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The air hung heavy with the stench of decay, and ferocious gales swept through the forest as two colossal titans, one composed of flesh and the other an ominous, liquefied darkness, confronted each other in an apocalyptic showdown.

Laufey couldn't help but wear a sly grin as she shifted her gaze not to the colossal ooze-like giant but to the sinister presence that controlled it, the skeletal figure that loomed just behind its towering form.

"DO YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THAT THIS THING YOU'VE CREATED WILL EVEN SLOW ME DOWN?" Laufey taunted, taking a resolute step forward, her radiant golden aura growing ever brighter.

"I AM NOTHING LIKE YOU GIANT," the lich intoned, its words reverberating through the desolate landscape. Its skull-like visage dipped solemnly as it continued, "I TAKE NO PLEASURE IN SUCH VIOLENCE. BUT I BEAR A MISSION, A PURPOSE I MUST FULFILL WITH THIS WRETCHED VESSEL, AND I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO OBSTRUCT MY PATH."

With an eerie, bony finger extended, the creature conveyed its unwavering determination.

"HOW BORING." Laufey said as she rose her fist.

Her body became a blur as she shot towards the colossal, shadowy beast, a trail of golden energy trailing behind her.

A single fist was all it took.

One swift motion, and the giantess' fist connected with the creature, sending out a shockwave that uprooted the very earth beneath her feet.

In the distance, the sound of thunder could be heard as the colossal monstrosity with its own dark hand caught the fist.

Laufey said no words as she threw her other hand forward interlocking her powerful grip with the creatures.

With her teeth clenched, Laufey pushed with all her strength, causing the very ground beneath her feet to give way.

Deep canions were formed as the two colossal titans grappled with each other, the very earth itself under the intense pressure.

"THIS IS GETTING INTERESTING!" Laufey bellowed, her muscles bulging and her body expanding in response to the escalating confrontation.

With a deafening scream, Laufey hoisted the entire dark creature aloft, her arms straining with visible veins. "GET... OUT... OF... MY WAY!" she roared, her strength evident as she hurled the grotesque being toward the earth. A massive impact followed, resounding with a colossal "BOOM!"

Regaining her focus, Laufey turned her gaze back to the lich, still hovering in the air. Her eyes widened as a colossal, dark-green glowing sphere materialized right above the lich, an intricate magical circle pulsating with symbols of power beneath it.

"MAGIC," Laufey muttered with a determined grunt.

"DISAPPEAR," the Lich intoned with malevolent authority. In response, a colossal beam of energy erupted, streaking toward Laufey and searing the very air in its path.

Clutching her teeth, Laufey swiftly brought her arms together, forging a protective shield in front of her body.

"BOOOOM!" An earth-shattering explosion unfurled, unleashing searing flames that devoured the forest. Black ash billowed high into the sky, reducing the once-majestic trees to smoldering ruins. The battleground had turned into a scorched wasteland.

As the smoke settled, Laufey was seen standing firm, her body covered in burns, and yet her smile held firm.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU," the Lich stated, its hollow eye sockets glowing bright green as it channeled its power.

A dark, sinister, ominous green energy began to swirl around the skeletal monster.

Laufey stood, unmoving and unfazed by the creature's display. Her golden aura began to flicker and change, taking on the color of crimson with the same golden streaks.

"HERE WE GO!" she roared, her body becoming cloaked in the crimson black aura as she launched herself towards the Lich.

"I WILL REMOVE YOU FROM MY PATH!" Laufey said as she rose her hand high into the air, her fingers straight.

The Lich rose its staff high into the air as Laufey drew near and in response the giant Creature made of black ooze rushed in front, blocking Laufey from her path.

"ITS NO USE!" Laufey screamed out, her eyes turning a violent red.

The dark creature responded by forming a fist and launching itself towards the giant woman.

"YOU'RE ONLY IN THE WAY!" Laufey screamed, as she brought her hand down at high speed.

A colossal golden and crimson wave of energy blew throughout the forest, shaking the very ground, and splitting the clouded sky.

The Lich was sent hurtling backwards as the golden wave split the giant creature from head to toe.

Laufey stood in the same spot, her crimson black aura glowing as the golden wave disappeared.


The lich lay motionless on the ground, the skeletal being's entire form charred and broken, the remnants of its bones scattered all around

Laufey was a mess, her skin covered in black bruises, her clothes torn, but the fire in her eyes was still ablaze.

"FINALLY, I CAN PLAY WITH DUNCAN!" Laufey's words were full of excitement, a hint of madness even as she turned and began to walk towards the forest.


Laufey stopped walking and slowly turned around.

The Lich's voice, a haunting echo, carried a chilling warning, and it rose once again, its form surrounded by a sinister green aura.

"YOU WILL PAY, YOU HORRIBLE SWINE!" the creature bellowed, its eyes blazing green with malice and rage. "I WILL SHOW YOU MY TRUE POWER!"

The ominous green aura grew ever more menacing, enveloping the Lich's entire body in a dark, swirling vortex of energy.




Damn this battle is getting intense lol