazing, Mom," Jazmin replied as one eye was black and half closed, and her body barely able to remain standing.

Iris simply smiled at her daughter not saying any words as she extended her arm to the side.

Suddenly, the space around her warped and distorted as a pale white thin light circled around her body.

Jazmin, sensing her mother's sudden rise in power, steeled herself.

"I think you are at a high enough level for me to use this technique against you." Iris said as the white light around her became stronger and more intense, causing the very space around her to distort and bend.

"Bring it on!!!"

Jazmin screamed, unleashing all her might, and launched an attack at her mother.

As Axel and Danny remained confined behind the resilient blue barrier, they continued to witness the intense battle unfolding before them. The barrier now seemed like an impenetrable fortress as massive winds and vibrant energy from the titanic struggle pressed against it, trying to breach its defenses.

Amidst the chaos, Danny's words pulled Axel's attention away from the spectacle. "Don't hate her," Danny implored, his eyes carrying a deep sense of sorrow. His concern for Axel was evident, and his words were laced with a heartfelt plea. "Please don't hate her."

"What?" Axel was perplexed by the unexpected remark, his confusion growing more profound as the seconds ticked by.


Axel's thoughts were cut short by an earsplitting crash that threw him to the ground. The room trembled, the very foundation of the chamber cracking under the intensity of the force that had just been unleashed.

The walls surrounding them began to crack even more, the stone fragments almost collapsing.

Dust and debris flew in all directions, the air thick with smoke and the smell of charred flesh.

Axel's ears were ringing, his head throbbing. His mind was a blur, a haze of confusion and disbelief. He couldn't process what had just happened. He could hardly comprehend the scene before him.

Iris stood in the middle of a devastated arena, her clothed torn as her fist extended outward.

Jazmins massive form pushed into a deep crater etched into the stone walls.

Axel couldn't breathe. The image of Iris and Jazmin's battered bodies were etched into his mind.

He could still hear the booming echo of their fists connecting.

It was as if the entire world had come to a standstill, as if time itself had ceased to exist.

There was only the sound of the blood pumping through his veins, the pounding of his heart as the battle between titans came to an end.



Damn this some next level DBZ stuff right there lol nice 👍