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Abbie trailed behind Ms. Woods in the sterile white corridor, a sense of anticipation lingering. Becoming a Brobdingnagian hadn't brought the expected surge of power; instead, she felt surprisingly ordinary.

"You alright?"

Startled, Abbie refocused on Ms. Woods, who was walking ahead.

"Sorry, I'm just thinking," Abbie replied, mustering a weary smile.

"It's a lot," Ms. Woods chuckled. "That's what Lilliputians undergoing the procedure often say."

Silence enveloped them as they continued down the corridor. Abbie's gaze wandered over the stark surroundings.

"Um, Ms. Woods."

"Oh, you can just call me Cynthia, Abbie."

"Well, then you can just call me Abbie," she said, returning the smile.

"Well, Abbie, what did you want to ask?"

"Where are we going?"

Cynthia looked back at Abbie, offering a reassuring smile. "We're headed to get you trained and certified."

Abbie swallowed, nodding slowly. The elevator ride to the next level was equally silent, but this time it was more comfortable. Abbie could sense the older woman's patience and concern.

Exiting the elevator, they walked another few paces before Cynthia stopped and gestured.

"We're here," Cynthia said, gesturing to a room with a wide circular table. In the middle of the table stood a tiny metropolis, filled with miniature buildings barely reaching the height of Abbie's little finger.

"What is this?" Abbie asked.

"This is practice," Cynthia explained, leading Abbie to the corner of the table.

As Cynthia bent down, Abbie followed suit, observing as Cynthia brought her face closer to the small city. A steady stream of air escaped from Cynthia's mouth, becoming a powerful force that carved through the miniature buildings, causing destruction with seemingly effortless ease.

Cynthia straightened up, retrieving a cigarette from her pocket and placing it in her mouth.

"With a simple action like breathing, a Brobdingnagian can cause serious damage to a Lilliputian city. Even a child's footsteps could be devastating," Cynthia said in a low tone, her eyes shifting to the tiny Lilliputian men still standing on her shoulder.

"Yea, yea, I know it makes you uncomfortable," Cynthia added.

Abbie looked puzzled. "You can hear them?" she asked.

Cynthia smirked and pointed to her ear, revealing a hearing device. "Hearing device. Without it, I wouldn't be able to hear these two shrimps," she said with a smirk. "Now enough about that, look at this." Cynthia dug into her left pocket, revealing a miniature mechanical robot in her palm.

"Huh?" Abbie squinted at first, then brought her face closer, discovering the intricacies of the tiny robot.

Cynthia grinned. "This little gadget is part of your training. You'll learn to control and manipulate objects on a smaller scale before we move on to the bigger challenges. Precision is key."

Abbie nodded slowly, mesmerized by the robot as she brought her face closer and closer.

"Uh, be careful you might..."

Cynthia paused for a moment. "Shit," she exclaimed.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Abbie asked, straightening up.

"You inhaled the robot," Cynthia said nonchalantly.

"I did what?" Abbie exclaimed.

"The tiny robots are up in your nostrils, girl," Cynthia stated.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Abbie said, covering her nose with her hands.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I have another," Cynthia reassured, bringing out another tiny robot held between her fingers.

Abbie lowered her hands and watched Cynthia place the tiny robot onto the table and activate it.

The robot sprung to life, moving in a zigzag motion across the surface.

Abbie smiled at the sight, her focus entirely on the tiny machine.

"that's why your here." Cynthia leaned in and whispered.

Abbie tore her gaze from the robot. She stared at Cynthia, confused.

"your a lot more powerful now that you are a Brobdingnagian."

Abbie looked at her feet, remembering the pain of being a Lilliputian, how small everything looked when she was on that scale.

Cynthia placed her hand on Abbie's shoulder, startling her.

Abbie looked up and saw the softness in her eyes.

"You will be required to take a course, that will help you manage your new life." Cynthia said with a smile.

Abbie nodded, her smile returning.

"When do we start?"


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