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At the far edge of the city, amidst the towering trees that marked the outskirts, a military camp stood vigilant. Soldiers stood guard, ready and armed for the impending battle, a fierce determination in their eyes.

In the heart of the camp, a sizable tent took its place, its entrance watched over by two stern-faced men armed with rifles.

"General Anderson," Sergeant Mitchell announced as he entered the tent, coming face to face with the five generals who had gathered to end the catastrophic crisis that had befallen the city. The atmosphere was tense, and the weight of their mission hung heavily in the air.

"Good, we can finally go on the attack," General Anderson expressed with a sense of relief, eager to take action.

However, General Kang, known for his pragmatism, chimed in with a hint of skepticism, "For all the good it will do us. Did you already forget that our air forces were utterly helpless to even stop those two beasts?"

General Ramirez, who was known for his sharp analytical mind, crossed his arms and added, "Yes, I have to agree. Honestly, all we really did was singe a few hairs. This won't be an easy fight." The gravity of the situation was evident in his words, and the generals knew that their task was nothing short of daunting.

General Kang turned his gaze to the large table, upon which a map of the city lay. He placed a marker on the location where the first giant creature had emerged. Then, his brows furrowed as he traced the path with his fingers, coming to rest where the second one had appeared. "I what the hell are these creatures?"

Sergeant Mitchell stood silent as the generals deliberated, but after a brief moment, he decided to speak up, "Sirs, if I may. The reports have the creature emerging in the heart of the city."

"The heart?" General Whitman inquired, his brows furrowing in concern.

Sergeant Mitchell, his stance unwavering, responded, "Yes, sir. First sightings report that the creatures emerged in Lexington Avenue."

"Lexington Avenue," General Kang mused. "If I'm not mistaken, there was a research lab in that area."

Sergeant Mitchell nodded in confirmation. "Yes, sir. It was called Innovatech Solutions."

General Anderson raised an eyebrow, a sense of curiosity in his eyes. "Was?"

Sergeant Mitchell's reply was grim. "Yes, it would appear that the entire building has been destroyed."

A heavy silence hung in the room, as the magnitude of the situation weighed on everyone present.

"Enough!" General Anderson's voice cut through the silence. He turned to his fellow generals. "We have no time for speculation. Right now, we have a job to do."

He continued, "We'll find out where they came from later. For now, our priority is to take down those monsters."

General White voiced a common concern, "But will our artillery work against those beasts?"

General Anderson grinned confidently, dispelling doubts. "Oh, no worries. We've been given access to weapons in the Level 2 category."

A collective gasp spread throughout the room, as every general and soldier understood the gravity of this decision. Weapons at Level 2 meant a new level of firepower, and it was clear that they were gearing up for a battle like no other.

In the world of weaponry, each weapon was categorized, ranked from 4 to 1.

Rank 4 weapons encompassed the arsenal available to regular law enforcement, consisting of handguns, shotguns, and even bazookas.

Rank 3 weapons, reserved exclusively for the military, could only be wielded by trained soldiers. Tanks, jets, missile launchers, and grenades all fell into this category.

Rank 2 weapons were of such immense power that they could obliterate an entire city. Only an admiral had the authority to grant permission for the use of these devastating weapons.

And then, there was Rank 1, the highest tier, reserved for weapons capable of bringing about global catastrophe. These were labeled as forbidden, to never be used under any circumstances, as they had the potential to end the world itself.

"Rank 2 Weapon?" General White questioned in disbelief.

General Kang voiced his concerns, "Have things truly become this dire?"

The tent buzzed with animated conversation, as voices from every corner debated the wisdom of employing such a powerful weapon.

General Anderson raised his hand to silence the room. "Gentlemen, the Rank 2 Weapon is a precaution. I sincerely hope it won't come to that point. With the arsenal at our disposal, we should have more than enough to handle the situation." His words were meant to reassure, but the unease in the room lingered.

Amidst the black smoke and the burning world, a colossal figure composed of fur and fury loomed. In the heart of the inferno, she gazed down at the small man standing on her hand, a man who dared to reach out and touch her face. Her crimson eyes softened for a brief moment.

"Gigi, I'm here... I'm not going anywhere," a voice echoed through the smoke, a voice filled with determination and hope.


