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Flarionas marveled at the golden sky, charged with electric energy, and her smile deepened as she beheld Ebodius, the majestic Kaiju king. The Kaiju, in a display of reverence, bowed their heads as Ebodius descended, his golden eye casting a radiant gaze upon his subjects.

"Lord Ebodius!" Galvan greeted with a respectful nod. "It's an honor, my lord."

Ebodius reciprocated the smile, acknowledging Galvan. "It's good to see you thriving, Galvan."

"Please, everyone, raise your heads," Ebodius commanded, extending his right hand.

The obedient Kaiju stood tall, towering over the landscape. Ebodius gracefully settled on a colossal stone that seemed alive, as if it were responding to his presence. "My brethren, after a century, let the Satochi Shuyoshi, the meeting of shadows, commence."

Ebodius' words echoed, and a resounding thud resonated through the forest as the Kaiju stomped their feet.

The valley resonated with a thunderous roar, stirring the very wind into a frenzy.

"Ebodius," Galvan boomed, his massive hand raised.

"Speak," Ebodius commanded.

Galvan, ruler of the east Kaiju, bowed and declared, "Lord Ebodius, after a century, I believe it's time to lay waste to the human world, to reclaim what rightfully belongs to us."

Murmurs rippled through the Kaiju assembly, but Flariona, gazing at the king, remained silent.

"I agree with that decision," a voice echoed. Ebodius turned to Necro, guardian of the shadows, ruler of the north. "Humans' time has ended; they taint the land that birthed us," Necro proclaimed.

Fye and Atax, rulers of the West, voiced their support. "Yes, my lord."

Ebodius addressed Flariona, ruler of the south, with a penetrating gaze. "And what say you, Flariona?"

Arms crossed, she shook her head. "I care not for the destruction or prosperity of mankind. If it's their time to meet destruction, then so be it." Her indifference hung in the air as the fate of the human world rested in the hands of the Kaiju council.

Ebodius' piercing stare lingered on Flariona, before closing his eyes for a few minutes. The silence was only broken by the sound of the wind howling in the distance.

"I have come to a decision," Ebodius announced. "We will not destroying the human world!"

Ebodius' decree rang loudly through the valley, accompanied by thunder.

The Kaiju rulers erupted in protest, except for Flariona.

"You cannot be serious, my lord!" Galvan exclaimed, his body quaking in rage.

"Why should we not destroy the humans?" Fye growled.

"If I may, Lord Ebodius," said Atax.

"Speak," Ebodius granted his approval.

"The human world is our birthright. We were created by the land and blessed by the stars. It is our duty to protect it. They have tainted the land for long enough," Atax argued. "Isn't that why you have brought us all together?"

The golden eyes of Ebodius flared with intensity as he continued to address the assembly of Kaiju below. "Do you think I do not know?" he demanded, the resonance of his voice cutting through the charged atmosphere. "Do you believe that I haven't heard the whispers?" His words hung in the air, a stern acknowledgment of the tensions within their kind.

A primal growl reverberated from Ebodius, revealing the formidable set of sharp teeth that hinted at the power he commanded. The Kaiju, confronted by their king's awareness, shifted uncomfortably beneath his gaze.

"What has been decided, has been decided," Ebodius stated. "No Kaiju will interfere, nor will they go to the human world, is that clear?"

The council of Kaiju remained silent, until one by one, they lowered their heads.

"How about we be honest my lord." All heads turned toward the source of the voice.

"Galvan." Ebodius' golden eyes bore into the king of the eastern Kaiju, who refused to meet his gaze.

"you speak of rumors and desires, do you think that word hasn't spread?" Galvan asked.

Galvan's words hung in the air like a tempest, stirring whispers among the Kaiju crowd. "We've all heard how the king of the Kaiju has fallen in love with a human woman," he declared, casting a provocative shadow over the assembly.

Ebodius' eyes darkened, his form pulsating with energy. "You've gone too far," he warned, yellow lightning crackling through the sky. "Go no further, understand."

The Subterranean Kaiju, humbled, lowered his head. "Forgive me, my lord. I have forgotten my place."

"Obey my commands, or challenge me for the throne anytime," Ebodius declared before soaring into the sky.

Flariona observed as Ebodius ascended, disappearing into the clouds. She couldn't fathom the king's desire to spend time with a fragile human, let alone fall in love with one. Her loyalty lay solely in following orders, a sentiment untouched by the complexities of emotions.


Flariona's eyes burned with an intense blue light as she surveyed the world around her. Memories of the past were a luxury she couldn't afford.

"I have to find Ebodius," she declared, her gaze fixed on a city in the far-off distance. Massive walls, reaching up to her belly, encircled the metropolis. Without hesitation, she set out towards the towering barriers, determined to locate the king of the Kaiju amidst the complex realm of humans and their fortified structures.



Hey, can we possibly rp or not right now? Or can we collab today?


You know this reminds me of a old animated movie called fire breather with a similar plot too I’m excited to see where you take this story