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On that chilly morning, Douglas Greene reluctantly made his way through the apartment complex, his backpack slung over his shoulder. The biting cold air nipped at his skin, a constant reminder of his longing for a few more moments of warmth under the cozy blankets.

Unfortunately, his obligations left him with no choice but to face the day, for it was the day of his college classes.

With a swift motion, he adjusted his glasses, reaching into his pockets to retrieve his keys. He moved with a languid pace, passing rows of parked cars nestled in their designated spots.

Finally, he arrived at his trusty grey Honda Accord, parked on the side of the street, its exterior smeared with dirt and grime.

A heavy sigh escaped Douglas's lips as he wearily swung open the car door, tossing his backpack onto the waiting passenger seat. The engine roared to life, signaling the start of another tiring day. He was already dreading the day ahead, and he had yet to make it to his first class.

As he drove down the busy street, Douglas contemplated the drudgery of his life. His days consisted of going to class, studying, and then returning home to an empty apartment, devoid of human company, before having to get ready for work. He had very few friends, and he hadn't been in a serious relationship since high school.

His mom lived in a nursing home, and his dad had passed away 8 years ago. He didn't have any siblings. As such, he felt lonely and isolated, constantly craving a deeper connection with someone and yet such thing weren't possible, he didn't have time nor energy for a relationship.

Douglas's financial situation weighed heavily on his mind as he settled into the driver's seat. His bank account was running dangerously low, making it a challenge to cover his rent for the modest one-bedroom apartment he called home. Even affording his own parking stall seemed like a luxury he couldn't afford.

"Shit! Stop dwelling on that," he scolded himself, his fingers tangling through his unruly, curly hair. "Positive thoughts, Douglas. Positive thoughts lead to a positive day."

He attempted to remain positive as he approached the college, pulling into the busy parking lot. He navigated the sea of vehicles, finally finding a spot in the back row. With a grunt, he gathered his belongings, heading towards the looming campus buildings

As he drove through the city streets, Douglas couldn't help but glance at the imposing buildings that rose tall in the distance. Their towering presence seemed to accentuate his own feelings of smallness and insignificance.

Douglas took a deep breath, closing his eyes briefly in an attempt to find a moment of calm amidst the chaos of his life. He then reached over to grab his backpack and, with a determined spirit, swung open the car door.

"Another day, another headache," he muttered to himself, forcing a weary smile as he stepped out of the car.

He glanced around at the campus grounds, noticing the students milling about, some rushing to their classes, while others casually strolled along the pathways.

As Douglas approached the building that housed his first class of the day, he noticed a Woman with long black hair wearing a black button-up shirt with a red tie underneath and a black skirt standing near the entrance, a small black cap stood on her head as she looked all around the campus grounds.

"She must be lost," Douglas mumbled to himself, observing the perplexed expression on the woman's face. His initial instinct was to keep walking and not get involved. After all, her situation was not his problem.

As he continued his stride, he plunged both of his hands into his pockets, trying to push away the nagging feeling that he should help her. "She's not my problem," he repeated silently to himself.

But just as he thought he had successfully distanced himself from the situation, a polite voice reached his ears from behind. Douglas halted in his tracks, cursing inwardly at the unexpected interruption.

"Excuse me."

Turning around reluctantly, Douglas came face to face with the same woman who had appeared lost. Despite his initial resistance, he found himself unable to ignore her any longer.

"Yes?" he inquired, doing his best to mask his irritation.

"I'm sorry I'm a little lost." the woman replied, her eyes searching Douglas's face for some form of assistance.

"Can you help me find room 235? It's supposed to be here in this building."

"Um, sure," Douglas responded, trying to remain as polite as possible despite his impatience. "Just follow me."

"Thank you so much!" the woman exclaimed, the relief evident in her voice. "I'm always getting lost around here. I still can't get used to this campus."

"No problem." Douglas responded, quickening his pace as they made their way through the crowded hallway.

As they walked side by side, Douglas took the opportunity to steal a closer look at the woman. She was quite beautiful, with her flawless white skin and piercing brown eyes. He couldn't help but admire her graceful movements and the way her clothes seemed to cling perfectly to her slender figure.

He could feel his heart rate increasing as his eyes traced the outline of her curves. He quickly averted his gaze, not wanting to get caught staring.

"You're a freshman, right?" he asked, trying to make small talk in order to distract himself.

"Yeah," the woman answered. "This is my first semester."

"Where are you from?" Douglas questioned, genuinely curious.

"I'm from out of state," the woman replied vaguely, giving Douglas a strange look. "And yourself?"

"Oh, I'm a local," Douglas responded.

"Ah, nice," the woman responded with a smile. "What's your major?"

"Biology," Douglas replied, a small smile appearing on his lips as he thought of his future career as a scientist.

Douglas, seemingly preoccupied and still oblivious to the woman's small smirk, led her to the door marked "235."

"Well, here we are," he stated, his gaze averted.

The woman expressed her gratitude with a warm smile, reaching out to touch Douglas's hands as a gesture of appreciation. Douglas blushed, attempting to avoid looking at her ample cleavage.

"No problem," he stammered, "Shall we go inside?" Without waiting for her response, he entered the classroom.

Confused by his actions, the woman questioned, "Huh? Shouldn't you be going to your own class?"

Douglas couldn't help but smirk. "This is my own class. I guess we have the same class." With that, he continued to his seat, leaving the woman standing alone in the doorway.

As she watched him, the woman's previously confused expression took on a more sinister tone. She retrieved a small silver device with three buttons on her wrist.

"I've found him," she whispered into the device before pressing the middle button. "My mission can finally begin."



Oh okay now this is getting interesting and the art used here was amazing dude