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In a colossal chamber hewn from dark, imposing stone, Axel and Danny were seated side by side, mere spectators to the monumental showdown about to unfold. The room exuded an air of gravity and anticipation, its stony walls echoing the tension.

Two towering figures commanded the space – Jazmin and her mother, Iris. Both women were attired in sleeveless white shirts, their formidable figures barely contained by the fabric. Shorts clung snugly to their thick butts, accentuating their athletic prowess.

As mother and daughter locked eyes in an intense exchange of unwavering resolve, the room crackled with energy. Jazmin, poised in a battle-ready stance, exuded fierce determination, while Iris stood tall and unyielding, her hands resting casually at her sides, as if she were nonchalant about the impending conflict.

Axel couldn't help but steal a furtive glance at Danny, who observed his family with a proud smile. It was evident that this was a momentous family event, and Axel felt like a humble spectator caught in the undertow of their overpowering presence.

In the midst of the charged silence, Axel swallowed hard, a subdued "gulp" escaping his lips. He braced himself for the extraordinary spectacle that was about to unfold, a silent witness to the clash of titans.

"Jazmin," Iris announced, her commanding voice filling the hall, "I hope to see how much you've improved."

Jazmin's smile widened, her pearly white teeth gleaming in the room's dim light. "Oh, don't worry, I'll show you that I've completely surpassed you!" Her voice was filled with confidence as her muscles tensed in preparation for the challenge.

"Oh?" Iris responded with a raised right eyebrow, her expression retaining a sense of calm authority. "Then come," she beckoned her daughter, a gesture that signaled the beginning of their impending encounter.

Jazmin did not hesitate. Without a moment's delay, she lunged forward with an impossibly high leap, her powerful legs propelling her body with astonishing force.

Axel's mouth hung open as he could actually see the roaring air that pushed against Jazmins Body as her massive body threatened to create a sonic boom. He didn't even see her punch before the air seemed to explode in a massive shockwave, a shockwave that expanded in all directions.

Axel, bracing for the impact of Jazmin's formidable punch, was instead met with an unexpected surprise. A blue barrier of pure energy materialized before him like an impervious wall, shielding him from the devastating force.

"Don't worry, nothing's going to happen to you," Danny assured Axel, his cross-legged position unchanged as he watched the battle unfold.

Axel turned his head toward Danny, astonishment in his eyes. "You have the Ember Spark," he exclaimed, realizing the source of the protective barrier that had just saved him.

Danny's smirk grew more pronounced upon Axel's revelation. "You have it as well, huh?" he replied, his gaze finally locking onto Axel's.

Axel's heart skipped a beat, suddenly aware that Danny was privy to more than he had ever let on. Sweat poured from his brow as he stammered, "H-how did you..."

"It's a wonderful power we possess," Danny responded with a hearty laugh. "With it, we're capable of many things." He paused for a moment, and then continued, "You'll come to understand it all in time," his laughter echoing with an air of mystery.


The resounding crash of a titanic forces rang out through the room, forcing the two mens attention back to the scene before them. As the dust settled, Axel could barely breathe as Jazmin stood, breathing hard, her clothes a little ripped, and her white skin bruised, yet still standing in a room filled with cracked walls and busted stone floors. Before her lay Iris who looked perfectly fine, only her clothes were a bit ripped.

"That was quite good, Jazmin. I must say that your physical power is impressive, but it seems that you're still a bit rusty." Iris said walking forward slowly as she flexed her body.

"We'll see how good I am once I take you down, mother." Jazmin's eyes narrowed. "Let's get serious."

Jazmin's mother gave a nod as her smile grew wider.

Jazmin calmed her breathing, her eyes closed. "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Jazmin screamed out, her body expanding in muscle and mass.

Axel gasped at the sight before him. In an instant, Jazmin had become a mountainous behemoth of a woman, her body a rippling mass of muscle and veins, that when expanded caused the whole room itself to shake.

"What the hell," Axel whispered in astonishment as Jazmin's body seemed to emit steam, and a dozen shockwaves radiated from her being in a powerful display of energy.

Axel's gaze briefly shifted to Iris, who remained stoic and composed, her eyes fixed on her daughter's growing power.

"Titans are amazing creatures, don't you think?" Danny mused, a sense of pride evident in his voice.

Axel, still taken aback, stuttered, "Huh, yes."

Danny continued, "Titans are meant for combat, so much so that when a Titan is first born, they don't cry like regular babies. No, they scream, as if they are born with an innate yearning for battle."

Axel absorbed the information, remaining silent as he listened to Danny's insights.

"Titans," Danny elaborated, "during their ordinary days, conceal their true bodies beneath layers of skin and muscle."

"Why?" Axel inquired.

Danny laughed once more, his amusement apparent. "They hide their true forms to restrain their strength," he explained. "If they didn't do this, they would pose a constant danger to the smaller beings who share their world."

Axel turned his attention back to Jazmin, whose enormous form dominated the space. Her sheer power and mass was unlike anything Axel had ever witnessed. He could feel his own muscles tingling, a primal instinct resonating within him as he gazed upon her awe-inspiring figure.

"This was a Titan, a true Titan."



Oh damn this story is going crazy and I love it 😍