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Kylie's iPhone 8 looked up at the Dark Titan, who was slowly rising from the ground, her imposing form casting a long shadow over the area.

["Master, I'm going to put you down now,"] Kylie's phone announced with a serious tone, gently setting him on the ground. Kylie watched in awe as his phone placed the hospital right next to him and then stood back up to her towering height.

The Dark Titan, with her wild, debris-laden hair, continued to stand up to her full stature. As she did, Kylie could just barely make out a tiny man clinging for dear life to the fabric hugging the giant's breasts, no more significant than a speck of dust in her eyes.

"HOW DARE YOU?" The Titan roared, her face contorted with fury. "HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME, SLAVE!" Her voice created a tempestuous gust that rippled through the city.

But Kylie's iPhone 8 remained resolute, crossing her arms over her own massive form.

As Kylie looked up at the Dark Titan, a part of him was filled with terror, and he couldn't help but wonder was his phone really going to be able to fight against her after all his phone only came up to the titans crotch.

the Dark titan glared down at his phone and Kylie could have sworn he saw her sneer as her face contorted in rage and she brought down her fist.

His phone raised her arm and stopped the massive limb from smashing into her, but Kylie could still feel the earth quake under him. "Shit!" he gasped, trying to remain standing.

The Dark Titan growled, her teeth glinting in the sun as she pulled her fist back, before throwing another punch at his phone, who was forced back as the fist impacted her. Kylie watched as his own phone took three massive footsteps back, her silver like shoes impacting the ground with every step.

Kylie could only watch on in horror as his phone struggled to keep up with the Dark Titans onslaught.

The Dark Titan was throwing punch after punch, her face twisted with a mix of anger and joy, as crimson energy encircled her massive form.

"WELL COME ON SLAVE!" She bellowed, her voice thunderous, and Kylie felt the hairs on his neck stand on end.

Kylie could only watch helplessly, the feeling of utter uselessness returning.


Her punches were coming faster, and Kylie could tell that his phone was starting to struggle, each strike causing her to stagger back, the sound of her shoes hitting the concrete loud in the air.

"Shit, I don't have time for this!" Kylie shouted as the powerful gale force winds pushed against him. He dashed inside the hospital, which appeared on the brink of collapse.

Once pristine marble floors were now shattered, the front desk split in half, with blood and papers strewn across the floors and walls. Doctors, nurses, and patients were either fleeing the hospital or seeking refuge in fear.

Kylie pushed through the chaotic and horrifying scene, his focus solely on reaching his friend, ignoring the gruesome sights and deafening screams that assaulted his senses.

As he made his way down the hall, the sounds of the battle outside rang throughout the building, the entire structure shaking.

"Fuck!" Kylie yelled as he slammed into the walls.

After making his way down the halls, he found the room that his friend was resting in, or at least where it was supposed to be. In its place, there was a pile of rubble and debris.

"Derrick!" Kylie yelled rushing over to the remains, pushing the chunks of stone and wood out of the way, and frantically searched for his friend, calling out his name, unaware of what was coming.


A thunderous blast rocked the entire area.

As the shockwaves shook the building, Kylie was thrown back as a massive face plummeted through the ceiling.

The face, no bigger than the average car, landed hard on the floor, the crash shaking the area.

Kylie's phone crashed into the hospital.

"What the fu—" Kylie started to say as he looked up and saw the Dark Titan, her enormous frame hovering above, smiling at the devastation that she just caused.

"iPhone!" Kylie yelled as he looked into his phone's closed eyes, her face covered in red glowing blood.


Her eyes barely open, She was trying to speak, but Kylie couldn't understand a word she was saying.

He could see that she was trying to reach out towards him, her arm shaking as she did so, but the effort was too much. Her arm fell limp.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Kylie shouted, tears running down his face, until finally the ground itself began to rumble again.

The Dark Titan was moving in and Kylie knew what had to be done. Taking one last look at his phone, his face hardened.

Kylie stood up, his body aching, but his resolve renewed, for his friend was gone, his own phone laid broken, this was just to much.

Kylie stepped forward walking over the large strands of hair that belonged to his own phone.

"WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO, LITTLE MAN?" The Giant's voice thundered from above as her crimson eyes fixated on Kylie.


Kylie's eyes darkened with resolve as he reached out and touched the cheek of his own phone.

"You want to know what I'm going to do?" he questioned. "I'm going to fight you!" He yelled, his eyes transforming into a brilliant shade of bright blue, while cybernetic veins radiated all around his body, mirroring those that appeared on the giant iPhone 8.

"I'm going to stop this madness!" Kylie declared with determination. "I'm going to save everyone!" A vibrant blue energy enveloped his entire being. "And you know what, Bitch! I'm going to stop you!" He shouted, standing resolute in the face of the colossal adversary.

The Dark Titan looked down in surprise as the whole area was covered in a blue energy.

"WHATS HAPPENING?" She demanded, but the only answer she received was a powerful shockwave that rippled through the air, knocking her back.

"NO!" The Dark Titan screamed, her eyes widening in shock as she gazed at the same giant she had just defeated, but now with a new look.

Kylie's iPhone 8 rose into the air, her face and body glowing, a pair of cybernetic veins covering her face and eyes, her hair was flowing wildly as she continued to expand.

Kylie, meanwhile, was floating in the air, the energy radiating off his body was so strong that it created a visible blue aura.

"This ends now."



Hey, are you available to RP tonight or not right now? Because I would like to RP with you. I know you said you don't want me to comment about it in here, but you haven't been answering my messages in our PMs, so that's why I'm asking here. I'm not trying to get defensive here, don't worry.


It’s alright, we can rp sometime this weekend. Maybe Sunday


Ok. Are you going to work on The Giant Guard and the Big Bang Furry this Saturday?