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We ran not looking back as the whole world seemed to fall and crumble all around us.

The ground beneath our feet's began to rumble and break open as buildings all around us came to life, their forms chaotic, taking the image of busty women, their faces changing from women to actual building in a split second.

As they took form their massive hands crashed into the ground with a thunderous boom that threw us off balance and made our bodies feel as if they were going to be crushed.

their swaying legs made of stone and steel lashed out slamming into the ground, and other houses and buildings.

"Stay close!" I yelled at Amelia as I grabbed her arm, pulling her to me, so I could help keep her from tripping and falling to her death.

We were forced to run zigzagging, and changing direction at the drop of a dime to avoid the giant monsters that were taking form.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" the maniacal laughter of one of the Gigantic creature rang through the air.

I looked back and I saw her one of those Gigantic aliens standing upward, her feet lying in destruction, smoke flowed all around her legs.

"I'M FINALLY FREE!!!" She yelled. Her voice pushing away the white clouds over head.

Her hands reached upward her fingers spread out as if she was trying to touch the very heavens.

Her hair floated upwards, her face tilted toward the sun.

Her eyes were shut as she seemed to revel in this moment of freedom.

Then her eyes opened and the moment was shattered.

The ground below us shook and broke as her hand slammed down towards the ground.


Her hand slammed into the ground. Dirt and dust exploded into the air obscuring my vision.

My eyes stung and watered as the dirt got in my eye.

Amelia coughed next to me, she stumbled and fell.

"Amelia are you ok?" I asked worriedly as I helped her back to her feet.

She coughed, and nodded.

The sound of a building crumbling behind us made me turn around and look, and what I saw chilled me to the bone.

It was one of the massive titans looking down at them smiling, her open hand held high.

"Shit!" I yelled and turned around running as fast as I could while keeping a firm hold on Amelia.

Amelia let out a yelp as I yanked her forward making her run even faster than before.

I felt something brush against my back making the hairs on my arms and neck stand up.

Amelia screamed and was suddenly ripped from my grasp, her body was pulled up by her right foot.

she was hanging upside down, the giant hand wrapped around her right ankle.

I looked up at Amelia, her face filled with fear.

"Stop!" I yelled as I ran towards the living building not really sure of what I was going to do.

But before I could do anything the building began to move, her fingers loosening their grip on Amelia, who was still screaming in fear.

The building was now holding Amelia above her head, she was moving her hand away from her face.

The building's face suddenly changed to a busty woman, her mouth open wide.

"I said stop!" I yelled, banging my fist against her ankle. My fist hurting like hell.

Her mouth began to close, and I realized Amelia was about to be eaten.

Amelia was struggling, her arms reaching for something to grab onto.

Her screams echoing through the air.

"Shit, Shit, Shit, what am I going to do?" I asked myself.


I was thrown to the ground as a massive explosion erupted covering the giants face with black smoke.

I watched as Amelia fell through the air, her body plummeting toward the ground.

Amelia let out a scream as she hit the ground.

"Amelia!" I yelled as I ran towards her. I bent down and put my hands on her cheek.

"Braden." She said in a low voice.

"yea it's me." I said relieved. "come on, I got ya." I said as I picked Amelia up and held her in my arms.

I looked up towards the distance and saw men wearing dark green solder uniforms running towards us, in their arms were guns, rocket launchers and other weaponry.

It was the Army, and they looked like they were ready to kill.

I turned away from them, and looked at the living building that was currently getting her face blown apart by missiles, bullets, and other weapons of war.

"What the hell is happening?"



Awesome chapter so far.


Can we collab on Novelizer or not at the moment?