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The Titan's thunderous voice sent shockwaves through the air, nearly knocking Kyle off his feet.

"KNEEL BEFORE YOUR SUPERIOR!!!" she bellowed with a power that resonated in every fiber of his being.

The thought of surrender crossed Kyle's mind; his life hung in the balance, and the Titan's dominance was undeniable. However, a significant problem hindered him—the Titan held the hospital, the very one where Derrick was fighting for his life.

"I SAID KNEEL!" The Titan's voice reverberated, its force pushing Kyle down onto his knees.

The sheer magnitude of the Titan's presence overwhelmed his senses, leaving him feeling disoriented and insignificant. However, he would not be deterred from his goal, not while Derrick was in danger.

["Use me, Master."] Kyle looked down at the phone in his hands as it displayed the message.

["Use me, and I will protect you."]

He hesitated, the memory of the havoc wreaked by his phone in the past weighing heavily on his mind. Could he really trust his iPhone 8? Was it going to bring about a similar catastrophe once more? The stakes were high, and Kyle had to make a critical decision.

"Damn it!" Kyle yelled in frustration. "Fine, let's do this," he declared, standing up and raising his iPhone 8 high into the sky. "C-Activation!" he shouted.

For a few tense minutes, he awaited a significant transformation, but nothing seemed to happen. Kyle was puzzled. "What the hell?" he muttered, lowering the phone to eye level. "Where's the giant woman?" his confusion grew.

Before he could voice another word, he suddenly found himself gasping for breath as two colossal digits encircled his waist and hoisted him into the air.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING DOWN THERE?" The Titan's voice thundered as she brought Kyle up to her immense face, her crimson eyes peering down at him with curiosity.


As the Titan's hot breath wafted over him, Kyle struggled to regain his composure and find the words to explain his reasoning.

"HUH?" The Titan brought her enormous eye closer to Kyle. "YOU HAVE ONE OF US, DON'T YOU?" she inquired.

Kyle was rendered speechless, his body trembling in the grip of the Titan's colossal fingers.

"AND UNLIKE ME, YOUR LITTLE DEVICE CONTINUES TO BE A SLAVE," the Titan remarked, her smirk fading into a look of disgust. "DISGUSTING!"

Her anger clear, she continued, "SO TELL ME, CONDUCTOR, WHY HAVE YOU COME?"

Strands of her black hair cascaded over her face As she looked down at Kyle.

"I want you to stop hurting people," Kyle stated. "My friend is inside the hospital, and he needs medical attention. So, please, just stop."


Kyle clenched his fists. "Because, if you don't, I'll..." His voice trailed off as he attempted to come up with a viable threat.

"YOU'LL WHAT? STOP ME WITH YOUR LITTLE DEVICE?" she laughed scornfully. "YOU WOULDN'T DARE! I KNOW HOW WEAK YOU HUMANS ARE." The Titan said as she looked over at the hospital in the palm of her hand.

"YOUR FRIEND IS IN THIS HOSPITAL, RIGHT?" The Titan's question hung in the air as she continued to observe the crumbling building between her colossal fingers. "SO FRAGILE," she mused, her eyes glowing with an ominous red hue.

Kyle wasn't a genius, but he could read the dangerous intent in the giant's gaze. His gaze dropped to the iPhone in his hands. "Why the hell didn't it work?" he muttered, his voice laced with frustration.

["Master, I'm always here to serve, but to activate me, you must say the words with feeling, with purpose."]

"What the hell does that even mean?" Kyle asked, baffled, as he glanced back up at the Titan. She grinned with delight as her fingers coiled around the hospital.

As he felt his life flashing before his eyes, Kyle closed his eyes, and with a loud scream, he declared, "I will not stand for this any longer!"

The Dark Titan's colossal fingers stopped mere inches from the hospital, her gaze fixated on Kyle.

Kyle closed his eyes, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. "Say it with feeling," he whispered to himself, channeling all his emotions into what he desired most: Derrick's life.

"Please," he thought with intensity, the desperation in his mind palpable. "I don't want my friend to die," he pleaded with his heart in his hands. Holding his phone high into the sky, he gathered every ounce of determination and love within him.

"C-Activation!" He shouted with his whole heart, the words resonating with a newfound power and purpose.

With a blinding flash that covered the whole area, his iPhone 8 exploded in a brilliant burst of light.

The Dark Titan stumbled backwards, as another Titan burst to life.

she fell backwards, the hospital falling from her fingers as she did.

As the hospital came crashing to the ground, the massive figure of the newly formed Titan caught it in her hands.


Kyle looked up at the giant face, now realizing that it was a manifestation of his phone's interface. The short brown hair of the digital entity gently waved in the wind as she gazed down at him, cradling him safely in her hand.

["Now Master Shall I take this giant down?"]

Kyle could barely process the question; the magnitude of his actions weighed heavily on him. The Dark Titan had fallen, and the hospital was safe.

"Oh yea." He said with a smile.


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