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Panic swept through the otherworldly streets of Zelathar as the Zelatharians, with their vibrant green skin and four sturdy arms, couldn't ignore the ominous shadow rapidly advancing towards their city of crystalline structures. It cast a foreboding darkness, triggering a frantic exodus as they desperately sought refuge from the impending threat.

Amid the chaos, the ground trembled, its relentless tremors threatening to send them sprawling. The vibrations were powerful enough to fracture the city's glass walls, shattering their once pristine sanctuary. Desperation grew as they struggled to maintain their footing and find safety amidst the turmoil.

As the turmoil raged on, the light of their world gradually dimmed, eclipsed by the colossal presence that loomed hundreds of feet above their city. This gargantuan entity cast an imposing shadow, hovering like an otherworldly sentinel, its presence ominous and inscrutable.

Many of the Zelatharians stopped running as they stared at the sight in bewilderment, the sight of the colossal being causing them to freeze in their tracks. It was massive, dwarfing their entire city. It was almost as if they were standing beneath a mountain, an enormous mass looming over them with no discernible form or face.

They stood in awe as they stared at it, a multitude of questions and uncertainties swirling within their minds.

The Titan, her countenance shrouded in inky darkness, peered down upon the diminutive city from her lofty position. Her colossal form, obscured to the Zelatharians below by her towering breasts, bore no resemblance to their own kind, yet many couldn't help but surmise that this immense figure was indeed a woman. Her long, flowing hair billowed in the wind, and the unmistakable aura of femininity enveloped the entire city, leaving no doubt about her gender.

Even from her lofty position, her bare white skinned muscular legs alone were massive, their size rivaling the height of some of the crystalline structures that formed the city, as they stood apart revealing purple panties that were stretched out, the thin fabric barely able to cover her plump white pussy lips, partially concealed from the inhabitants below by the giant's skirt, which barely reached her knees, a deafening proclamation rang out:

"OBEY OR DIE!!!" The giants voice range out pushing away the clouds themselves.

The Zelatharians trembled, cowering in fear. Many dropped to their knees in terror, covering their heads and pleading for mercy.

Despite the ongoing panic and chaos, a group of brave Zelatharians continued to flee, desperately hoping to evade the impending doom.


Enormous emerald beams of light streaked across the sky, colliding with the giant's chest, casting a thick shroud of black smoke that veiled the upper portion of her body.

"Those were the cannons from the royal palace," one Zelatharian man exclaimed with a glimmer of hope.

"The King has spoken!" Another man cheered, raising all four of his hands high.

"The royals will protect us!" echoed a Zelatharian woman's joyful cry.

Soon, an increasing number of Zelatharians joined in, their voices ringing out with a collective cheer, holding onto the hope that this nightmare would come to an end.

Their joy was short lived, as the cheers abruptly stopped and were replaced by a collective gasp.

The Titan's chest appeared out of the cloud, her mammoth breasts, covered only by a button downed black fabric that was straining against her huge bust, were unscathed.

Her face pushing away the clouds themselves the giantess bellowed, "I SAID, OBEY OR DIE!"

With those words, the Titan raised one of her mighty white skinned legs, her skirt fluttering as her leg moved, revealing a massive black Shoe. The colossal being's heel hung suspended above the city.

A collective hush fell over the Zelatharians as the realization of what was about to happen set in.

"OH NO!!!" They cried out in unison, a few Zelatharians even throwing themselves on the ground in a futile effort to save themselves.

"It can't be," someone whispered

"No," another cried, his voice trembling with despair.

"It's the end," another wailed, falling to her knees.

"We're doomed!" Another lamented.


The Titan's shoe impacted the ground with the force of a thousand explosions, crushing all life within the vicinity.

A mushroom cloud of dust erupted, obscuring the Titan's face, as well as the city below as a massive shockwave radiated outward, leveling buildings, obliterating lives, and decimating the surrounding area.

The Zelatharians scattered as the dust and debris spread, engulfing everything in its path. The screams and cries of terror rang out, filling the air.


The Titan's other shoe collided with the city, annihilating all who remained within the vicinity.

The destruction spread rapidly, leaving nothing

but death and ruin in its wake.

The colossal giant swept the ebony strands of hair from her face, her gaze fixated on a diminutive diamond palace that rose taller than any other structure in the city.

"It's time to finish this," she spoke with cold words as she continued her destructive walk towards the royal place of Zelathar.


"Father! We must surrender before any more of our people get hurt," implored the Prince of the Zelathar, named Prince Dralik, his words tinged with concern and the weight of responsibility. The looming crisis had pushed him to seek a peaceful resolution for his people.

"Now's not the time to run," Prince Dralik asserted, his gaze shifting from his father, King Vordak, and his mother, Queen Elaris. The royal family faced a pivotal decision that could determine the fate of their civilization, and fleeing was not an option.

"Your Majesty," an advisor urged, his tone urgent and insistent, "the Titan has demanded that we surrender or face certain death.

"Surrender?" King Vordak's voice boomed, his countenance hardening as he glowered at his advisor.

The King of Zelathar was not accustomed to being threatened. His four arms tensed as he balled his fists in anger, his gaze locked onto the advisor, a clear sign of his displeasure.

"Father," Prince Dralik interjected, trying to defuse the mounting tension.

"There will be no surrender!" The King's eyes blazed, his tone leaving no room for dissent.

"Yes, my lord," the advisor acquiesced, lowering his gaze and bowing his head.

The King's eyes narrowed as he studied his son's expression, noting the Prince's furrowed brow and the hint of concern etched across his.

"We will stand victorious!" King Vordak announced. His words carried a palpable sense of conviction.

"But for now we retreat." He turned, gesturing for his family and their attendants to follow him, towards the royal airship designed to carry the royal family off world to safety.

As the King led his family away, a loud commotion drew their attention, causing them to stop and look back.

The Titan, her massive body pushed away the clouds, her features barely visible through the dense haze, was striding toward the palace.

Her approach was accompanied by the sound of crashing and destruction, as she trampled through the city, leaving a trail of devastation in her wake.

The Titan's immense breasts swayed as she walked, the buttons on her shirt straining under the strain.

"Your majesty, you have to go NOW!" shouted the advisor.

"Yes, you're right." The King nodded, conceding the urgency of the situation.

With the King's assent, the advisor quickly ushered the royal family toward the airship as the glass walls of the palace began to fracture under the colossal's pressure.


The Titan's shoe struck the top of the palace, reducing the once glorious structure to rubble.

"FASTER, FASTER," screamed the advisor, urging the royal family and their attendants to board the airship.

With everyone safely aboard, the advisor frantically punched the buttons to launch the airship into the sky, praying that they would be spared as large glass shards rained all around them.

As the ship ascended, the Titan's face emerged from the dust, her expression grim and menacing.

"She sees us." The advisor's voice quivered with fear.

"Get us out of here!" the King roared.

"Yes, my liege," the advisor nodded, frantically manipulating the controls.

As the airship rose into the air, the Titan's hand emerged from the cloud, reaching for the ship.

"We're not going to make it!"

"She's got us," cried the advisor.

"NOOOO!" The King's anguished cry echoed throughout the cabin.


The Titan's fingers wrapped around the ship, bringing the vessel to an abrupt halt, as she clutched it tightly in her hand.

"My liege, we must try and escape," pleaded the advisor, his voice laced with desperation as

he frantically worked the controls.

"KING VORDAK!!!" The Titan's booming voice rattled the windows of the airship, the deafening sound reverberating throughout the cabin.

King Vordak ran to the window, his eyes wide with fear as he looked up at a massive brown eye, gazing down at him.


"Con...Confederation?" King Vordak stammered, his body shaking with anger. "I would rather die than bow to your Confederacy," the King sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

A heavy silence hung in the air as the colossal Titan peered down at the ship clutched between her immense fingers, leaving the ship's occupants bewildered and anxious.


With those ominous words, the Titan's grip tightened, exerting crushing force that demolished the ship within her hand only to come an abrupt stop as she brought her left and up towards her left ear.

"YES SIR!" Her voice echoed as her cheeks became bright red.

The Titan then brought her hand towards her left eye, peering down at the remains of the royal family.

"SO EMBARRASSING!" She said as her hand reached down under her black skirt and pulled down her purple panties, her massive white cheeks jiggling with her movements.

She then grabbed her skirt and lifted it up, her white plump pussy lips coming into view.

"Please," the King pleaded, his voice trembling.

"SORRY!" She said as she lowered her skirt and her right hand, holding the aircraft tightly with the royal family still inside, towards her pussy.

The Titan, her hand now between her legs, rubbed the crushed ship against her massive cunt, causing her juices to spray everywhere.

The Titan then inserted her middle finger into her pussy and pushed the ship into her massive vagina, the royal family being smeared and crushed within.

The massive Titan rose her head high and fell backwards,  her colossal ass descended upon the shattered earth, the impact sent shockwaves rippling in all directions, obliterating what remained of the already devastated city.

With her fiery passion finally subsiding, the immense woman gazed upon the smoldering ruins below. Her colossal form was drenched in perspiration, enough to engulf an entire city block.

"Mission accomplished."



This story will be for 10 tiers for now but as the story advances, it will become open to the lower tiers.


Hello. Nice story, however I’m still waiting to collab with you on Novelizer.