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My legs trembled like jelly as my hand brushed the head of the colossal creature towering hundreds of feet above. Though the instinct to run surged within me, I stood frozen, realizing that, after years of relentless searching, I finally laid eyes on Bianca. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of shame admitting it, but damn, she was undeniably attractive.

"Braden, what the hell are you doing?" Howard whispered from a distance, concealed behind a twisted steel wreckage, remnants of the fierce battle.

"It's Bianca, Howard! It's really her!" I exclaimed, though I knew it might not be the wisest move.

"No, you moron. It was Bianca, not anymore," Howard retorted, unmoving from his concealed position. "Now get out of there before that panther comes back."

Despite knowing he was right, despite acknowledging Howard's warning, I remained rooted to the spot.

"GRR." A sudden, thunderous growl erupted from the massive beast. I involuntarily stepped back, a small scream escaping me—no shame in admitting that.

I shifted my gaze toward Bianca's head, relieved to find her still unconscious.

"Thank god," I muttered, placing a hand on my chest, attempting to steady the rapid beats of my heart.

"Okay, time to go," I declared to myself, realizing the urgency of the situation.

I began to walk away, every step forward filled with the guilt of abandoning Bianca again. My pace gradually increased, and soon, I was running. The farther away I got, the more guilt I felt. My legs moved on their own, and my head swam.

I looked ahead towards Howard, I could feel the relieved look on his face, he wouldn't understand, these where my friends.

The ground suddenly rumbled beneath my feet, shaking me to my core. I quickly turned, and much to my dismay, saw a massive black panther, eyes burning red with fury.

"Shit, shit, shit," I whispered under my breath, "I should've just left."

The panther opened its mouth, baring its sharp fangs. It crouched, as if preparing to pounce. It's body towered over the buildings as its red eyes peered down at me.

My body tensed up. The sound of my racing heartbeat drummed in my ears, and I could almost hear my pounding chest.

"What do we do?" Howard shouted from afar.

"Run!" I yelled, taking my own advice.

Without any warning, the panther sprang forward, covering a tremendous amount of distance. It's claws stretched out as it lunged digging into the ground, throwing up tons and tons of buildings and earth.

The ground trembled beneath my feet. My breath caught in my throat, and I almost lost my balance.

"H-howard," I called out, "Where are you?"

A sudden, deafening roar erupted from the beast. I turned my head, and my eyes met with a gigantic black figure.

The panther was right behind me.

It was too close, and before I could react, it swiped a claw at me. The ground shook as it crashed into the buildings and streets.

I closed my eyes, accepting my fate. But instead of pain, a strong gust of wind brushed against me. I opened my eyes and saw a black animal that was as big as a mountain, a animal being held back by...




Cool, Can't Wait for Chapter 13 soon. :D Also I did ask you 2 questions, regarding the RP on Sunday, and I did ask you if you can do a comic as a Christmas gift.