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The Brobs of Titania gazed in awe as the colossal figure steadily advanced towards their city, each of her footsteps sending tremors through the earth.

The city grew sweltering as the prod's body heat enveloped it, raising the temperature with each passing moment.

Their cries of astonishment filled the air as the towering Giant, clad in nothing but a sleek black bra and bikini, cast her imposing shadow over them, her legs stretched wide.

A fierce gale swept through the city as the prod slowly lowered herself, her knees gracefully bending, and her ass inching closer, akin to an impending meteor on the brink of altering everything in its path.

Her bosom swayed with each step, captivating the people below who found themselves gazing upon The Prod's face nestled amidst her monumental breasts, her eyes distant and unreachable.

Molly peered down at the tiny city cradled between her legs. A wicked excitement coursed through her as she felt a familiar warmth between them, observing the Brobs scurrying about like ants.

"It's quite preposterous, you little deities," Molly chuckled, recognizing that the Brobdingnagians were colossal in comparison to the Gulliverians and even more so to the Lilliputians.

She extended her finger, mischief dancing in her eyes, and with a sly grin, punctured the heart of the city, dragging her digit through, leaving a trail of devastation in her wake. Her face was wreathed in satisfaction as her finger plowed through buildings, streets, and countless lives.

Molly raised her finger toward her face, studying the specks of dust, the remnants of the city and its inhabitants. Without much contemplation, she brought her finger to her lips, tasting the destruction she had caused. She swallowed it down, her indifference to their world and lives disturbingly evident.

Molly's eyes closed, her senses attuned to the microscopic remnants of lives that had been swallowed. A hint of boredom crossed her face as she sensed nothing, but then a surprise caught her attention.

"Huh?" She exclaimed as small explosions cascaded down her colossal legs, causing sharp pricks near her crotch. Irritation flashed in her eyes as she peered below, discovering tiny grey tanks surrounded by even smaller soldiers, all frantically firing their miniature guns at her legs, some even reaching her crotch.

Without a second thought, Molly gracefully leaned backward, her colossal buttocks descending right at the city's outskirts. From her vantage point above, she observed buildings swaying, and skyscrapers toppling under the impact of her immense behind.

"How feeble," she remarked with a dark, serious look. Even the tanks were overturned or sent flying by the sheer force of her posterior. Some soldiers fled for their lives, while others continued their futile assault on her colossal crotch.

Molly's cheeks flushed with an unusual sensation as she reached down and seized a small tank, ensnaring it between her fingers. She slowly raised it to her face.

"Do you think you can satisfy me?" she inquired, squeezing the tank until its steel began to deform under her immense strength.


Manny and Gabriel, two soldiers obeying orders they deemed impossible, positioned their tanks to face the colossal giantess's toes.

"This is insane," Manny muttered.

Gabriel nodded in agreement. "I want freedom, man."

"I know, I know that all too well," Manny replied as he opened the hatch, peering at the enormous, toned legs of the naked Prod that could straddle their entire city.

"All units, get ready for the attack," a voice blared over the radio. Manny glanced to his right, where another tank driver named Daisy stared up at the Prod with fear in her eyes.

"It's going to be okay, Daisy," Manny reassured his friend.

"I've never seen her this close before," Daisy stammered, trembling.

Manny understood Daisy's apprehension. He, too, felt the impulse to flee. Living creatures weren't meant to be this colossal.

"Oh my God! What's she doing?" Daisy's panicked voice broke through Manny's thoughts.

Manny's heart raced as a looming shadow cast darkness over the area. He tilted his head upward to see a massive crotch descending towards them.

"Shit! Daisy, get inside!" Manny yelled, hastily dropping back into his tank and sealing the lid. He didn't know the giantess's intentions, but he knew that if she sat down, the tank might not be enough to protect them, yet it was worth a shot.

"What the hell's happening?" Gabriel yelled as the entire tank shook with tremendous force.

"The giant's moving," Manny replied. "And I have a feeling we're going to get our orders pretty soon."

Manny and Gabriel peered outside the small opening of their tank as the rumbling ceased, leaving the surroundings almost pitch black.

They both gazed out and saw a colossal crotch suspended miles and miles above the ground.

"Is she squatting?" Gabriel inquired.

"Yeah, I think so," Manny replied. "What the hell is she doing now?" They couldn't help but wonder about the giantess's next move, each moment filled with uncertainty.


Aurora sprinted down the crumbling streets, the colossal Prod looming over her entire world.

"We're almost there!" Aurora yelled, glancing over her shoulder, where she carried her boyfriend, the Lilliputian man named Walter, who, in turn, held his half-brother, the microputian named Peter.

"Are you guys okay?" She inquired, her concern palpable as she continued to navigate the fractured terrain under the giantess's relentless presence.

"We're fine, don't worry," Walter reassured, ensuring that his brother was securely perched on his shoulder.

However, Peter's tear-filled eyes couldn't hide his anguish as he gazed up at the planetary-sized woman, the black bikini-clad crotch being the only recognizable feature from his perspective.

"Our house is gone because of this... this woman!" Peter exclaimed, his voice filled with anger as he recalled the horrifying moment their home had crumbled, burying their parents beneath the debris. "How dare she... How dare she take our parents."

Walter looked at his much smaller brother, sympathy filling his eyes. Peter had always been more alone than himself, being the only microputian among the prods, specifically within Molly's collection, even though she likely didn't even acknowledge his existence. The weight of Peter's grief was immense, and Walter wished there was more he could do to console him.

Aurora's heart sank upon hearing Peter's words, but as much as she wanted to comfort him and Walter, this wasn't the time. The situation was dire, and there were imminent threats to contend with.

She suddenly halted, and a sense of dread swept over her as the sky darkened, a colossal pillar of flesh descending like a massive spear.

"What the hell is that?" Walter asked, his eyes too small to discern the details.

"It's her finger," Aurora gasped, her voice filled with fear as she looked at the digit a few feet away. Aurora fell to the ground, her hand instinctively stabilizing her shoulder, where Walter and Peter clung for dear life.

Aurora lay on the fractured ground, her gaze fixed on the approaching finger that plowed through the city, flattening everything in its path.

"It's headed right towards us!" Walter yelled, clutching Aurora's finger in desperation.

Aurora met her microscopic boyfriend's eyes for a moment. She loved him, even though she knew the relationship was beyond unconventional. In a hushed tone, she uttered, "Walter," not wanting to exacerbate the panic that was already coursing through her. They both understood that reaching the shelter seemed nearly impossible, and even if they did, their chances of survival were slim.

Continue: Aurora looked at Walter her cheeks becoming red. “Walter…” she said as she gently picked and held Walter in between her fingers and gently placed him in the ground. As she undid her top wearing nothing but a pink bra.

She looked down at her micro boyfriend with nothing but lust in her eyes as she stood up to her full all inspiring height and began to take off her tight blue jeans.

“W-what are you doing.” Walter asked, ignoring the intense vibrations that only grew stronger.

“We haven’t had sex.” Aurora said her face so red it was about to explode. “If this really is the end, I want to die doing it with you.” She said with a smile as she fully dropped her pants. Reveal her pink underwear.

Walter himself didn’t know what to say, nor did he know what to do as his girlfriend offered herself to him. He watched as she got down on her hands and knees, this monolith of titanic might and power, her eyes fixated only on him.

“Just do it.” Peter said from Walter shoulder.

Walter Looked over towards his brother. “What, do you think that this is the time for this?” He asked his much smaller siblings

“Hey man if we’re going to die any way?” He said looking up at a veiled crotch the size of a planet. “Than you might as well go out fucking the girl you love.” He said with certainty. As long as you don’t mind sharing.” Peter said looking away in embarrassment.

Walter gazing at his much shorter sibling couldn’t help but let loose a chuckle. “Well fuck it…” he said. “If this is the end, than what the hell?”

Walter than proceeded to climb his girlfriend's leg and up towards her pussy, as he reached the outer folds he began to undo his pants as he walked into her massive vagina and undid his pants and threw his boxers to the side.

Aurora could feel herself getting wet, as her heart began to beat faster and faster, she wanted this deep down, to be able to feel the love of her life in between her legs. She knew that she couldn't fully see Walter when they made love, but she would always know where he was, and that would always be enough for her.

But right now, she just wanted to feel him inside of her, even if it was the last time they were going to do it.

Walter walked through the giant folds that where his girlfriends vagina, he smelled her sex that only grew stronger the more he stepped into the cave of moist flesh, he looked down at his much smaller sibling who gave him a thumbs up. Walter looked up at the hole before him, a hole that could swallow him whole. He began to run his way up the cavernous hole.

Aurora let loose a small moan as she could feel a slight tickle deep inside her pussy, that’s all it was a small tickle, that came from her boyfriend. So insignificant

But it still made her body feel like it was on fire.

Peter on the other hand, could not stop looking at the spectacle before him, a literal world class vagina right in front of him, filled with fluid so large that it might as well of been an ocean that he would never be able to travers.

Aurora threw her head back, her ecstasy nearly overwhelming as her eyes struggled to stay open. In that surreal moment, she bore witness to the impending cataclysm, the inexorable force of destruction hurtling directly toward her. Overwhelmed, she closed her eyes as she gave in to her final organism.



Amazing Friend!


God i love this story